Someone please tell Ophelia....


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I saw Annaleise (sp?) yesterday with the large conical bluetooth speaker; she's now been replaced by DF for that item online.

She was actually quite good, but was wearing very short shorts which showed off her attractive legs. But she couldn't resist dancing whenever the music was on and had some really good moves, some of them were rather sexy too. I suspect she may have been a dancer.
Jilly (Halliday) has been saying “you’re gonna love this” repeatedly for YEARS!
I find her very tedious to watch and have often felt she can’t be terribly bothered!
Yes I agree, I've always found her uninteresting to watch, however she comes across as a very nice person. I don't tend to see many of her shows presenting so the "you're gonna love this" has gone over my head a bit.

Charlie's often saying, 'We're loving this.". It rings the changes a bit!
He does, yes, but I still don't mind him too much as sometimes he's quite funny, although a little laid back most of the time lol. The problem I have with Ophelia saying it is that apart from the fact she says it sooo much throughout the hour - and the next hour if we're unlucky - is that it's all I hear, it's just a habit with her and all I wait for when she speaks. I don't mind if it's dotted here and there once or twice throughout the hour, we all have habits, but the way Ophelia says it is just as a filler and saying "I'm loving this" time and time again when any person watching can see it's an item she wouldn't be seen dead in is so off putting. And unfortunately she has no expression on her face when she talks, which makes the presentation seem like she's pretty bored, which she may very well be. Although Annaliese was over the top when she started, she's calmed down quite a lot, she seems very interested in what's going on and seems a nice person. I don't think Ophelia will change, she just doesn't have an engaging way about her sadly, so the annoying phrases she uses just adds to this.
I caught some of the sketchers show yesterday and I noticed how many times Ophelia mentioned the word "Lovin'" She was on with wet Evie who was fluently describing the goods , whilst Ophelia was parrotting everything she said. Apart from saying I'm loving these, and saying some rather disjointed non sensical things such as these have got the cosy vibe and these have got the t bar vibe and actually used the word "glamour esque ness" - She said nothing off her own bat so to speak. Now I hate to think of anyone losing their job, but sadly she's not up to the job. Annalise was always up to the job, she just needed a reminder that the product is the star of the show, and I'm really pleased to say that she's managed to let her personality shine through without it taking over.
I'm sure Ophelia can't feel very comfortable in the job. I think a good starting point for her would perhaps to ask questions to the BA instead of just repeating their every word, and saying lovin' this, and lovin' that. I presume she knows in advance the items she's going to be presenting, so how about doing a bit of research and make some rough notes regarding questions to ask and comments to make? She's just winging it really and it comes across as if she's been thrust into the limelight cause someone's gone sick at the last minute. I don't like watching Ophelia because it's cringeworthy because she is clearly right out of her depth!
At the end of the day, its not the girl's fault she is out of her depth, its those who hired her in the first place who should be blamed. If she was the best of the bunch who passed the audition then the rest must have been really rubbish ! and yet, the other couple of newbies who have been seen in recent days seem to be personable.
i rarely watch Q nowadays but it is on now with Chunts and Glen. She was dancing and preening but said she shouldn’t dance without a sports bar otherwise she would have 2 black eyes.

Nearly as bad as the unnamed presenter who licked the coat.
Annaliese is on now and is very good, I like her, she's enthusiastic but not over the top, no 'loving it' 'you're loving it' etc I noticed earlier when I had QVC on - I don't have it on all day, honest! - that a different presenter, can't remember who, said 'you're loving this' and also said she 'loved it' I thought oh no, for goodness sake not another one, it's catching!

Jilly (Halliday) has been saying “you’re gonna love this” repeatedly for YEARS!
I find her very tedious to watch and have often felt she can’t be terribly bothered!
Oh yes,and she does a drawn out errrrr too. Dale (when he's actually presenting) says 'there,there for you' alot' but I can watch them for short periods. Ophelia is just fast garbled words 'havin',thinkin',gettin',lovin' grrrrrr🤯
At the end of the day, its not the girl's fault she is out of her depth, its those who hired her in the first place who should be blamed. If she was the best of the bunch who passed the audition then the rest must have been really rubbish ! and yet, the other couple of newbies who have been seen in recent days seem to be personable.
Yes, I agree; the blame lies with Q.
The stock phrases could be due to the talkback ear device, which is quite hard to master for some, and if you are live you need it.
Q could have spent more time with Ophelia to improve her fluency in presenting with the voice of the producer constantly in her ear. It's like patting your head and rubbing your head simultaneously. Not all can master it.
I rather think Q expect their new hires to be the finished article, which is a cost cutting measure, I suspect.
Perhaps Ophelia could have started on their Beauty or Style Channel? To build up her competence and confidence... it would also have been good to have her mentored by one of the more competent presenters (Qurio aside, Katy Pullinger might have been a good choice).
I don't really watch but catch her when channel flicking in ad breaks.

But today on QVC Facebook another complaint about the new presenters, which of course she is one. A man has said QVC are not addressing the problem and just issuing warnings to those who complain.
Clearly QVC are not a company who want "feedback" then ! But to issue threats to those who don't like something is ridiculous. I wonder if there is a legal recourse if someone does "push them to the edge", because everyone is entitled to their opinion.

QVC are idiots if they don't take the 'feedback' seriously, because opinions whether positive or negative on selly telly can affect their viewing (and selling) figures.

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