Ahh so glad you got one of the nice bags too - I think you could easily use the ladies one as a clutch bag!
And I just love all the dinky toiletries in it too
The men’s set I got was just in a (nice/branded) Diptyque box bc it was before they’d designed the bags...
Yes the rose is indeed very rosy, and I did like what I could smell of it, despite generally hating rose fragrances and “smellies”! Even high end ones!
I don’t know why, as I *adore* real roses in both look and scent... and it always takes me back to “making perfume” with my best friend when I was about 8/9 years old!
We used to put rose petals in bottled water, leave overnight and bash with a stick then strain into brown medicicine bottles!

We then had a stall in our cul de sac where we sold it for.. 10 pence a bottle!
[Sorry to digress so much!]
Wish you hadn’t said Diptyque candles so good! I’ve always hoped that it was mostly hype and that they were criminally over-priced!
I have, however, *always* wanted to try one!
I’ve got Christmas and birthday within couple days of each other so maybe I could ask for one as a joint gift...
Off to check fragrances and prices...!
Thank you!