Seasalt coming to Q


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Registered Shopper
Oct 25, 2012
I notice on Q`s facebook they`re saying they`ll soon be selling Seasalt clothing. I browse Seasalt own website now and again but I think their prices can be a bit high for what is mainly casual clothing. Their own website does have regular sales though and frequent discounts plus I`d be wary that Q`s items from Seasalt may be those dreaded "specially made" tsv`s which are rarely up to standard. Time will tell.
Oh I have just visited their website and I do like the look of their tunics which I mainly wear. And they do large sizes! I see they are stocked by Ely's in Wimbledon so may have to pootle down there on a free day and have a look round rather than trying by post and having to return! They are also stocked in JLP but not sure what sizes they do, cos I read somewhere JLP were no longer stocking larger sizes... I shall have to check their website.

Thanks for the info, Vienna.
From their website delivery is free on orders over £50 and returns are also free. At the moment they have 3 special offers on their site, spend £75 get £10 off and so on up to £25 off orders over £140.
In my nearest big shopping town they are beside Joules and to be honest you wouldn’t know if you were in the wrong store they are so alike.

I like their things and they often have offers but the one item I have purchased shrunk in the first wash (and I always wash this type of thing on a hand wash cycle and never tumble dry), the fabric wore ok, didn’t bobble or anything.

I carry my weight on my hips and have found that they are not generous in this area and the next size up would drown me in the chest and shoulders.

Wouldn’t buy off Q but will always browse in store just in case I hit it lucky.
Yes LATI I have similar problems where the cut and fit are am issue. Some of the tops in this range have a linen look to them, so like you say, narrow on the hips and baggy around the bust area could be a problem.

I tend to buy a lot from the German company Navabi now - sooooo much variety, AND it arrives within a few days.
I love Seasalt and I don't think it's that much like Joules - I don't like the Joules stripey look with flowers. But I'm not sure how they'll translate for QVC although price isn't an issue - compared to MarlaWynne their clothes are positively cheap and the fabrics are lovely cottons and linens. I think they probably will go down the made-for route though.
I love Seasalt too. I don't think they are like Joules either. I buy their dresses and really like the ones made from Bamboo jersey. Lovely and soft and wash well. The shops used to have a customer reward system which meant you could get 20% off a purchase. Then they decided to stop that, and now just have the spend over £75 offer which I don't like, as if you only buy one dress and it is below the £75 you miss out.
I can walk to a branch of Seasalt,I think they are good quality although many of their styles are not my thing.Do go for their socks and scarves though!Like Joules I would rather buy from their own website or JL as if I get a wrong size I do not have in the region of £8 to £10 in P&P charges to change & return as I would with QVC.
I have been buying Seasalt clothes since they only had a a shop or two in Cornwall and I bought a sweatshirt on holiday. It was great when they went online and I could find something a bit different that wasn’t in every high street. They have expanded a lot further now and we even have one in the small place I live, as well as being in JL.

Fortunately they have expanded their size range too as I have expanded a little over the years! Not all the styles suit me and some of it is a bit pricey but I love the natural fabrics and agree the bamboo jersey dresses are fab. They do longer lengths too on some styles which suits me.i will be interested to see if they change their quality when they arrive on QVC. I doubt I will be buying though with QVC postal and return charges. Oh and they have great Customer Service too.
I don't think they are that like Joules apart from in price. I think they are quite like White Stuff. I pesonally wish they wiget Fatface onto QVC.
I don't think they are that like Joules apart from in price. I think they are quite like White Stuff. I pesonally wish they wiget Fatface onto QVC.

I love White Stuff too. Really like their dresses - they wash really well. The stores are opposite each other in Chester, and my little legs rush towards the shops whenever they are given the opportunity!
I'm going to preface this comment by saying I'm not cruel, just honest. I've had a look at the first Seasalt hour & in my opinion Julia looks like she should be an extra in Foyles War & Melissa, the 'stenning' BA, shouldn't really wear such a short dress especially with such pallid legs. Trouble is I love the Vanessa bolero & have found all the other colours on their website...
I’m watching it on one plus 1 without sound. Did she say what size she was wearing? Whatever size it was she could have gone up one.

I don’t care what anyone says about TV adding weight and that in RL she is slim there is no way on this earth that woman would ever fit into a small.
I’m watching it on one plus 1 without sound. Did she say what size she was wearing? Whatever size it was she could have gone up one.

I don’t care what anyone says about TV adding weight and that in RL she is slim there is no way on this earth that woman would ever fit into a small.

She was in a 12, "my usual size". The tv adding pounds was true in the days of analogue, not now we have digital. I've posted previously that my Mr T & I prefer concerts & plays to eating out & we've seen many people on stage who look exactly the same size as they do on tv.
I like the colours & most of the prints a change from the awful garish offerings we are used to.The styles are just not for me but might have a look in store tomorrow.
Well I ordered a top from Seasalt to check the sizing, as it was free post regardless of cost as a welcome offer, and two from Navabi as it was 15% off as a welcome offer and they were both in the sale. So hurrah, maybe some new ranges to bolster my M&S selections, and boo hiss, money spent when I shouldn't have!!!!!
I’m watching it on one plus 1 without sound. Did she say what size she was wearing? Whatever size it was she could have gone up one.

I don’t care what anyone says about TV adding weight and that in RL she is slim there is no way on this earth that woman would ever fit into a small.

I've just had a look on the website - I saw the second SS show with Jill franks. But Oh my, Julia and Melissa are definitely in the wrong clothes for their body shapes. I'm not bothered about pale legs (I'm a redhead) but it's the overall effect. In the second show they said Julia wanted to wear the long red dress but it wasn't being shown so she couldn't. I think she would have looked much better in that.

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