Our Slankets just arrived about half a hour ago! Soooo happy! And yes uhm... I might have ordered four even though we're only two LOL! Figured it's good to have them in different rooms...you know, need some excuse...
For anyone who ordered one last autumn, I think this year's are identical. I got a brown one (might even be exactly the "Coco" shade from this year, I can't remember if it had that name or not) last year and it's super soft and the best Slanket by far (we've got the previous versions too). And this year's seem exactly the same which I was kinda hoping for.
Got the Leopard. Very nice!
The Ocean. Much nicer colour than it looked on TV I think. Love it!
The pink with spots - a very happy bright hot pink! Again nicer than on the TV.
And the snowflake. So nice! On the website pic it almost looked a bit pink. But it's definitely a proper red in real life. Very nice and very Christmassy!
I have to say, compared to previous versions, there were not much lose fluff on these at all. But as with anything plush that's new it's always a good idea to give it a good shake first. I thought there might be lots of little bits of fluff so I opened them in the garden and gave them a good shake...but as I said, not much there at all.
They are super, super soft and I don't regret my purchase one bit. I'm very very happy I didn't wait too long with placing my order
Hope they arrive very soon for everyone else who's waiting too!