Sit-up or Gems


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Retired - Don't Quite Fit
Dec 17, 2008
Flicked over to see what's on - eek. New bloke - very sit-up, seems to be selling stuff out of the back of a white van in a poor street market. Chronic to see this channel resorting to such cheap and tacky sales methods. Prices up, gold weight down, and a kind of demented straight Frankie Howard flogging it (I can't say presenter because that'd be misleading). You just can't sell jewellery like it was nicked cauliflowers - horrible.

Bye-bye Gems. xx
Flicked over to see what's on - eek. New bloke - very sit-up, seems to be selling stuff out of the back of a white van in a poor street market. Chronic to see this channel resorting to such cheap and tacky sales methods. Prices up, gold weight down, and a kind of demented straight Frankie Howard flogging it (I can't say presenter because that'd be misleading). You just can't sell jewellery like it was nicked cauliflowers - horrible.

Bye-bye Gems. xx

I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New presenter? why the redundancies then?

and no sign of Liv or Fi other than passing through! I've had a love/hate affair with this channel for the last year or two and prior to that, a total respect, but I can only say that this was just a step into the gutter where I can take myself without any assistance from Gems :cheeky: . Even my previously much adored Angeline is turning into a very shouty person that is no longer watchable for any length of time.

Variety is down the pan, the main players now being tanzanite and painted topaz at the most ridiculous prices for tat. I was ready for raised prices due to gold price, but not raised prices and less gold. The Yahsarah range which I loved turned out to be last years stock of poor designs, probably rejects from the States or Japan. Victoria still good designs, but the small pieces start at crazy prices for what they are.

You've lost me now Gems (no matter to you in the grand scheme of things), but I don't think I'm in any way unusual in my tastes. My business has happily gone elsewhere this month and I am today eagerly awaiting an unashamedly huge parcel of goodies from RocksTV, from whom I can obtain astonishingly good customer relations, entertainment, friendship and most importantly - great goodies for good value and, as their catalogue has considerably expanded, very little chance of my wandering off elsewhere.

I'm sure there's many ways round that Klank. Hours worked, time of day, permanent/temporary, employed/self-employed, etc. xxxxx
Something very fishy there. I thought the law states that if someone is made redundant you can't fill the position for 12 months as the position should no longer exist?

Yes i think thats right so some companies change the job title and job description to get around it, but a presenter is a presenter so something doesn't add up here!
True didn't think that through did i? :tongue2:

Not as tricky minded as me is all Gemcherub. I've worked for some of the best.
am just watching Gems selling massively expensive tanzanite. What is sit up please, I am quite thick and cannot find the channel.....

N x
I thought all of the presenters were freelance, rather than employees of GTV???

Haven't seen the new bod, rarely have the time or the inclination these day.
and no sign of Liv or Fi other than passing through! I've had a love/hate affair with this channel for the last year or two and prior to that, a total respect, but I can only say that this was just a step into the gutter where I can take myself without any assistance from Gems :cheeky: . Even my previously much adored Angeline is turning into a very shouty person that is no longer watchable for any length of time.

Variety is down the pan, the main players now being tanzanite and painted topaz at the most ridiculous prices for tat. I was ready for raised prices due to gold price, but not raised prices and less gold. The Yahsarah range which I loved turned out to be last years stock of poor designs, probably rejects from the States or Japan. Victoria still good designs, but the small pieces start at crazy prices for what they are.

You've lost me now Gems (no matter to you in the grand scheme of things), but I don't think I'm in any way unusual in my tastes. My business has happily gone elsewhere this month and I am today eagerly awaiting an unashamedly huge parcel of goodies from RocksTV, from whom I can obtain astonishingly good customer relations, entertainment, friendship and most importantly - great goodies for good value and, as their catalogue has considerably expanded, very little chance of my wandering off elsewhere.


Hi AB - everything you have said, i have to say, i feel you must be able to read minds! lol as gems has slowly been going down in my own estimations too. And you are quite correct about Angeline, she is becoming very shouty! Adina is get worse at the blarney too, and i cant listen to her at times, as she has, and i am sorry to have to say this, a tendancy to waffle on. I saw Fi presenting a programme last week, and i thought to myself, oh breathe a sigh of relief, someone who actually knows what they are talking about (along with Liv) is back on the screen! and hasnt been back on yet!! (and i am referring to the females - not scott or nick at this moment in time) but grief, some of the trifle that splurges out, i feel like throwing myself in a canal (if there was one within a 2 mile radius of my house - but there isnt lol!!!) but gems has lost something, amongst it, my custom for the time being - as i dont agree with the blooming christmas tree being up in october! i hates christmas at the bestest of times!! lol also i have been on the rocks tv website, and seen many items that have taken my interest, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:nod::glass:
Is this a thread where we can bemoan the sad demise of Gems as we see it then?

