Can you imagine her after the over 70s are placed under house arrest, oops sorry, I mean quarantined for four months. Perhaps they will change the schedules to target a captive audience....Well it didn’t take long - Chuntley on DIY show said we can all do these jobs “now that we will be home much more”
I love my Postie, too, and show him at Christmas. Gave him some gloves as his hands were freezing and cold drinks in summer when it's hot. He's not asked to use the loo yet!
Gutted for everyone who has lost out on holidays. Plus the hassle of dealing with all the fallout.
I could never take my Springer to a cafe even though he's better behaved than most of the kids I see in them. He's a chronic farter - disgustingly smelly at that. I might get away with blaming my OH but mad Springer cannot fart quietly and ALWAYS looks at his bum in a surprised manner when one squeaks out. At least it's an early warning for us to move. With hindsight, we should have bought those gas masks years ago. We could freak everyone out by going shopping in them.
With regards to 'stockpiling', I am annoyed as on the 'digital river' I have on auto-subscription hand sanitiser and my hand wash, now of course you can't get for 'love nor money'. If Q were to source some hand sanitiser from somewhere at a reasonable price, then this would be one of the biggest sellers for years.
Also, here is a dilemma that I may soon be facing, I live at home with my parents (both over 70), if they have to self-isolate, does that mean I do too?
Im lucky to always have a full freezer and cupboards and certainly have enough to last 2 weeks comfortably and longer if not fussy about things but there must be people who work hard and are just outside benefits threshold who just can’t afford more than a weekly shop at a time. Those are the ones I feel most sorry for as those on benefits will at least know the money will continue and aren’t under pressure to keep going to work.
The cynic in me thinks the government will “manage” this by survival of the strongest thus killing many birds with the one stone.
i went for a walk in the park this morning and passed a young couple pushing a child in a buggy. The man spat on the ground which beside being a disgusting habit (why do they do this?) and a charming role model for child but in light of the present situation who in their right mind would do this? How will be ever stay safe with yobs like this.
Im lucky to always have a full freezer and cupboards and certainly have enough to last 2 weeks comfortably and longer if not fussy about things but there must be people who work hard and are just outside benefits threshold who just can’t afford more than a weekly shop at a time. Those are the ones I feel most sorry for as those on benefits will at least know the money will continue and aren’t under pressure to keep going to work.
The cynic in me thinks the government will “manage” this by survival of the strongest thus killing many birds with the one stone.
i went for a walk in the park this morning and passed a young couple pushing a child in a buggy. The man spat on the ground which beside being a disgusting habit (why do they do this?) and a charming role model for child but in light of the present situation who in their right mind would do this? How will be ever stay safe with yobs like this.
you are doing a grand job of raising a smile and a laugh
Thanks Donna for this. I have the cough asthma and am susceptible to chest infections. Having,over the years,had 4 bouts of pneumonia I always have antibiotics on hand. I was going to call my GP as I was thinking that if I had caught it would it be wise to start my Doxycycline, I am resistant to Amoxicillin.I was actually talking to my doctor on the phone yesterday, she phoned me. Now the phone call was about something different as reception uncertain what to do. Me giving my body for medical research I thought just tell them and they put it on my file, no I have to bring the signed forms down and they photocopy them.
Anyway, after talking to the doctor about the latter I asked as I have asthma and always get a chest infection with a cold could I phone up and get a strong antibiotic if I caught the virus, no problem. Then she said even if you catch the virus you may not even develop the serve symptoms even with asthmas.
Yes Mazza imo banging over 70's and younger who have health issues is an infringement on their human rights. How are they going to enforce it, round them all up, place them in ghettos and make them wear a I am 70+ badge like Hitler did with the Jews in the 1930's??I have read it is far worse down here. I couldn't believe the state of the shops in Putney. But I did wonder this. If the over seventies are to be banged up under house arrest for four months (which I personally think is an outrage but accept some may agree with) how can that help panic buying?? If this were going to apply to me, I would be looking for four months supply of loo rolls, kitchen towel, all dried goods basically. No way would I start a four month stint without a really huge supply; I wouldn't wait for everything to be out of stock when I am 2 months in, unable to get a delivery slot etc etc. So on that basis, all these goods will continue to sell out as soon as they are restocked!
I think this is wonderful.
Andi!! I havent seen you on here for ages. I hope you are/have been OK.What absolutely wonderful people Becky and her partner are and what a heartwarming story. It made me quite emotional reading it. This sort of story and seeing things like Strato’s jokes are just what is needed at the moment for a bit of an uplift. Keep ‘em coming.
i completely agree. It has made my blood boil and it doesnt even apply to me. Are we to expect armed guards patrolling to do age checks? Dominic Cummings had this idea; they should isolate him for four months!Yes Mazza imo banging over 70's and younger who have health issues is an infringement on their human rights. How are they going to enforce it, round them all up, place them in ghettos and make them wear a I am 70+ badge like Hitler did with the Jews in the 1930's??
Andi!! I havent seen you on here for ages. I hope you are/have been OK.
Ah, bless you, you are lovely. Hope you are ok yourself. It’s nice to be missed. I guess I have just found myself with not much to say on here for some reason. Hardly ever see QVC so feel I have nothing to add to the discussions about presenters. I am buying less from the great Q but do selfishly look at the forum to learn about deals now and then - indeed I have bought a couple of things as a result so thanks as ever to various posters. I apologise for my furtive visits without ‘speaking’.
Anyway, I was looking for a little refuge from all the news at the moment and then was tempted back by this thread title as Stockpile is my middle name. I am secretly hoping the antidote for the virus will be a beauty item or make-up. I am at least ok for handwash!