Sara Griffiths Is Staying!!


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I used to like Sara first time around. Calm, melodious voice, gave the necessary information with a bit of chit chat, no hard sell. That seems to have completely changed. It was almost as if she was on trial at Le Q and told that if she was able to shift a certain number of items, she could stay. And so began the hard sell, the talking as fast as possible, and the interruptions. Now, I can't bear to watch, and have to change channels.

she quite bad these days. needs to roll her neck back in. the gasping and hissing slow down sara
Personally for me it would be either Anthony or Claudia.[/QUOTE]

I doubt it, costs £££££££££££££££ with high grade diamonds etc. Makes Lisa Snowdon's stuff look like something from a lucky bag

The range, notice no prices on items. If you have to ask, then you can't afford it idea.

Had a look at Claudia's site .... very high end! Her latest gift idea for the man who has everything is solid gold buttons for one's tailor to sew on to one's Saville Row suit !

Wonder what she made of her time slumming it at QVC?
Sara Griffiths is OK. I think one can attribute her marked change of presenting style to orders from the top.
This has just put the tin hat on a crap week. I can't stand her and get mad when she is presenting one of the few shows I actually want to watch.

Are there not enough episodes of casualty etc for her "talents" without having to listen to her talking twaddle over guests. Grrr

My sentiments exactly! I really liked her when she was originally on the Q, she was respectful to the guests, didn't shriek, didn't talk over them constantly and was one of my favourite presenters. Now she has the "Marverine & Micael Effect" on me and I cannot reach the remote fast enough!
I couldn't stand her first time round, thought she was the most boring drone but this time she is just as boring but rude and pushy to boot

There are so few that I can bear to listen to for more than a few seconds.

exactly the same for me, so much so that I've more or less stopped watching QVC. From when I "discovered" it 7 years ago when I acquired Freeview, it was on most of the day as background and I bought a fair bit. The past year or so has seen such a change in the quality and "enjoyment factor". What with new mediocre presenters, the disappearance of 2 very good and experienced presenters and the apparent new producer/director instructions to shout, interrupt and generally make every attempt to give us viewers any useful info about items.
I'd like to know which rude, ignorant, arrogant, money-grabbing executive/s decided on these presenting methods. And I wonder if Debbie G and Julian left because they disagreed with the strategy? We will never know.
If it is the case that they are told to present that way then they would all be clones of each other, but they aren't.
anthony was lovely. too good for qvc methinks

like I say, he was very popular on the cruise I was on and made a very slick cruise director. He was the most classy cruise director I have seen on a cruise. I think he was charged with their dancing with the Stars at sea which was a massive competition across ships ending with one big competition to find the winner.he hosted the competition evening show on our trip and was very proud of the competition and his input.

I would be suprised if he came back to QVC anytime soon, maybe if he was fed up with being at sea every day but I suspect that may be some time away.
like I say, he was very popular on the cruise I was on and made a very slick cruise director. He was the most classy cruise director I have seen on a cruise. I think he was charged with their dancing with the Stars at sea which was a massive competition across ships ending with one big competition to find the winner.he hosted the competition evening show on our trip and was very proud of the competition and his input.

I would be suprised if he came back to QVC anytime soon, maybe if he was fed up with being at sea every day but I suspect that may be some time away.

I seem to recall that when he first left for the ships his position was as a personal shopper, so obviously is enjoying a higher profile now so unlikely to be pining for Q.
Imho they have got worse presenters than Sara ...Maverine and Craig to name but two...I liked her style better her first time round, but I think the hard sell is the way QVC are now going....
I used to like Sara first time around. Calm, melodious voice, gave the necessary information with a bit of chit chat, no hard sell. That seems to have completely changed. It was almost as if she was on trial at Le Q and told that if she was able to shift a certain number of items, she could stay. And so began the hard sell, the talking as fast as possible, and the interruptions. Now, I can't bear to watch, and have to change channels.

I feel exactly the same way! I used to like her too; she was well spoken and intelligent. Now she is just annoying. It could be me though!!
I feel exactly the same way! I used to like her too; she was well spoken and intelligent. Now she is just annoying. It could be me though!!
I used to like her too but I don't enjoy watching her now, so if it's you then it's me too.
I feel exactly the same way! I used to like her too; she was well spoken and intelligent. Now she is just annoying. It could be me though!!

Boris Bear
I used to like her too but I don't enjoy watching her now, so if it's you then it's me too.

Nope, neither of you annoys me. :mysmilie_50:
Never did take to Anthony. I think, like Anna, Sara has an artistic aspect to her character and would, most definitely, be better suited to a career which allowed her to further explore that side of her personality. I believe she has more to offer and is, unfortunately, not afforded the opportunity to give 100% of her talents on the Q.
Never did take to Anthony. I think, like Anna, Sara has an artistic aspect to her character and would, most definitely, be better suited to a career which allowed her to further explore that side of her personality. I believe she has more to offer and is, unfortunately, not afforded the opportunity to give 100% of her talents on the Q.

Whatever percentage she is giving is far too much for me - any more of her and I would have to be put in a straight jacket to prevent me doing bodily harm.

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