I have to agree - and confess that I did join WW online just recently but don't plan to be there long. I'm trying to shrink down to a size 16 - I'm sure most people would recoil in horror but I've never wanted to be skinny! Being pressured about my weight is what led to teenage misery and overeating in the first place, now I just want to learn how to not comfort eat and get on with my life.
The only times in my life where I have shrunk very quickly without even being on a diet were the ones where I was productive & happy and NOT worried about how I looked or what people thought and I think it's like that for most people that stress-eat or comfort-eat - but the current media pressure doesn't exactly encourage that, does it? When kids used to get picked on for being porky it was called bullying but now it seems it's just fair game.
Its funny you saying that because that the exact same for me Craftology, few years back, I was so busy working full time and studying for a degree at night that I didnt have time to comfort (boredom) eat and I slimmed right down to a 10 without even noticing it. I will also add here that as I was so busy with life and enjoying it as well that my confidence was through the roof, I was single at the time and I can't tell you how much guys noticed that! lol Shame really that once I met someone, we both, OH and me went up, which was obviously to do with eating out/takeways etc in front of the telly!
My aim this year is to get down to a 12/14 and to enjoy myself as well and not worry about every morsel I put in my mouth!
Good on you though Craftology for taking the first steps! I hopefully will not be far behind you! :mysmilie_504: