I just thought I'd spread the word on this wonderful product! Flash spray wipe done, does what it says on the tin as they say. I've only tried the kitchen version so far and I'm absolutely blown away with the results, especially on my highly shiny red kitchen cupboard doors. I was looking in to replacing them with wooden ones, or a different colour but a friend gave me a can of "insette" glass/surface cleaner and that did a fairly good job, but it was stinky and slow process so it doesn't get done as often as it should. I noticed that OH had bought a bottle of spray wipe done, so I thought I'd give it a go on the doors...and in less than 15 minutes my whole kitchen looked like new again and what's more it smells pleasant, none of that horrible feeling you get in your throat when you're using other products. It's amazing what I get excited about nowadays!