Right then........why do games take so bleeding long?Sometimes it's five minutes before they even drop the price,now that might not seem a long time but there is only so much they can say about bloody sky blue topaz in silver before we are treated to the hard sell of how blinking wonderful GTV are(Sam one of the greatest offenders here)......drop the sodding price will ya!!!!!
I can flick back to TJC and see 2 auctions before you tell me how £35 for a teeny pendant in silver is what you are all about!!!

And if Nick says that such and such a price has been approved by the powers that be one more time I swear I will stick my foot through me tellybox.....and stop shouting please,Nick...I know that the GTV1 studio is bigger than the GTV2 studio you used to reside in,where you were a pleasure to watch btw,but I assume you have a microphone and remember we also have volume control too,though me mute button is starting to wear down much more these days!!

And btw,saying that we may never see the piece at that price again......I am sure many of us are hoping that we won't,we hope that it may be sold at another time at a much more competitive price,saying such things is hard sell tactics that many of us do not appreciate.

Sorry for waffling.........I do feel much better now though!!!
Is this a thread where we can bemoan the sad demise of Gems as we see it then?

Right then........why do games take so bleeding long?Sometimes it's five minutes before they even drop the price,now that might not seem a long time but there is only so much they can say about bloody sky blue topaz in silver before we are treated to the hard sell of how blinking wonderful GTV are(Sam one of the greatest offenders here)......drop the sodding price will ya!!!!!
I can flick back to TJC and see 2 auctions before you tell me how £35 for a teeny pendant in silver is what you are all about!!!

And if Nick says that such and such a price has been approved by the powers that be one more time I swear I will stick my foot through me tellybox.....and stop shouting please,Nick...I know that the GTV1 studio is bigger than the GTV2 studio you used to reside in,where you were a pleasure to watch btw,but I assume you have a microphone and remember we also have volume control too,though me mute button is starting to wear down much more these days!!

And btw,saying that we may never see the piece at that price again......I am sure many of us are hoping that we won't,we hope that it may be sold at another time at a much more competitive price,saying such things is hard sell tactics that many of us do not appreciate.

Sorry for waffling.........I do feel much better now though!!!

Oh blimey Sweeps, you've set me orf now "we've had special permission" and "the call centre has been warned" - lol. It's more than apparent that the presenters are under pressure, but they could at least help 'em out with some new and original lines.

I've managed to stay "dry" all day and am feeling absolutely fine. xxxx
Oh blimey Sweeps, you've set me orf now "we've had special permission" and "the call centre has been warned" - lol. It's more than apparent that the presenters are under pressure, but they could at least help 'em out with some new and original lines.

I've managed to stay "dry" all day and am feeling absolutely fine. xxxx

I cant remember if it was saturday or sunday (sorry had a groundhog week here - due to illness) they had a tanzanite special on late afternoon - and the music to that - it was positively awful (what my son would call lift music!lol, or i could go further, and say Little Chef or Happy Eater music, circa 1970s lol) I couldnt listen to that no longer Captain, she cannae take nae more!! :flower: xxxxxxxx I couldnt find a large bowl of soup to drown myself in, so i turned to another channel rapidly!! NB gemstv cut the dire music! it was dire! PS the same as when a presenter says, i darent go any lower, last time i go into trouble!! or NOOOOO! are you sure! can we really go that low - well it seems like you are already doing it xxx
Yesterday Nick was selling a yellow gold rainbow sapphire bracelet (sore subject rather close to my heart at the moment) and he just went on and on building it up as THE deal of the day, special permission from the powers that be, on and on and on, you're not going to believe this, management upstairs, (did I mention he went on and on and on?) and then finally they started and they sold it for £597. Yes, you guessed it .... exactly the same price that they'd sold the previous 100 for over the last week or so (I think they had a job lot). He's certainly plummeted in my estimation.
Whilst I'm at it, I must say that most of the ladies on Gems have the most awful nails that are hugely long and square and look like paddles at the end of their fingers. I know nails are very important when showing jewellery, but they look so false and old fashioned. The ladies on tjc have lovely nails imo - change of manicurist needed.

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