I wouldn't mind, though if you'd said Peter Simon then I most certainly would mind - Horrible creature!
I was flicking through the shopping channels and I saw him on one of those. So is he the only one who has got a job elsewhere? I feel sorry for Lynn and Sheila and the other models

They have been there for a long time.
Only as an alternative to boiling your own eyeballs before being stretched on the rack without a general anaesthetic.
I will be having nightmares

Mine too, there's something extremely unsavoury about that man!s to look
We should have a " cannot stand" fan club

Sometime ago, WI was selling those small stone angels and you should seen Simon, he was trying to look pious and it was so comical

Sally Jacks would give Ms Flint a run for the money. Hard, hard sell and a very loud voice. Don't want to think what it would be like in a studio with Simon Biagi bellowing and Sally shrieking.
Worst nightmare

or shall I say torture

I have not heard any presenter shriek as bad as Sally.
The first time I saw her , I saw this short, plump, straight yellow haired female , and then she started to talk

She lost some weight, but that wasn't the problem , if only she could see a speech therapist

She could be a good a good presenter, if only she would do something about that ear piercing shrieky voice.