Sodastream cocktail maker


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Destined for a few uses then in the back of the cupboard with the bread maker and all the other gadgets that seemed a good idea at the time
i love my breadmaker and use it several times a week, not sure I would ever use a sodastream, did not even like them in the early 80-'s, always seemed to have a funny aftertaste when I had them at peoples houses
We had a sodastream in the 1970s. Thought they were ace at the time but then it was my parents that had all the trouble of replacing the cartridges etc.!

Guess they are making a come back then?
The colour of those cocktail mixes looks almost radioactive. God knows what can be in them.

Very Del-boy
I use my breadmaker most days (don't buy shop bought bread at all any more - haven't for at least two years) and our Sodastream gets used at least a few times a week - I prefer my kids to have pop we've made ourselves so I know it hasn't got half a ton of sugar and additives and godknowswhat in it. Wouldn't fancy the cocktail thingies tho, they do look a bit shonky. I tend to just use ordinary cordial most of the time rather than the syrup stuff.
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I love a cocktail, but never buy the mixes. Just shaken myself up a Margarita - 3 parts good quality tequila, one part freshly squeezed lime juice and one part triple sec (I use Cointreau) - delicious! Wouldn't touch a sodastream cocktail maker with a barge pole :wonder:
Anyone remember the rather stylish refillable/returnable glass soda syphons you could get from off licences? You took back the empty for a refund against your next full one?

Jude xx
Anyone remember the rather stylish refillable/returnable glass soda syphons you could get from off licences? You took back the empty for a refund against your next full one?

Jude xx

how old ARE you exactly Akkers?
487....and a half!

It may well be that I saw this at my Nana's house and the contents had been flat for 40 years but it worked a bit like the Alpine pop man (other pop bottle were available) who gave a few pennies refund for returned empty bottles. Anyone pushing 50 who grew up in the Norf would probably remember.

My mum and dad bought a Sparklettes Soda syphon (spiffy red metallic) in the early 70s but the novelty soon wore off and the cola concentrate tasted like cough candy.

Jude xx
I remember watching enviously, nose pressed against the window, as the Alpine man delivered Cream Soda to the kids up the street.
Aww! Sending you a small bottle of blue Cresta (It's Frothy Man!).

My mum wouldn't let us buy it either but my bit-o-rough across the road used to share his and in return I'd risk the disdain of my Nana buy buying him "cheap sweets".

Jude xx

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