Social Media - That was an eyeopener


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I've just had a little.stroll round the FB page and it seems the new garden man, Michael, is popular. However, Richard Jackson was on as a guest today and said to Michael and Craig "if I could get a word in edgeways", not once but twice in about five minutes. This has not gone down well. Now I don't watch the gardening shows but whenever I have seen Richard Jackson he seems to talk over everyone! Pot. Kettle.
who are these numpty's who take to fake book every time somebody farts? Why? Who gives a shite? Actually, I'm glad they do as it provides entertainment, but really?
I wonder what they/most of the British public would do sans phone? Have a conversation - God forbid?
Phones are used for everything now except talking......
I've just had a little.stroll round the FB page and it seems the new garden man, Michael, is popular. However, Richard Jackson was on as a guest today and said to Michael and Craig "if I could get a word in edgeways", not once but twice in about five minutes. This has not gone down well. Now I don't watch the gardening shows but whenever I have seen Richard Jackson he seems to talk over everyone! Pot. Kettle.

So he's not enjoying playing second fiddle then? No surprise there. Still trying to throw his weight around and making nasty digs at his "co-stars" while on air. Some things never change.

I think Michael is doing a great job so far. He lets the guests speak and shine, which is more than RJ could bear to do. Obviously it's early days, so fingers crossed that the first impression are accurate.
RJ Mr Flower Power should have retired and let the new guy get on with it.I rarely watch the gardening shows just the odd few seconds but cannot understand why people just do not by locally unless it is very difficult for them.All that expensive bird feed, Flower Power & the like & yesterday compost!
I can't seem to get back into the gardening shows, any time I have had a look see either the gnome RJ or my unwatchable CR are on set with Michael.
who are these numpty's who take to fake book every time somebody farts? Why? Who gives a shite? Actually, I'm glad they do as it provides entertainment, but really?
I wonder what they/most of the British public would do sans phone? Have a conversation - God forbid?
Phones are used for everything now except talking......

It gets my goat, constant facebook, phones, apps, hysteria if someone arrives at work sans phone? Screeeeaaamm Ohhhhh Noooo I HAVE TO GO HOME IMMEDIATELY TO GET MY PHONE. Er, no, there's one on your desk. Meeting a friend who can't be arsed to make eye contact with you and taps away at their phone as if being in your company is a complete inconvenience. My phone makes/receives texts and calls and costs me around £10 to top up every couple of months. I really do think some people are addicted, Mr CC included.

It gets my goat, constant facebook, phones, apps, hysteria if someone arrives at work sans phone? Screeeeaaamm Ohhhhh Noooo I HAVE TO GO HOME IMMEDIATELY TO GET MY PHONE. Er, no, there's one on your desk. Meeting a friend who can't be arsed to make eye contact with you and taps away at their phone as if being in your company is a complete inconvenience. My phone makes/receives texts and calls and costs me around £10 to top up every couple of months. I really do think some people are addicted, Mr CC included.

It gets my goat too, but these things are addictive aren't they? And if you have never lived without social meeja, then I guess it's hard to do without. I use my iPad and mobile almost exclusively at home! I never take the phone on short shopping trips etc and always make a conscious choice to take it with me. So if I'm meeting someone I will have it to text in case there are travel problems etc but I never take it on my most frequent outings, which are to the theatre. Because I just know that the little beggar will suddenly develop a life of its own and start to make a noise mid-show, however I have set it. But then I am retired and I think I would always have something with me if I were at work. And I sometimes think my use of the iPad is getting a bit OTT, not that I use it much compared to people on Twitter etc. I don't do any social meeja unless we include this forum and one other similar. I just cannot believe the world would be remotely interested in me suddenly announcing what I am having for breakfast!
I hate mobile phones with a passion and hardly use mine. If I need to talk to someone then I use the landline and I don`t have the internet on my mobile turned on. It was useful when we had an emergency on holiday in Turkey when Monarch airlines went bust and we had to log daily onto the civil aviation website to check our rescue flight details but other than that I can honestly say it is hardly ever used.
My husband is joined at the hip to his and it infuriates me. We live opposite a primary school and nursery and everyday I see lots of parents standing outside the school gates and glued to their mobile phones and they don`t even look up from them when their kids come out.
Yesterday we had a team of workmen arrive to rip up our drive ready for a new one to be laid and I noticed one of the younger lads working in the team was stopping every 5 minutes and leaning on the wall and scrolling through something on his phone. Call me old fashioned but in the workplace mobiles should only be used in breaks or lunchtimes and in schools they should be left at the front of the class and collected on the way out of class.
I think you are on a losing wicket regarding mobiles in the workplace, Vienna. Some years ago I would be having a meeting, not ultra formal but still a meeting, and if someone's mobile rang then it was answered. Family trumps all! Even if it was just a call to say pick something up on your way home! I remember watching a show where they took an English family to Germany to see how normal life differed. I cant remember the kids, I know the wife struggled with being expected to do all the domestic stuff, but the one thing that really struck me was how the husband answered his mobile at work and the supervisor immediately told him that this was not acceptable and the phone should be left in his locker! Bravo!

