so who does the most shifts? most air time?


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Flint must need the cash, she does so many shifts, every night she is on. Jilly seems a part timer, as does Anna. Julia only does the 'prestige shows' so it seems, Charlie does the bras and odd jewellery now qvc doesnt do as much jewellery he doest seem to do as much. Flint is on too much
Jill Franks has to be on air most? She always seems to be on when i switch over mores the pity!!!
Carmel seems greedy for air time and the dosh too, now we hear 3 months only, seems greedy to me
Makes me wonder if they are only paid for the hours they do rather than a salary?? She is probably trying to gather some money for her leave?
Flint must need the cash, she does so many shifts, every night she is on. Jilly seems a part timer, as does Anna. Julia only does the 'prestige shows' so it seems, Charlie does the bras and odd jewellery now qvc doesnt do as much jewellery he doest seem to do as much. Flint is on too much
I would say they have to do equal time. Sometimes when they're not on the show they are going to things that are held in QVC like different events, and auditioning guests for the shows, so they would get that counted into their work schedule also. And i've never seen Charlie do a bra show (think a bit of exaggeration there tristar ) LOL
Ali Young always seems to be on when I tune in.
A bell in every tooth that one!
Charlie did a pelvic floor/continence product? That was very very poor scheduling, is he a Gynaceologist?
Catherine doesn't seem to do much and when she is on very often it's daytime and only two hours. For some reason (and I have no idea why I think this) I'd guess that the midnight slot is the most prestigious and may e they get paid quite a bit more for that one - partly because they must sell most then and partly because its unsocial able hours. They are also on the repeat slot at 7 and 8 am so it's double airtime. I also imagine that say Debbie, Catherine and Anne etc who do more of the day slots get paid less for those ones. I have no idea why I think all this but I do and therefore must be right :)

Would be interesting to know what they get. Another made up stat from me but I reckon between £150 and £250 an hour and say £300 for the midnight.

All self dreamt in my head but being in business I'd think that that's reasonable :)
I am always thinking about the scheduling. is 3 hours the maximum back to back?
I am always thinking about the scheduling. is 3 hours the maximum back to back?

Sometimes they do 2 hours and then maybe an hour later, so 3 hours must be the limit. Probably health and safety etc
Catherine doesn't seem to do much and when she is on very often it's daytime and only two hours. For some reason (and I have no idea why I think this) I'd guess that the midnight slot is the most prestigious and may e they get paid quite a bit more for that one - partly because they must sell most then and partly because its unsocial able hours. They are also on the repeat slot at 7 and 8 am so it's double airtime. I also imagine that say Debbie, Catherine and Anne etc who do more of the day slots get paid less for those ones. I have no idea why I think all this but I do and therefore must be right :)

Would be interesting to know what they get. Another made up stat from me but I reckon between £150 and £250 an hour and say £300 for the midnight.

All self dreamt in my head but being in business I'd think that that's reasonable :)

They're all freelance though aren't they. So isn't it more a case of how much they charge QVC, rather than how much they get? Same end result I know, but puts a slightly different perspective on it. Look at someone like AY who could sell snow to Eskimos. She'll know her worth to QVC in terms of sales and will charge accordingly. Then look at someone who seems to attract universal apathy. Miceal for example. He must be making sales but hardly in the same league. The newer ones never do TSV launches either.

Remember poor old Sunitta Shroff? I reckon she must have been paying QVC to let her go on air! :giggle:
i always assume jilly works part time cos she only seems to be on at weekends.

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