Smashbox anniversary prices


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Very disappointing. Really feel QVC have given up on Smashbox or vice versa. There's never anything new and exciting, just loading off old stock. The concealer has been discontinued anyway so it's stuff they're trying to get rid of.
Have you seen there's a eyeshadow quad priced at £38+. I know they sometimes list the individual parts of a TSV as separate items as a way of promoting the "value" of the TSV but £38??? They're delusional! (item # 227052 if you're interested)

QVC likes make up lines that churn out new sets regularly like Laura Geller, Mally and the late Models Prefer because they prompt more impulse purchases than boring old staples. Once a brand falls out of favour the buyers seem to lose interest and invest no effort in choosing new sets from the brand. I hardly watch the smashbox shows these days: I've heard the spiel before and no one sells the brand to me the way Daniel or Timber used to.

Smashbox's days on QVC are numbered if they don't buck their ideas up! :clock:

Jude xx
I havent bought any Smashbox since they changed the formulation of the Halo (which was my favourite foundation ever) - went looking for something else and now use either Bobbi Brown or Bare Escentuals.

I did like the look of the eye pallete on the anniversary price and nearly bought it in December with my easi-pay code. Talked myself out of it as the quality of their products is not as good as it was.
i used to like daniel and timber and where did nina go? not too bothered if they go which is looking likely as i have a smashbox counter in my local debenhams they'll just go into the qvc black hole never mentioned again like most brands that leave
I still like bits from Smashbox, Brow Tech, Cream Eyeliners but the new collections etc are all very samey and boring. The prices in the UK are outrageous too and if you get to a counter they just have the same old stuff every time. I saw the new foundation but of course no samples how the hell are you suppose to try it??? Oh sit down I will apply for you, but thats no way you need to walk round for a few hours to get the feel of it. Staff want to apply it and then you buy it there and then. Chanel have a new foundation out and they are giving out samples like sweeties.
am sorely tempted with those lipglosses that's the price of just 1 top brand gloss and it's got 5 stars so may have swayed me don't need any only bought some BE glosses last month but i am a gloss addict
am sorely tempted with those lipglosses that's the price of just 1 top brand gloss and it's got 5 stars so may have swayed me don't need any only bought some BE glosses last month but i am a gloss addict

Those lipglosses were also limited edition so they won't be getting them back in stock.

I'm sure the halo was at that anniversary price last time it was on air, whic his why there are only 2 shades left.
I have to say I'd all but given up on Smashbox. The quality of the eyeshadows had gone to pot and the TSV's just weren't doing it for me anymore. I bogutht eh TSV before Christmas and have just received it (thanks to my visitors from London bringing it to Oz for me!) and I love it! The new formulation of eyeshadow is awesome, blush is lovely and generally the value of the kit was more akin to those TSV's of old, granted without a brush which would always be provided in the olden days! When you look at Smashbox's website though and see all the lovely things coming out you have to wonder why QVC are SOOOO slow to get any of it in. It is overpriced too, not bad compared to the counters but with so many other brands doing well (LG for one), SB really need to re-examine their pricing. They failed and pulled out of the UK once before, could easily happen again.

There's a long and interesting story about why Smashbox will never break the big time in the UK...not going to write it all out here but search the britishbeautyblogger website for the full sordid details...
Even counters you ask about something you see on the Smashbox website and its, oh we won't get that in the UK. Or its months later and the lemming has died.
The new Spring collection is pretty but then you see the Laura Mecier collection with the to die for palette already out in the shops and its a no brainer. Price wise the Laura Mercier is better value as well.
Sorry to change the subject, well brand, but on the subject of Laura Mercier I DESPERATELY! want to try the tinted moisturiser as I have heard wonderful things about it, and I *know* I would love it!, but I just need to try a few shades out on my skin before I fork out the £30-odd quid for it for an online order. Yet there is nowhere near me that stocks it, well House of Fraser do but my local store only has a few bath lines in this brand. Heck, I would very willingly PAY to get a few samples but I have searched and searched online and cannot find anywhere. I am no way going to order on the basis of seeing the shades on a computer screen, I need to try it out on my skin!!!!!! ahem, rant over :/ I'll just add that I am MAC Shade NW20 (Ior NW25 in the summer months!)
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Daisygirl have you tried emailing their customer services; any cosmetic firm worth their salt should jump at the chance of a new convert especially if it's tempting you away from the competition. Sadly my nearest stockist would be Chichester which I don't often go to otherwise I'd drop into SpaceNK or HoF for you. I'd phrase your email just as you have your post...worth a try.

Jude xx

PS blummin good job for my credit card that I only hit Spacenk about 3 or 4 times a year (mostly to test things before browsing for deals online; they must hate that!)
Rest I just read the British beauty blog thing. I am torn between 2 types of outrage. 1) that a person is innocent until proven guilty or 2) that if true, qvc still carried on selling Smashbox- did they because they are after all a US company or was it because they could pick it up cheap as chips and hence made massive profit? I don't know which I find the most distasteful .....
Laura Mercier House of Fraser will give samples out to try at the their counters. SpaceNK are not so good they don't make samples up as HoF do I know, only prepacked stuff from the actual cosmetic company.

I am a NC15-20 and I was always Nude, now they make porcelain so I no doubt would be that.
Get the phone number of the a large House of Fraser counter and talk to the sa they should sent out samples to try.
Rest I just read the British beauty blog thing. I am torn between 2 types of outrage. 1) that a person is innocent until proven guilty or 2) that if true, qvc still carried on selling Smashbox- did they because they are after all a US company or was it because they could pick it up cheap as chips and hence made massive profit? I don't know which I find the most distasteful .....

I know, I found it a very difficult read too and it certainly went a long way to explaining why Smashbox is rarely featured in UK magazines. I would have thought it's a brand that would do quite well but without the support of beauty editors and PR's it's an uphill battle. I didn't actually buy any Smashbox for ages after i read it too, i found it hard to reconcile my love of the brand with the apparently cover-up that took place. I have bought one or two things since (simply because I'm weak, no other excuse for it) but i've definitely switched my allegiance to other brands who I find morally a bit more palatable.

Thank you Akimbo and Donna, I will definitely email/phone etc to see if I can obtain some samples, it just seems ridiculous that it's so hard for me to get hold of the stuff!! Probably my fault for living in the *ahem*-end of the country lol. I'll let you know how I get on! xx
Right, I emailed Laurier Mercier main website - no joy, just advice on their online make up matching facility etc, and for ME (should be them!!) to get hold of other stockists in the UK and request samples, pah, so I emailed SpaceNK no joy - just come in for a makeover - yeah right, only 90 miles away - nooooooo. and I've just emailed John Lewis and I will see if their 'fantastic customer service' lives up to its name, lol. I shan't hold my breath, looks like I am destined never to own any LM products - I'm sure I'm not going to order such an expensive tinted moisturiser until I am 100% sure that the shade is going to be ok!! I don't with any other make up base I buy!!! You'd think they don't want to sell the stuff!!!

/rant over (again !!!!) Sorry :/

Last try will be H of F if no joy with JL then I will give up!!!
The thing is Laura Mercier does not have a UK website its all US based, which is a pain in the backside.

I did actually ask in HoF but the manager said I never worked with MAC so have no idea how their colouring system works.

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