I nearly always use my landline to make calls (except to make sure I don't get caught out by use it or lose it, as I am PAYG). I listen to LBC a fair bit and it is really noticeable how many calls cut out with the increased use of mobiles. And you don't want that if you have been listening to The Four Seasons for 20 minutes and finally get through to a human!
I get told off by friends for not answering my mobile. "I phoned you! You did not answer!" Well, the phone is in my handbag, I left the room or biggest horror actually left home without it! I mean I should be walking around with the ****** thing stuck to my hand, not happening. I put it on charge and forget about it and go out.

Another one was, I was working out a calculation in my head. I was asked why didn't I use the calculator on my mobile? Well, I forgot there was one and two the total shame of me using my brain to count!

Back to QVC Facebook. A girl asked about a mobile phone ordered on Monday as a birthday gift for her boyfriend. She was told to contact CS as the social media team cannot access her account. Turns out she hasn't actually ordered the phone but wanted to know if she ordered this coming Monday would it arrive in time for the birthday on Friday?
A wonderful piece of technology which has been destroyed by the bin lids of the 21st century. I needed mine in the last couple of years of my dads life but since then I’ve gone back to it lying in the bottom of the handbag . I don’t use a fraction of my monthly allowance as I don’t do SM and use my landline as often my calls are to catch up with friends and tend to be quite long calls.

I think it was invented and then the prats sat around brain storming what they could do with it and came up with ridiculous ideas which would pander to the idiots. IMO all these sex doll selfies add nothing to real life.
I thought it was just me! I have a very ancient mobile phone in the drawer at the moment with low battery because I only use my landline & £10 on the mobile will last a year or more.I hate texting with a vengeance & am sure I have lost touch with countless people because of this,SM is a no no for me too.I have my iPad when the old lap top gave up & do use the internet for shopping etc.If someone sat at a table having a meal with me scrolling through their phone I would go into orbit, it is the height of bad manners.I used to live in a city & couldn’t count the number of times when I had to leap out of someone’s way as they were texting on the move.Now where I live people tend to smile & say Hello but they are around my age group.
Wonder how many romantic meals tonight (Valentines) will be shared with a phone on the table, or even, at some point in a hand?
Don't get me wrong, phones are useful. Example. I recently put diesel in my petrol car (idiot). Had I not had my phone in the car I think I would have had a meltdown on the spot but I phoned RAC and they sorted me out (they are amazing BTW). I'm meeting a friend in town for lunch today and I will have my phone with me to text to say when I arrive etc. But last night Mr CC and I went out for tea and he's on ****** facebook non stop until I want to poke his eyes out with a fork. Talk to ME for God's sake. Blahhh.

Don't get me wrong, phones are useful. Example. I recently put diesel in my petrol car (idiot). Had I not had my phone in the car I think I would have had a meltdown on the spot but I phoned RAC and they sorted me out (they are amazing BTW). I'm meeting a friend in town for lunch today and I will have my phone with me to text to say when I arrive etc. But last night Mr CC and I went out for tea and he's on ****** facebook non stop until I want to poke his eyes out with a fork. Talk to ME for God's sake. Blahhh.


You should have shoved his phone 'up there'. Sideways. Mr B & I watched a real old (1940's?) film called Portrait of Jennie. It was unusual, but the score was by Debussy & fab. I expect some of the matriach's (sp) on here will know about that sort of stuff.
Not arsebook but I was looking at something on Q bloggs and see Del Boy is on a Caribbean cruise at present.

Photos of her and alligators ..... who is going to be the first to say it?:mysmilie_11:

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