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Am I still on the same forum? Oh all right I'll join in as well. I think the lovely Mr Sherlock was very honest and upfront whilst selling perfume from Verseille. In no way was his sale confusing about where it was sold. How about that?

When he gets back, I have it on good authority his next big pong is eau my gawd.
Peter Sherlock used to be one of my favourite presenters. He used to be genuine, sincere, gentle and fun to watch.

Then he stopped to doing the regular presenting to become the perfume 'buyer'. Since then, he has been all out at sea. Sit-up has ruined him. They have turned him from an affable pleasant presenter into (sorry to have to say this) some raving, hysterical queen. It's sad. I wish he could get a job with QVC or Ideal World. He would be much better on there.
I've slagged him off but agree he didn't used to be like he is now he used to be calm and sensible now he's all manic think i'd get to like him more if he went back to being himself
I've slagged him off but agree he didn't used to be like he is now he used to be calm and sensible now he's all manic think i'd get to like him more if he went back to being himself

It's possibly called being full of himself and believing his own (and their) ridiculous hype about the Schlock creation that is this supposedly respected 'fragrance expert' that's worked just about everywhere.

He's a preposterous character, utterly ludicrous. I don't really care too much about the 'Perfume Pete' cartoon character but what I do care about is that he's accurate and honest and all too often he hasn't been, and that's a fact.
It's possibly called being full of himself and believing his own (and their) ridiculous hype about the Schlock creation that is this supposedly respected 'fragrance expert' that's worked just about everywhere.

He's a preposterous character, utterly ludicrous. I don't really care too much about the 'Perfume Pete' cartoon character but what I do care about is that he's accurate and honest and all too often he hasn't been, and that's a fact.

ive gotta agree with this and a few other comments on this thread... i used to really enjoy listening to peter especially when he was on with sophie as
his 'helper' they were funny together, he seemed genuine and pretty honest... if you look on his facebook page you can see all the people fawning to
him.... o hun this and o hun that... you are so lovely pete... i think that after a while they all seem to believe that they are stars and it all goes to their
heads... shame really.... come back from the dark side please peter
ive gotta agree with this and a few other comments on this thread... i used to really enjoy listening to peter especially when he was on with sophie as
his 'helper' they were funny together, he seemed genuine and pretty honest... if you look on his facebook page you can see all the people fawning to
him.... o hun this and o hun that... you are so lovely pete... i think that after a while they all seem to believe that they are stars and it all goes to their
heads... shame really.... come back from the dark side please peter

There's no doubt that the brand he enjoys selling most (and that he sells the best) is the Perfume Pete brand. But the day he recommended that 16 year old's use £50 Bee Venom Serum is the day I lost what little respect I had for him. It's one thing making out some paint stripper knocked up in Southend is fabulous but saying that is completely and utterly appalling.

He's a quack and I look forward to him and the rest of the quacks having their beaks clipped.

And they will.
Peter Sherlock used to be one of my favourite presenters. He used to be genuine, sincere, gentle and fun to watch.

Then he stopped to doing the regular presenting to become the perfume 'buyer'. Since then, he has been all out at sea. Sit-up has ruined him. They have turned him from an affable pleasant presenter into (sorry to have to say this) some raving, hysterical queen. It's sad. I wish he could get a job with QVC or Ideal World. He would be much better on there.

It's called conditioning i.e. brainwashing!

Someone in the Sit-up building is responsible - Doctor Green in the marketing room with the iron bar.
ive gotta agree with this and a few other comments on this thread... i used to really enjoy listening to peter especially when he was on with sophie as
his 'helper' they were funny together, he seemed genuine and pretty honest... if you look on his facebook page you can see all the people fawning to
him.... o hun this and o hun that... you are so lovely pete
... i think that after a while they all seem to believe that they are stars and it all goes to their
heads... shame really.... come back from the dark side please peter

I have looked at his FB page, and I'm going to sound really harsh here, there are a few articulate people on there but most of them cannot spell let alone string a sentence together - the standard of his 'fan' posts are along the lines of 'u so great', 'u such funy man lol'.......hmmm, ego boosting? maybe not!
It's called conditioning i.e. brainwashing!

Someone in the Sit-up building is responsible - Doctor Green in the marketing room with the iron bar.

I reckon Doctor Green is Baron Greenback from Dangermouse

There's no doubt that the brand he enjoys selling most (and that he sells the best) is the Perfume Pete brand. But the day he recommended that 16 year old's use £50 Bee Venom Serum is the day I lost what little respect I had for him. It's one thing making out some paint stripper knocked up in Southend is fabulous but saying that is completely and utterly appalling.

He's a quack and I look forward to him and the rest of the quacks having their beaks clipped.

And they will.

I read a beauty page in a magazine this week an enquiry about age appropriate skin care products. The person writing the column said "don't start using anti ageing products until you need to because they won't work". I think being 16 would come in to this category, unless Perfume Pete is a skincare expert as well as everything else.
16 is WAY too young at that age you just need a standard moisturiser that does just that moisturises saying you should be using an anti ageing product from that age is ludicrous! I'm no expert but from a personal point i started using anti age moisturiser when i turned 30 maybe that is even a bit early i don't know just a personal preference but i would no way use it before then he's talking nonsense again
16 is WAY too young at that age you just need a standard moisturiser that does just that moisturises saying you should be using an anti ageing product from that age is ludicrous! I'm no expert but from a personal point i started using anti age moisturiser when i turned 30 maybe that is even a bit early i don't know just a personal preference but i would no way use it before then he's talking nonsense again

Well i'm not saying she's perfect as she's still a saleswoman but in all the years Alison Young (who certainly does have an impressive, bona fide CV) has been on QVC I have never, ever heard her say anything along those lines. In fact I personally think she'd be horrified to hear it.

So, who do you trust. Alison or Schlocko?

You decide :mysmilie_59:
Alison as much as she can irritate me sometimes truly knows what she's on about and to her credit she will always say if something is unsuitable for a certain skin type and tell you not to buy it unlike others who will flog stuff regardless of if it's right for you or not
16 is WAY too young at that age you just need a standard moisturiser that does just that moisturises saying you should be using an anti ageing product from that age is ludicrous! I'm no expert but from a personal point i started using anti age moisturiser when i turned 30 maybe that is even a bit early i don't know just a personal preference but i would no way use it before then he's talking nonsense again

I am no expert, but at that young age I think all you need to wory about is taking your make up properly at night, and using moisturiser maybe wirh an SPF to minimise sun damage. I only started using serums when Boots 7 Protect and Perfect came out. I remember spending most of my lunch hour queuing outside Boots iwith my work mate when they came back in stock after the documentary said it worked. I would have been about 40 at the time.
Congratulations Muttley that concludes the interview, welcome to bid.

Sent from my Vodafone 354 using Forum Runner *meep meep*

Good one PJ - I always wondered what the preferred expected minimal experience needed to become a very minor tv celeb was - thanks for the heads up. (I use the word minor as I couldn't think of a lesser word).
I just got home and tuned in, I was so hoping Schockins would be on.

Hurry back Pete, we need you.
=deedee;742942] 'u such funy man lol'.......
That made me spit my tea out laughing!

I noticed one woman on the bid facebook page, she literally misspelt every word!! :mysmilie_13:

Oops sorry about your tea!
That is actually a quote from his FB page........profound and intelligent innit??!!
I think you'll find that very few of them can spell..........I know I make the odd typo but I like to think I can string an articulate, coherent sentence together which is slightly more meaningful than 'u such funy man lol'!!! :taphead:
I wouldn't exactly be flattered if this level of intelligence constituted my fan base!

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