Guest Shopper
At the start of the Rachel Galley hour this morning Screeching Stacey asked for text requests and repeated a list of what people had asked for. One of them was for a pair of earrings that I also wanted so I waited for them to appear. They didn't, and neither did the other requested items. This really hacked me off so I then sent a text saying why bother asking for requests and then not show them?? Stacey came out with some load of cods that if things had sold out (??) or not been shown then contact RG via her website and get them that way. Oh yes, what a good idea SS, then we can pay at least twice as much for them.
I assume TJC must have got more text complaints because she later came out with 'sowwy but a lot of RG pieces had sold out via option 2 before they had a chance to show them'....WTF!! How does that work then?? Are there loads of psychic viewers out there then?? She must think we're all as stupid as she is. Gawd help us.