Semi Permanent Makeup


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Day 6. No swelling and some of the surface tattoo has come off. Eyes are still itchy. I have a gap on the right top eyelid which I filled with eyeliner today - hoping that the tattoo there is temporarily hidden under skin at moment. I can go back up to 4 months for a free top up. The eyes are healing at different rates; on my bottom right eye I can see the final tattoo but on the right bottom eye the top coat of the tattoo is still there. I am pleased I had it done.
Day 7 gap that was filled with eyeliner yesterday has vanished and gaps appearing on other eye. Right bottom eye tattoo is darker than right. Eyes are hardly itchy at all. Just waiting now to see how they even out or if I will have to go back for to pup in a month or so (top up is free).
I have read that no eye makeup remover should be used on the tattooed eyeliner because that will cause it to fade prematurely.
I was using a lash enhancer - something similar to Rapid lash - wonder if I can continue using it
No make-up is to be applied on or to close to new tattoo until it is healed.

....Do not use an eyelash curler for 2 weeks, and if you are using an eyelash extender product such as LiLash/brow or Latisse please discontinue until 4 weeks after your touchup session and your eyeliner or brows are complete. These products are incredible and really do work, but are so new that we don’t know how they will affect your tattooed color, so don’t take any chances! Emu oil is a wonderful skin conditioner, but do not use Emu oil as your sealant. Because it may cause your pigment color to bleed or migrate.
Almost 2 weeks and all the scabbing has gone but as the line under one eye is more defined that the other I am going back for a top up on 5 march. My eyes look very natural. It looks really good when I put more eyeliner on the top as the tattoo on the top is on the waterline. I've read that you have to tell them if you are having an MRI scan. Something to do with the ink in the tattoo reacting with the MRI machine.
Went back for a touch up session a week ago. All healed and looking good except on the bottom of the eye where there seems to be a tiny gap. Not going to bother going back again and if it stays like that then a little touch up with eyeliner will dot be trick. Doubt if anyone will notice the gap anyway.

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