Snog, Marry or Push off a cliff Qvc style


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Snog - Danny from HP

Marry - none

Cliff - Basso without a doubt. Also Richard Jackson - unless he promised to landscape my garden and then retire from our screens forever.
Snog - Paul Percival from Percy & Reed.

Marry - I'm not sure there would be any of them I would want to marry.

Push Off A Cliff - Too many to name. lol!
can i be greedy???

Snog - Michael Perry and That handsome chap from Aurora

Marry Michael Perry and That handsome chap from Aurora

Push off a cliff - Kathy Taylor, Debbie Flint, Craig Rowe and Mieal (or however its spelt) Murphy

Oi! You beat me to it and stole Mr Aurora, I was just going to bag him for marriage ;)

Snog - Mr Aurora
Marry - as above assuming snog was satisfactory ;)
Push off a cliff - well, I started thinking and the number I cannot watch (literally can't last more than five mins without switching off and muttering under breath. But worst are Debbie Flint, Craig and Charlie...cliff seems a bit harsh so just avoid!
Too few men (real men, not hairdressers or beauticians) to consider.

Interestingly saw Basso's name in a fash mag the other day, where the celebrity was wearing a gown designed by him ! thought he only did fur !

He did do clothes on QVC for a short while, assume they did not sell very well.
oh sorry for stealing him, but i kinda want them both - incase one is crap at kissing haha
Snog- Catherine, purely to stop her bloody talking!

Marry- Barrowman, for entirely shallow reasons rather than his personality.

Cliff- Basso.
I couldn't snog any of them. There aren't any real men on Q. The somewhat dishier amongst them talk far too much about nonsense and shopping and ladies things for my liking!

Same goes for marry.

Ooh, just remembered the diy bloke. Orlando? Give me a dirty man with a saw in his hand any day, ha ha!!

Cliff - definitely, and without a doubt, Craig.
Who's worth the most?

I'd marry them and then push them off a cliff to fund my shopping habit! Not sure about the kissing part...
The thought of snogging or marrying any of them turns my stomach, so sorry, can't add any more there.
But off a cliff would be fun. Line 'em all up, start a recording of a guest presenter and see who interrupts first, then put them in the front of a bus (driven by Basso with Lenny as co-driver) in order of when they interrupted and anyone who didn't interrupt at all would be saved. There's room on the bus for all, though.

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