Steven Corfield's fingernails


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Jun 18, 2012
Looks as though Leighton Denny has been at those nails, so shiny are they! He's just said he likes a sea salt and thyme fragrance "because it's so masculine."

Charlie is getting on my wick, waxing lyrical about the melts.
Every time I see him I think 2 things:-

Xena Warrior Princess
That he may well smell of Lavender

But he sure loves candles, there's no doubt about that. He's OK, clearly incredibly enthusiastic, about candles :mysmilie_59:
It may be a trick of the light but every time I watch Stephen it looks like he has naturally ginger hair but dyes it black. Maybe it's my TV but I notice this every time I see him. Not that there is anything wrong with this if he does, just that I noticed.
It may be a trick of the light but every time I watch Stephen it looks like he has naturally ginger hair but dyes it black. Maybe it's my TV but I notice this every time I see him. Not that there is anything wrong with this if he does, just that I noticed.

I noticed that aswell. Thought he might not have left the dye on long enough. :mysmilie_17:
Imo nothing wrong with nice nails, but I think a hair cut would improve things. I am not a fan of Men with long hair or women of a certain
he needs his hair cut as well IMO

Steve Corfield always reminds me of an indigenous American. I think it is the whole look, the hair, the bearing etc. I am not in any way being derogatory (quite the reverse), I find him entertaining and passionate, two things that you need to be to sell 'smelly wax'!
He's an odd fellow. I can imagine him making a pilgrimage to Stonehenge or something like that.

I agree, saw this after my post, shows you that my observation skills are up their with 'a person who uses a dog for their eyes'. But yes I totally agree, he is definately that 'sharman'/new age look about him. Suppose it is perfectly fitting then that he has the shop that he does. I feel that he has the 'chill-out' music in the background and the candles burning as people are coming into the shop.
It may be a trick of the light but every time I watch Stephen it looks like he has naturally ginger hair but dyes it black. Maybe it's my TV but I notice this every time I see him. Not that there is anything wrong with this if he does, just that I noticed.
Men's dark hair is notoriously difficult to dye and often ends up with a red tone. It was a hairdresser who told me this and said that Macca (Paul McCartney) had this problem. I had not realised that Stephen was dyeing his hair so you have let the cat out of the bag or he is at least putting rinses on.
Love Steven! Yes, he does have a 'new age' look about him. He comes across as calm and intelligent, with a quiet confidence and sense of humour too.
It may be a trick of the light but every time I watch Stephen it looks like he has naturally ginger hair but dyes it black. Maybe it's my TV but I notice this every time I see him. Not that there is anything wrong with this if he does, just that I noticed.

I'm not sure about the hair colour, as I have always had a theory that people are 'their hair colour', by this I mean I have always imagined Ginger haired people (men or women) extrovert and likes to make attention for themselves (AKA Chris Evans), whereas he seems more subdued and chilled. Though saying that, this may have been the reason for the change. I mean Chris Evans he ain't (thank goodness), but he suits the 'black hair' rather than if indeed his air was ginger. I know that I sometimes have 'blonde moments' (as we probably all do), but is this not being discriminatory towards natural blonds or even bordering on racism, towards those who have this hair colour. I will shut-up now as I think I am bordering on the ridiculous (not that is like me at all). No but still if he wasn't natural black, then this is the hair colour that suits his demeanour.
When I saw the name of this thread I thought it was going to be about bad/dirty fingernails..... I went into shock that Steven would let himself down like that. Normal service resumed now though. It had never occurred to me he might colour his hair. I do like him and Rosa though. They both seem genuine, know a lot and respect the purchasing public. But then it is one of my favourite brands.
I confess that the first time I saw him, I thought it was a just didn't look like real hair, somehow.

Men's dark hair is notoriously difficult to dye and often ends up with a red tone. It was a hairdresser who told me this and said that Macca (Paul McCartney) had this problem. I had not realised that Stephen was dyeing his hair so you have let the cat out of the bag or he is at least putting rinses on.
I confess that the first time I saw him, I thought it was a just didn't look like real hair, somehow, more like the texture of the overly shiny, polyester 'joke' wigs in different colours you see on sale.

Men's dark hair is notoriously difficult to dye and often ends up with a red tone. It was a hairdresser who told me this and said that Macca (Paul McCartney) had this problem. I had not realised that Stephen was dyeing his hair so you have let the cat out of the bag or he is at least putting rinses on.
There's something about Steven I just cant warm to but am not even sure what it is, but I switch off when he's on.

I personally don't like such groomed long hair on men,he certainly looks after it that's for sure but I don't think that it particularly suits him.
Important things in a male

Clean hair
Clean nails
Good deodorant
Clean clothes

But not to the extent that they become vain and spend hours in front of a mirror

Then look at personality.

Not much to ask to get past first hello is it?
I like Stephen and would kill for his hair which is what mine used to look like, full and thick, not so these days and I miss it so much. He has many jar candles he collects at home but doesn't open =- that's a true believer and fan - leave him alone he's cute.

Julius I'd love to know what your 'day' job is LoL you enthrall me.
Important things in a male

Clean hair
Clean nails
Good deodorant
Clean clothes

But not to the extent that they become vain and spend hours in front of a mirror

Then look at personality.

Not much to ask to get past first hello is it?

I would add teeth to that list too ! (sounds like we are looking to buy a horse - hair, nails and teeth, but no-one wants to have a relationship with a tramp with grubby hands and halitosis !)

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