Sky Q Active has changed!


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Jun 24, 2008
...what do you think?

I don't mind change but the new version looks a bit old-fashioned* iywim. The full screen beauty channel and +1 channels are better than the previous small screen via Q active but there seem to be fewer menus of products to browse.

*I mean less professional-looking in some way.

S'pose I'll get used to it.

Jude xx
I thought the same. It just doesn't look as slick as the last version.

I used to browse the Bargain Hunter section whilst having my coffee in the morning but it doesn't look like you can browse anything any more. Looks to be a step backwards to me but like you say Akimbo, I suppose I'll get used to it.
You can scroll through 15 fashion bargains but that's all I could see! I was the same, scrolling through Bargain Hunter with a cuppa once the kids are at school. There used to lots of sub-menus under the old No1 menu with lots of different product categories and Bargains at the bottom. Maybe they think everyone goes on line these days and the Active content is less important, but I used to while away a few minutes of a boring show scrolling thru the old QActive waiting for something interesting to come on :giggle: And not all those dipsomaniac, menopausal, paraplegic, Tcallers (with caravan) have access to the internet.

Jude xx
Came in from work ready to unwind with a bit of bargain viewing and to see what products were in the craft shows today, very disappointed and I cannot believe that QVC have shot themselves in the foot so badly. A lot of my purchases are through the red active button or prompted by the browsing. Like most people I work and can't watch many shows by the time my kids have done their homework etc in the evening. If I am honest I wouldn't watch much as a lot of the guests/presenters and crap camera work put me off but QVC Active has been responsible for most of what I do purchase these days. I am annoyed to lose my little addiction but I can see that I will just buy less which has to be a good thing for my finances and other suppliers. Glad I am not the only one to think the new set-up is rubbish.
Had a look at this last night. Awful, they should revert to the old one. Wonder how many complaints they will get!
(mum writes)

I used to like to sit and look through the sections on Q-Active in the evening, especially if there was dull TSV on, which is often! I've bought a fair bit of my jewellery via the bargain hunter section there. It's also annoying not to have the 24 hour product review there too, or at least I couldn't find it. My son is the computer user in the household, I don't have a clue myself and I can't keep asking him to look things up every time I need to know. Not impressed.
They also appear to have done away with the TV guide as well so now, unless I go online, I have no way of knowing what's on during the week that I might want to see. Very poor in my opinion.:down:
I don't like it either. I e-mailed them this morning and got a reply saying that they try to keep up to date with new technology. They are sorry I don't like it but try to get used to it.!!! Charming.
It's just Pants!

In case you haven't found the meagre bargain offerings on the new Q Active today there's a few "Fashion Bargains" in the drop-down menu "Find Item" when you press the blue button (after the red one). Mostly pants on this occasion, just like the new version of QActive :wonder:

I can't see where the improvements are other than the full-screen for the repeat channels.

Jude xx
Hate it, hate it, hate it!! Have we gone back in time?! For instance today it's the Yankee Candle TSV, I tune in to a grainy picture of a Dyson TSV?! When is that for or from? I finally find the hot picks section (not clear where that is now) and there's a grand total of TWO?!?! Where's the others gone?
I missed the Fiorelli handbags last night due to no TV guide on QActive. Am gutted as I really like that range :sad:

I now have to go onto the Sky TV guide and find out what's on which I know is no problem but it was so much easier when it was all in one place.

A happy camper I am NOT:headbang:
Dreadful mistake and bound to make even the most enthusiastic Q fan wonder have they any clue at all about what customers want?
It's rubbish. I liked to browse relaxing with cuppa in bed. Much more limited choice. Only good if you like bargain hunter jewellery

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