so funny


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Apr 27, 2009
Dipped in earlier on and saw Richard Jackson flogging his bird seed.

I burst out laughing, as on the table were about 15 jam jars containing every one of the ingredients in his bloody bird food. He then went along the table dipping his hand in each jar telling us what the seed was and the protein and vitamin content. I sat there thinking REALLY ???? Even Flinty was running out of steam of things to say.

I mean, is this how QVC fill up their hours now, by initiating the viewer as to the contents of a sack of seed ? Unbelievable - but hilariously funny.
I hope you took on board the jars that had the new and improved seeds with the high energy oils included
Honestly the number of items that are brought back new and improved
He goes through every kind of bird seed he has put in his feed every time it’s aired. It’s riveting - not!
I hope you took on board the jars that had the new and improved seeds with the high energy oils included
Honestly the number of items that are brought back new and improved

EXACTLY !! I mean, who's sodding interested ? not even bone fide gardeners I suspect. As long as the birds gets some grub thats all that matters.
Paint drying comes to mind!

Then there's the gimmicky tomatoes used for one of the products in his range....and the viewer photos of flower power and lawn magic as old as time. They need to be totally retired, and DO should probably how out completely too.
I hope you took on board the jars that had the new and improved seeds with the high energy oils included
Honestly the number of items that are brought back new and improved

Indeed. The birds are terribly concerned about what they eat & weather it is Kosher, etc etc

Edit to add that imo, when things are new & improved, it's either a sign of BS, cheapening, or that they didn't get it right the first time.
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Were the birds spitting out the previous version? I never watch the gardening slots & if I flipped channels he would be going on & on about Flower Power.Thought RJ had retired anyway
Such twaddle. I love birds but as we live with our cat I'm never sure if a regular supply of food from me will make them oblivious to feline danger. Consequently, I only provide food during really bad weather & then it's suet pellets from Wilko & a coconut shell filled with Dabble Grish - recipe from years ago courtesy of Animal Magic & the lovely Johnny Morris.
Oh heck on again it’s the monthly offer so will be on all the time
Richard just talking to Craig saying his original bird food was called by gardeners ‘the best bird food ever’ but now it’s better than ever! cause he’s improved what everyone said was the best, so he’s really proud of this new bird food

Oh and he’s just stated virtually every QVC presenter feeds the birds and uses this bird food
Just flicked QVC on and saw this very boring presentation. My cat however must have thought the opposite and stirred from his slumber to inch towards the birds feeding on the TV. He’s very confused now wondering where they’re hiding. He’s such a timid cat usually and runs in the house if the magpies squawk at him! :RpS_laugh:
#awks (so very very sorry). Just been watching (or listening) to Craig and Richard yet again 'flogging' the Garden POTM. He had finished his spiel and then the next two items were the 'garden broom' and some compost and Craig introduced the next guest as the 'king of compost'! Does Mr Jackson not also sell....:RpS_biggrin: It amused me anyway!
Just flicked QVC on and saw this very boring presentation. My cat however must have thought the opposite and stirred from his slumber to inch towards the birds feeding on the TV. He’s very confused now wondering where they’re hiding. He’s such a timid cat usually and runs in the house if the magpies squawk at him! :RpS_laugh:

Our rabbit in her run middle of the garden was nipped on the rump by magpie after her food dish, the squeal of pain was awful but no broken skin thankfully. Your kitty does the right thing, run away. I’ve heard of young pets being picked up by magpies into the air.
Oh heck on again it’s the monthly offer so will be on all the time
Richard just talking to Craig saying his original bird food was called by gardeners ‘the best bird food ever’ but now it’s better than ever! cause he’s improved what everyone said was the best, so he’s really proud of this new bird food

Oh and he’s just stated virtually every QVC presenter feeds the birds and uses this bird food

Taking us for fools again. They are using it because they were given it for free. Oh sorry, I mean to “trial”
My cat is almost 14 but has always been tiny, even now still no bigger than older kitten size and was obviously the runt of the litter. Four of them were found dumped in a carrier bag and were only around 3 weeks old, just 3 of them survived and she was one of them. Anyway as small as she is she still sees herself as a great hunter and stalks anything which moves, from leaves blowing across the lawn to pigeons sitting on the fence but my heart is in my mouth when I see her trying to stalk the magpies which are actually bigger than she is. We have had birds of prey near us, owls and umpteen magpies and I have nightmares than one of them would try to grab her but the little monkey just runs off when I try to get her inside when the big birds are about. She loves being outside and struts around her kingdom like she owns it (she does) and is always on the look out for something to catch. Thankfully she very rarely catches birds because I don`t feed them because I know she`d kill them but that doesn`t stop her trying to get them.
Will the new and improved birdfood attract bigger and fatter rats? I no longer use seed, only fatballs as the seed goes all over the ground and Roland Rat is more than happy to hoover it up. Then we have a scenario where the dog tries to break through the patio doors to get at Roly, not to kill him you understand, just because the dog is fuming the rat is getting some free food that he (the dog) could be eating :RpS_biggrin:

I had the same problem CC ! whenever I put food out - either on a swinger or a proper bird table, Roland rat and his mates came en masse from the nearby river and have a tuck in ! One cheeky bugger would sit outside the back door waiting. It freaked me initially, but then gave him a name - Ralph. Then they started to invade the neighbours gardens so a bag of terminator was put down, and that was the end for them.

I don't risk feeding the birds anymore.
I had to stop for a while but the birds come looking just now as it's cold and horrible (I especially like the robin) so I've started on the fat. The rat still comes though, but only one. I know it's not their fault they're rats but they give me the heebee jeebees.

I had to stop for a while but the birds come looking just now as it's cold and horrible (I especially like the robin) so I've started on the fat. The rat still comes though, but only one. I know it's not their fault they're rats but they give me the heebee jeebees.


Me too & nightmares. I cried once when one was in the garden.
These posts have reminded me to nag Mr B about the finches mess from the 'Nigel' seeds - although 'The commander' pigeon does eat the seeds they drop everywhere.
Obie has 'collected up' dead rats from parents country residence (Dad shot & forgot the rat). I had to wash his face,head, mouth (inside & out) & paws with Carex anti bac soap. Obie's of course, not Dad's, or Rats. Too vile.

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