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I didn't realise this is meant to be for spots amongst other things. anyone had any experience with this?
Thank you!
Thank you!
I didn't realise this is meant to be for spots amongst other things. anyone had any experience with this?
Thank you!
Here you go Artemis, I have bought from this seller and they are excellent.
I use it for any kind of blemish. I have rosacea and it calms flare-ups very quickly, better than all the 'purpose-built' stuff - and believe me, I've tried all of that over the years. As well as the usual huge containers, I have a small tube which was part of a kit. I keep this in my handbag and, the minute I get bitten, I apply some. All my bites used to crust and ooze (yeuk! sorry) but if I can get the propolis on within 30 minutes, they are gone in 24 hours and barely itch. I get occasional accidental scratches from our cats, and again, they heal super-quick with the gel applied. I could go on........
Incidentally, If anyone ever comes across any of the small tubes, by themselves, could you let me know - I'm sure they are "try-me's" as I need another and don't need the whole kit.:happy:
Hi :hi: Artemis,
I agree with everything you said - Propolis is great, especially if you put it on quickly, as you said. You could try Ebay for smaller tubes - I know they do 75ml on there, but perhaps that's too big for you. You could always decant a little into a small jar, like the ones you can buy for taking on planes. Boots and M&S do kits here and I am sure you will be able to source them locally to where you live, or use a little container from which you have used up all the product.