Sara Griffiths is apparently back on QVC tonight 9pm


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I walked into the room which had Q on mute and did a double take when I was the witch talking 1000 to the dozen. She didn't draw breath in the 5 minutes I saw.

Awful woman!
I walked into the room which had Q on mute and did a double take when I was the witch talking 1000 to the dozen. She didn't draw breath in the 5 minutes I saw.

Awful woman!

What possessed QVC to give SG the gig. Do they seriously imagine viewers will like her presenting style on jot more as a guest than they did as a main presenter? I won't be watching, that's for sure. They used to have the sisters who created the brand on. It this another false economy by QVC, or do they want to kill off the brand on Q?
They way she was talking about the sisters in the past tense made me think they were deceased. Alison quite deftly shut her up at one point and got her to cut to the chase. I had to lower the volume and eventually switched off.
Did she leave QVC then? I hadn't realised. Mind you I've only recently resumed watching. Maybe the bit parts in Holby City aren't paying much.
nope shes just a brand ambassador for radical as she did use to rave about this range a lot when she was a presenter

Yes, she has been on before with the brand, it is not a regular item 'shame' (she with tears of genuine sorrow in her eyes, hmm....), but I hope this isn't going to be a prelude to her having a 'foot in the door' as it were, strangely JF didn't mention that she used to be a presenter and just did the segment (well the bit I saw of it), as if she was just a regular guest, as SG was one of my least favourite presenters and I wasn't really that interested in the new 'miracle gunk' that she was flogging I started watching something slightly (IMO) better (AYBS in case any one was remotely interested, kinda apt I suppose, though this was a genuine comedy show, whereas QVC is 'ironical comedy' (if there is such a thing)!

No, I thought the point of Q Presenters was that they were suppose to be 'enthusiastic' about everything that they try and 'flog', I know all presenters can't be all things to everyone and of course they will have their favourites, but this could start a trend, they could have their ultimate favourites and then could leave and come back as guest presenters (CB for 'The Real Pie Company' for example)!
I flicked over and there she was. Emerdale didn't call her back then.:mysmilie_15:

Casualty have a guest copse of the week Sara.

I am sure that was just a typo, Donna, but actually maybe it's not inappropriate, SG being so wooden an' all.
Shall we open the book on how long Radical will last on QVC with a proven sales repellent as their brand ambassador?

Surely there are some articulate, sympathetic, presenters out their who could represent the brand? The sisters were quite pleasant, and to be represented by someone with a rude, aggressive, hectoring style just seems wrong.
I switched over yesterday and saw Sara Griffiths and my heart dropped as I briefly thought she was back as a presenter. Thank goodness she isn't. Can't stand her at all.
They way she was talking about the sisters in the past tense made me think they were deceased. Alison quite deftly shut her up at one point and got her to cut to the chase. I had to lower the volume and eventually switched off.

After doing a quick 'google', they are not dead, apparently it is another of those father was a doctor turned 'medi-beauty' (or whatever the correct portmanteau is) and they have expanded the brand globally!
Shall we open the book on how long Radical will last on QVC with a proven sales repellent as their brand ambassador?

Surely there are some articulate, sympathetic, presenters out their who could represent the brand? The sisters were quite pleasant, and to be represented by someone with a rude, aggressive, hectoring style just seems wrong.

Sara Griffiths is extremely articulate and sympathetic. Let us not forget how she used to be before she underwent a complete personality transplant - almost certainly at the behest of the upper echelons of the QVC management, whom it would seem believe in a more aggressive approach to selling. It's counterproductive of course. Nothing turns me off more than hard sell. D. Flint was on with Andrew Crinkley (he of the Gatineau) and Flint was in overdrive, suggesting that people stock up on an expensive serum, buy one for the schoolteacher and the dinner lady, not to mention that random lady you might meet in Waitrose who just needs some help with her slackening jowl - OK I made those up but you get what I mean. There are far worse people on QVC than SG.
Sarah very snipey I've noticed ..."your time to shine " on Kipling scarves box ..Sarah says .."that's a strange thing to put ...." .....etc
Um love you are a sales lady remember ?'d " sell your own kidney to wear one " type thing ..(not a good commmet she made there ....)
Totally cannot warm to her ..must be filling in for hollybobs

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