Shut Up..........JF on LG TSV launch


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I yo-yo between finding her air headed-antics quite entertaining and truly irritating - I think it depends on how interested you are in the item she is flogging :talking:
I have agreed with almost all of you, I cannot warm towards this presenter, however much I try:sad: She annoys me so much. She is not pleasant to the eyes or the ears and is not good in her job, so why is she on QVC so much:headbang:
Are QVC blind and deaf? Can't they lip read even, or else they can they can lip read her silly" I have" and her breathless spew?
She is my least liked presenter. My jaw drops everything when she says " I think" "I like" " I will" about any fashion item as if she is an expert on fashion!!! She has no fashion sense, she is very, very lucky that she is very slim , that clothes hang good on her and that is the only good thing she has..........even then she is just thin, with no shape, so please, Jill, please stop harping on as if you are a great fashion icon............YOU ARE NOT!!
Much as I like AK, she is doing exactly the same as JF on the 2pm Laura Geller show. She's not stopping to draw breath!

yep, i gave up with that show too but not as bad as JF last night.

ok, we're all agreed it's awful, if nothing else, plain downright rude. however, they have a producer/director/whoever it is behind the scenes. why don't they tell her to belt up and quit talking over the guest?!
I have agreed with almost all of you, I cannot warm towards this presenter, however much I try:sad: She annoys me so much. She is not pleasant to the eyes or the ears and is not good in her job, so why is she on QVC so much:headbang:
Are QVC blind and deaf? Can't they lip read even, or else they can they can lip read her silly" I have" and her breathless spew?
She is my least liked presenter. My jaw drops everything when she says " I think" "I like" " I will" about any fashion item as if she is an expert on fashion!!! She has no fashion sense, she is very, very lucky that she is very slim , that clothes hang good on her and that is the only good thing she has..........even then she is just thin, with no shape, so please, Jill, please stop harping on as if you are a great fashion icon............YOU ARE NOT!!

with the help of bulldog clips you mean? :wonder:
I watch the LG hours as I really like Laura, she can be very funny.Not ordering any makeup or the TSV as I REALLY don't need anything, enough B&B, brown eye shadows, lip glosses, blushers & have that highlighter which I hardly ever use.So common sense has prevailed!
I've noticed that all the TSV's share the same frenetic presenting style. They record them and they are watched by The Management to see how it went. All the presenters seem desperate, gabbling away incoherently, they might just as well chant "buy,buy,buy".
There are a few female presenters that need the volume turned right down if not off, JH, AH, JF all so shrill they hurt my ears.
so agree that J F is not a competent presenter, why on earth does she think that endless gushing about how much she likes, needs, owns, cannot live without, has in every colour, etc etc is an inducement to buy is beyond me. And as for this "I have x number in stock" and " I have this in x number of colours", this is annoying me even more than her " I am such a girlie girl" routine. For pity's sake woman describe the product rather than see it as an adjunct to your endless self absorption. I too had to switch this programme off as I find her so irritating.

Couldn't have said it better - afraid when she is presenting, I switch off
When I watched the US presentation of our TSV,the thing that struck me the most was how quiet the presenter was and how much time LG was actually given to speak.So different to here.
When I watched the US presentation of our TSV,the thing that struck me the most was how quiet the presenter was and how much time LG was actually given to speak.So different to here.

Strange really as you might think that U S Q would have more OTT gushing and screeching than we get..........however we seem to be in a league of our own lately for hysterical hyping, maybe they are all on warnings about sales figures and have some strange idea that ranting and raving is the way to shift stock.
When I watched the US presentation of our TSV,the thing that struck me the most was how quiet the presenter was and how much time LG was actually given to speak.So different to here.
It seems that being a presenter on Q US is an easy job comparing to Q UK
now it's AD. i give up. guess i'm never gonna see this tsv. unusual to see her on a saturday night, wonder if jilly is still ill.
now it's AD. i give up. guess i'm never gonna see this tsv. unusual to see her on a saturday night, wonder if jilly is still ill.

I thought AD was going to spontaneously combust at one point. The hard sell is getting ridiculous now.
I thought AD was going to spontaneously combust at one point. The hard sell is getting ridiculous now.

now it's AD. i give up. guess i'm never gonna see this tsv. unusual to see her on a saturday night, wonder if jilly is still ill.

The fact that the most annoying (to me, anyway) and hard selling presenters have been assigned to this TSV today has had entirely the opposite effect on me. Haven't bought a thing.
Was not going to go for the TSV anyway as recently bought a B&B and wasn't fussed about the rest of the kit.
However, had I been more inclined to keep watching, would probably have succumbed to something.
So. thank you, Q, today, these screeching harridans have resulted in me keeping hold of my pennies
. :happy:
OMG does she ever pause for breath, poor Laura will really hate coming to the UK now. DESPERATE QVC, they have been told to sell that way, it's obvious and what does it tell all, how badly their business is doing. Three easy pay emails, hard sell hard sell - I am turning away from you QVC you are not doing yourself ANY favours :headbang:
Couldn't agree more Madaunty. AD has now carried the screeching over to the Kim hour. She'll be needing some Tena ladies before long.
I watched Julia's 6 pm hour with Laura and it was much better than all the others. Julia really interacted with Laura, and both seemed to enjoy a bit of banter. You also really got yo see the make up and pick up some tips. The other presenters were much more focused on the monitor and trying to panic us into buying.

To be fair, Catherine didn't do too bad a job and ay least het voice is calm.
I watched Julia's 6 pm hour with Laura and it was much better than all the others. Julia really interacted with Laura, and both seemed to enjoy a bit of banter. You also really got yo see the make up and pick up some tips. The other presenters were much more focused on the monitor and trying to panic us into buying.

To be fair, Catherine didn't do too bad a job and ay least het voice is calm.
I have to say that for all I am not a fan of Julias, at least she wasnt in hysterical selling mode and the hour felt more relaxed. If the price is good and the demonstrations are good ( and Laura did a great job on the models yesterday) then the beauty TSVs sell really well at christmas without all the hard sell I would think.

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