Windows 7 does need a lot of memory and processing power otherwise it slows the whole thing down. The first generation of netbooks ran on XP because it is less "power hungry" than Windows 7. The dual core thing just means that the processing speed is far higher, you need a balance of processing speed and memory to get a good performance. I like the way that this netbook starts up quickly my laptop running Windows 7 is the same but my netbook running XP in comparison takes forever to start up
I would have said you needed 2GB of memory to get a good peformance from Windows 7 but this uses DDR3 memory which is twice as quick as the other types so I suppose 1GB is enough it certainly seems nippy during the demos but then dont all computers do that when they are new its only when we start filling them up that they slow down!!
I would have said you needed 2GB of memory to get a good peformance from Windows 7 but this uses DDR3 memory which is twice as quick as the other types so I suppose 1GB is enough it certainly seems nippy during the demos but then dont all computers do that when they are new its only when we start filling them up that they slow down!!