Semi Permanent Makeup


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Jan 26, 2012
I am interested in getting my eyes tattooed with permanent eyeliner. Minim's daughter had it done for £150 with vouchers. Her daughter had a thin line done which makes her eyelashes look thicker.
I have done a little research and now understand that it may fade unevenly, change colour (even go orange), not fade and with age one's eyelids wrinkle more so the line looks uneven. Dare I risk it at age 58?
Also round here prices seem to be around £250 for top eyeliner and £295 for both top and bottom - though there may be discounts available.
Minim did 27 have both top and bottom eyeliner done?
I had mine done last year at age 48 and am very pleased with it. The process was uncomfortable - like repeated scratching. My eyelids balooned up for a couple of days after, and you do get scabs as it heals. I had mine done on a thursday, and i wish now I'd had it done on a Friday evning so I had the weekend to recover. The colour has faded to a dark navy, but I like that.
I had mine done last year at age 48 and am very pleased with it. The process was uncomfortable - like repeated scratching. My eyelids balooned up for a couple of days after, and you do get scabs as it heals. I had mine done on a thursday, and i wish now I'd had it done on a Friday evning so I had the weekend to recover. The colour has faded to a dark navy, but I like that.
Did you have top and bottom done?
I did. I didn't want to at first, but the beautician lady advised me to have it done as well (included in the price). I was horrified at the result at first, as I don't usually wear eyeliner on the bottom, and I thought I looked like Chrissie Hynde. However, it soon settled down, and now just gives the impression of fuller lashes - no obvious line, which is just what I wanted.

I had more done on the top. Since I've been young I've worn liquid eyeliner in a cats eye sort of style everyday. I had the therapist replicate that. I now find that I can go without eyeliner on casual days, and have a useful template to follow when I want to vamp it up a bit!

My therapist advised top ups every couple of years to maintain optimum pigment density. I'm just waiting for her to have another Groupon offer, as I can't justify paying full price (I paid £120 which included initial session and a followup with top up as necessary).

I'm really happy with mine. I really thought I'd made a dreadful mistake at first when my eyeslids swelled up, but I can honestly say I'm really glad I had it done. The less faffing around with makeup I have to do each day the better for me.

Do you think you may go for it?
Ta for the heads up SS! I've been seriously considering it. My concerns were if they make a mistake or you blink & a line goes off kilter. Then you're stuck with wonky eyeliner! I've heard about it turing slightly blue ish too. That's not a major concern as like you say, it would still look good & it would save a heck of a lot of faff on casual days.
Thanks for sharing your experience and the groupon thing.
I am a great big wimp, and did lots of blinking and jumping, but it didn't go wonky. They seem to use lots of small individual movements (hence the repeated scratching feeling) and I guess that lessens the chances.

I think the best advice is to be very clear with the therapist the look that you are aiming for, and not to be surprised if it looks much more intense before the scabs fall off.

I've got tattooed eyes and revitalished eyelashes. Now if I could just find some semi permanent foundation, I'd be set!
Minim did 27 have both top and bottom eyeliner done?

Yes, top & bottom.
Her eyes did not swell though. She said they were a bit sore the next day, but after that fine.
Her beautician said she should return in 1 month so she could correct anything 27 didn't like - all part of the service, but 27 was flying out of the country, backpacking for a year.
I'm booked in to a clinic in Guildford for £155 - top and bottom for this Thursday. They have a special offer on until 28 February. I think this is probably the cheapest I will find it now
I've had mine done too, top and bottom.

You had to return again 6weeks to 3 months after the initial treatment for a second application.

On each application you had 3 passes of the colour, you need to top up with one pass, very few years.

Each session cost £200, and Im really glad I had it done, mine hasn't faded at all
May I ask if you had it done for a subtle effect or did you do have thicker lines Jabba? I'm a real eyeliner gal, I must admit I do wear it quite thick. Subtle would be better than nothing if permanent but I'd prefer a thicker line. I guess you can opt for dark brown instead of black? Sorry excuse my ignorance but I'm seriously considering it, thanks.
Mine was done today. Thin line top and bottom. I have to wait 7 days for the final effect to show (unless I need to go back for a top up). My eyelids are sore tonight.
Don't pick the scabs! The temptation was almost overwhelming for me, just about held myself back. Really glad you're just sore, and not swollen. Will you post later tomorrow to let us know how you're getting on?
Daft question, I'm sure, but for all you tattooed ladies, how long do you have to wait before you can wear eye make up again?
May I ask if you had it done for a subtle effect or did you do have thicker lines Jabba? I'm a real eyeliner gal, I must admit I do wear it quite thick. Subtle would be better than nothing if permanent but I'd prefer a thicker line. I guess you can opt for dark brown instead of black? Sorry excuse my ignorance but I'm seriously considering it, thanks.
My artist drew various lines of thickness on paper before application, and I chose from that.
I went for the black Nikki, do point going at it half cocked is there?
Daft question, I'm sure, but for all you tattooed ladies, how long do you have to wait before you can wear eye make up again?

They said 5 days sublime, but Im a real mascara junkie being a child of the 60s so I didn't wear any that evening. But was working the next day and applied mascara as usual.
You just have to be super careful removing your make up, as the ink scabs and you don't want to remove them as the colour will peel of with it .

There's 3 phases of healing

Peel and then
Reveal !

I'm considering getting my brows done this year, dependant on funds. I'm not prepared to compromise on my 2 holidays to Florida a year !
My eyes were swollen as well as sore on day 2. Day 3 eyes are almost back to normal. A little itchy - no sign of scabbing yet. I can go out with dark glasses.
Day 4 virtually no swelling. A little bit of scabbing. Looking at the top eyeliner it looks like she tattooed the underside of the eyelid whilst the top of the eye lid has only a very thin line (I did ask for a natural look). Will be interested to see what it looks like on day 7. But so far I am pleased.

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