Special Lighting Scandal


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Jan 28, 2009
I had to start a new thread on this so that it got a response as i'm really concerned now. I too have heard the jewellery presenters talk about no special lighting and now for Debbie to say that guests have special lighting is a bit fishy to say the least. My guess is that you're unlikely to lie about having lights so it must be true. Would QVC be happy to have this leaked out, but thank goodness we now know. So the skin care that never works as well on me, I now know the reason.

Thank you Debbie Greenwood for revealing all to us.
I don't think it's that much of a secret anyway that studios have special lighting and use filters, but obviously they wouldn't advertise the fact especially when showing products that supposedly enhance you in some way i.e. makeup and jewellery. All jewellers' shop windows use special lighting as well to make the jewellery look better, so why think that the shopping channels would not do the same?? I'm not defending them as imo it's misleading, but it is common practice. :pPC:
I've heard Julia say previously that they sometimes use "honey lights" if she thinks she's looking a bit rough that day & talks sweetly to the director! The one that amuses me though is the number of more mature skin care guests who choose to wear white on QVC. In real life white is quite a difficult colour to wear past a certain age, but wearing it on camera will make your skin look better. (It's all to do with white balance...) It's a simple trick to look younger & better with no lighting changes involved at all.

As far as the jewellery goes then I think the important thing is that they don't put a filter on the camera to get that over done blingy star effect when the gems catch the lights. After all, all lighting in a TV studio is special, not normal lighting conditions by definition. Interestingly I seem to remember Anthony saying once that they did use the star filter on QVC US, but I could be wrong so don't hold me to it!
I have often noticed on makeup shows like Smashbox and Laura Geller, where they show you before and after shots, that there is a distinct difference in the colour and tone of the photos. In the "before" shots the model's hair always looks a cooler, duller colour, so I'm always a bit wary of how wonderful they look in the "after" shots. I always feel that they give the "afer" shots all the help they can to make the models look brighter and warmer!
I know that now I have hit the 40's that soft lighting rules:54:

Just wish I had a 'honey light' permanently displayed on me all day!!!!:8:
We've known for years that certain divas demand a bank of honey-lights before appearing on QVC. :32: I think it is probably more to do with their own vanity than trying to con the viewer, although I can see that it could be misleading if you think their own radiant complexions are purely down to the skincare they are flogging. :53:

Dame Liz Earle, for example, might have a nice complexion but she's got whopping great eye-bags which she doesn't want the likes of you and I to gawp at :11:
Dame Liz Earle, for example, might have a nice complexion but she's got whopping great eye-bags which she doesn't want the likes of you and I to gawp at :11:

Oh, this comment did make me chuckle a little...I always wonder at Liz'e eyes as they can look pretty dreadful (not trying to be mean here, but really have noticed her eyes). all i can say on that is 1. i have used her eye product, personally did not think it was up to much, so maybe should consider changing her eye product and 2. she is only aided in this by alison young who also suffers from the same issue. i saw a series of shows a few years back when AY kept saying to use a seperate cleanser and eye product as it can lead to puffy eyes...it always seemed a veiled insult to LE except AY obviously has the same problems too...maybe it was a public health warning she was issuing!

I know someone who worked with LE years ago...she apparently sees herself as a bit of a Martha Stewart character (bad news for new girl Lottie as she says the same of herself). But LE is apparently very good at knowing how to present everything so her special lights is probably just part of her way of directing the output to give the best impression.
I've just been reading the recent article about Liz Earle in the You magazine and the interviewer says:

"It's reassuring to see more than a few small lines around her soft brown eyes, giving them a gentle, welcoming twinkle when they crease with a smile"

I was really surprised to see the pictures from that article - her eyes definitely don't look like that on QVC!

Well if the beauty guru herself has wrinkles and eyebags and insists on special lighting to enhance her skin, with all her knowledge/expertise, good looks, fresh air (from the long beach walks :rolleyes:) and bags of money, then the rest of us have got no chance!! :cm:
Eye bags are incredibly difficult to remove. I have been using the Tua Viso facial exerciser for about six weeks now. There has been a slight improvement in the bags under my eyes. I am sure with some special lighting they wouldn't be visible at all lol.

I also tried the Liz Earle eye cream some time ago and did not rate it at all. Same goes for Elemis, Decleor, Gatineau. Not tried Alpha H one yet though:33:
I have seen Liz Earle irl and her skin was amazing-she had very few wrinkles around her eyes. AY looked caked in makeup and very unnatural in comparison.I think we all look baggy and worse around the eyes when we are tired and the hours they sometimes do on QVC must make it difficult.I think Liz looks great for her age,but whether that is just due to good genes is another question. At least she never makes the sort of outrageous claims about her products that wrinkly crinkly andrew does about gatineau-now he really does look older irl than on screen!

The only thing that helps me with eye bags is cold used tea bags or slices of cucumbers on my eyes.Even that's only temporary!
At least she never makes the sort of outrageous claims about her products that wrinkly crinkly andrew does about gatineau-now he really does look older irl than on screen!

Oh dear, I've just ordered the Beatifying Eye & Lip whatsit from Gatineau, am tempted to cancel it now! I wasn't expecting miracles but if it's just rubbish......? :(

The only thing that helps me with eye bags is cold used tea bags or slices of cucumbers on my eyes.Even that's only temporary!

I agree, though I do like the feel of LE's eyebright on a couple of small cotton wool pads for 5 minutes of relaxing in the morning......doesn't do a great deal for the appearance but feels nice! lol
i don't have eyebags but wrinkles and a bit of darkness and find eye products that work notoriously hard to find in fact I'm yet to do so. People rave about the lulu one but it didn't do a thing for me. I like liz earle's because of the light reflection but don't find it that great now I'm older and have more wrinkles although i do quite like it on the whole.

I have tried the alpha h one when they did it in a duo with the luminescent eye cream that they don't seem to stock on qvc anymore and the two together did give a lovely smoothed out effect.

I would have gone for the sarah chapman one but if anyone mentions tearing or soreness I wouldn't go there as I don't think it would work for me.

The search continues.....
I have tried each and every one of the eye products they sell on QVC apart from Sarah Chapman and they all seem to work for a few weeks then as my wrinkles get used to them they give up the ghost. I have yet to find a truly great eye cream. I fear there isn't anything that can prevent old age creeping up on us. By the way, did someone call Andrew from Gatineau wrinkley and crinkley. How could you!

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