Sorry but Claire Sutton..


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Nice 'n Easy...
Jun 24, 2008
sounds ridiculous now.
Her voice is so contrived, over exagerated and silly now that she needs to be told imho.
The buying customers are over the age of 5.
I wouldn't speak that way to a 5 year old child.

Agreed, her voice is ridiculous.
A few years ago we met Claire at the Ideal Homes Show and she was completely normal back then. I'm not sure what has happened in the intervening time but she really is trying too hard now. Her voice has become far too "faux posh" and the whispering condescension does get on your nerves. Shame because she was really nice. Has the status of QVC saleslady gone to her head? :D
she's a fluffy-wuffy bunny and i'm sure she has many male admirers but she gets on my goat...... :rolleyes:
I wouldn't trust her with my goat, she'd patronise it and twee it to death. This is one person I can't listen to, can't even watch with the sound turned down. She's as arch as old London Bridge.

You'd think someone would tell her to tone it down.
I couldn't stand her ar first, now Iv'e grown used to her mannerisms. In fact I quite like her now. I remeber when she and Glen had a fit of the giggles together when she said 'everything's in these day, except your bithday suit' and they had to go off air, switching to a promo.
there is a advert on tv with a penguin, something about air freshners. I wonder if the voice over for the penguin was made by Claire?:33:
there is a advert on tv with a penguin, something about air freshners. I wonder if the voice over for the penguin was made by Claire?:33:

no, that voiceover is done by sarah lancashire, who used to play raquel in coronation street.

i can see why u thought it was sutton though!
For some reason (probably to do with liking to be coddled and wrapped in a fluffy blanket on the sofa guzzling chocolates and watching telly) Claire Sutton doesn't bother me at all and I just like her!
I like Claire. She makes me smile with her wild visualisations. She does work hard to come up with imaginative descriptions, unlike others who just recycle the same half-dozen phrases. And she looks good in most of the jewellery and clothes, which is more than can be said for quite a few of the presenters.
I think she's great! always happy & cheerful and takes a lot of trouble with her hair.
Well we can't all like the same presenters can we?
I think she's great! always happy & cheerful and takes a lot of trouble with her hair.
Well we can't all like the same presenters can we?

I like her smile her face and hair...but she's as false as a van load of monkeys and would be more suited to teaching 3 year olds to paint!
I've said it before I like Clair and admire that she can have a Downs child and still come across as the same cheerful person each time she's on air.


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