Sony PRS300 5" eBook Reader Screen Protector, & Soft Cover Super Bargain Price


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Where is everyone getting their ebooks from? I had an ipod touch for Christmas and have downloaded the ebook application. However, I have spent all morning searching for ebooks that don't cost more than the real thing!!! I usually get my paperbacks in Asda for £3.94 or something, or from the library as they're online. I don't mind paying for books, but I begrudge paying £10 for one as I wouldn't pay it for the actual physical book!! Am getting annoyed now as I can't find anywhere, plenty of US sites but not sure if I can register on these and the whole $ thing is confusing, lol. I also don't want the free classics or the ones on sale as they're mostly pants! I am looking for modern fiction. Help someone please!!! :mysmilie_73::mysmilie_81::mysmilie_687:
Books on board and use paypal have you tried whsmith ebooks dont know if they do ipod but worth a look
Where is everyone getting their ebooks from? I had an ipod touch for Christmas and have downloaded the ebook application. However, I have spent all morning searching for ebooks that don't cost more than the real thing!!! I usually get my paperbacks in Asda for £3.94 or something, or from the library as they're online. I don't mind paying for books, but I begrudge paying £10 for one as I wouldn't pay it for the actual physical book!! Am getting annoyed now as I can't find anywhere, plenty of US sites but not sure if I can register on these and the whole $ thing is confusing, lol. I also don't want the free classics or the ones on sale as they're mostly pants! I am looking for modern fiction. Help someone please!!! :mysmilie_73::mysmilie_81::mysmilie_687:

Have to admit this is what put me off buying one!
I got a Sony PRS 600 from Santa :mysmilie_696:
The software is tricky to sort out initially, but I managed to delete the 11 carp books it came preloaded with (several of which weren't even in English :mysmilie_81:)
I bought 12 books from WHSmiths and one from Books0nBoard (a website Vampyre recommended) which I downloaded direct to the 'reader library' on my computer, and dragged and dropped onto the reader.
Then another FM (Sue) sent me a link to someone who sells ebooks both on ebay and on their own website - apparently this is legal. You just need to be sure you are ordering the right format. So I am waiting for these to arrive on a CD through the post. I also bought some from ebay which will be sent the same way.
I agree though, the choice and price of ebooks through the major retailers leaves a lot to be desired, and I hope they pull their socks up as the technology gets more popular.
I got mine mainly for holiday use, as it will save me dragging a ton of books in my case for a two week holiday. I think I will probably still read 'normal' books if not on holiday.
Let me know if you want the link to the website Sue recommended.
I got the refusing or not set up to receive PMs message P-a-L when I tried to get in touch. I'm still too lazy to actually try to strip the drm but I really hate it being there. I don't want to steal books, (or music for that matter), I don't want to redistribute them but I do want to be able to read them on whatever device I fancy. That's all, I honestly don't begrudge authors or musos their money even if they have so much more of it than I ever will :D
Just noticed this is on again, now at £149.97. How are you all getting on with it? Noticed it only has 2.5 out of 5 in reviews.
Now showing with free P&P

Sony PRS300 5" eBook Reader with 512MB Memory, Screen Protector, & Soft Cover

Super Bargain Price

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Carry a library in your pocket with this pocket eBook reader from Sony. The PRS300 has an easy-to-read 5" E Ink Vizplex screen with no backlight or flicker so you can read for hours without straining your eyes. It's readable in direct sunlight and at virtually any angle, just like reading a page in a book. It has a 512MB memory for storing eBooks in a variety of popular formats; EPUB, PDF, Text, RTF, Word and BbeB. It will charge in four hours and has sufficient battery life for 6,800 continuous page turns or up to two weeks. It weighs just 220g.
Santa bought me one of these. I tried the preloaded books and hated the look of the screen etc,so not impressed. When I tried to go onto the sony site with it it kept crashing,and now won't even open a screen. I phoned QVC who wanted me to pay to return it 'you can always send in receipts to reclaim your p&P' I did my pieces,so she said 'as a goodwill gesture' they will collect it. I am not bothering with a replacement-I do most of my reading in the bath,so an electronic reading device was never going to be a great idea for me!

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