Someone please get Sara Griffiths some cough medicine!!!


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Sep 29, 2013
For the last three hours Sara Griffiths has been presenting and annoyingly has been persistently coughing into her microphone. Its not quite as bad as the Yankee Candles show last Sunday but its bad enough. I have had enough of it. She should have a glass of water with her at least. Please can the powers that be tell her to go and buy some cough medicine.
Reading this forum should be compulsory training for Q presenters. That would soon sharpen their pencils for them.

Wouldn't you love a Mary Portus type programme with someone pointing out all their faults.
Come on, she can't help coughing. It must be so embarrassing for her. Usually, when the presenters have a bit of a tickly cough like that, the guest will present and they have a drink of water. I didn't see it, was she presenting alone?
She was coughing throughout that hour with the womand and her diamond creations. Presenters should present a show if they are going to keep coughing like that. It's horrible!
She does seem to cough straight into the mic without attempting to keep it as quiet as possible. That YC show was just awful (in so many ways!).
Isn't the mic clipped to her chest; not sure she could avoid coughing into it but QVC should have scheduled a different presenter after the first coughing hour.

Off-topic: I was a terrible nurse when my kids were ill, I used to tell them to stop coughing...and sometimes it worked because they repeated clearing the throat isn't the same as a uncontrollable coughing spasm. If they couldn't stop then I knew they were ill. Harsh but effective! Not sure this approach works so well with adults.
Come on, she can't help coughing. It must be so embarrassing for her. Usually, when the presenters have a bit of a tickly cough like that, the guest will present and they have a drink of water. I didn't see it, was she presenting alone?

I am sorry but they should not have her presenting when she has a bad tickly cough like that. I know she can't help it but it is incredibly irritating to watch as a viewer. She was presenting with a guest for each hour, not alone.
totally agree........ irritating as fork.......... not just her cough but her constant ****** talking...spesh during the OPI hour, poor lisa appeared well pee'd off with her
There are a few people on QVC doomed with a rasping cough. Lenny Feinberg, AKA Nina Leonard wins the trophy (Give him some Tixylix please someone)
I also think its quite unfair when someone is on air (usually a guest presenter) and during introduction they reply "Im fine thanks, but full of cold/flu, I hope ill make it through the hour" I appreciate people have to work, but why spread their virus around to others?

BTW does anyone know where that pretty little pink sequin ombre vest Sara was wearing can be purchased? Is it a QVC item? Very pretty indeed
I also think its quite unfair when someone is on air (usually a guest presenter) and during introduction they reply "Im fine thanks, but full of cold/flu, I hope ill make it through the hour" I appreciate people have to work, but why spread their virus around to others?

Where I work they use a point system to record absence due to illness and if you get too many points they take disciplinary action, so there's definitely pressure to show up even if you spread your illness to others.
Not everyone gets sick pay and she may feel fine. And whilst it's annoying for viewers she still has to pay the bills. She should try that stuff you spray down the back of your throat, works for me when I still have to do my job (which involves a lot of talking). I get sick pay but my job isn't really one where I can go sick fir something like that.
Mind you not 1 during the Florelli hour so either a miracle cure or it is another of her affectations - mind you she never shut up - as I am typing this she has started - does she have a crystal ball.

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