SAFFI a size 12 is PLUS SIZE ????


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Apr 27, 2009
Its Official then ! size 12 and over is classed as PLUS SIZE !!!

Remember Saffi ? just one of many qvc models ? just read an article about her in the YOU Sunday Mail magazine. She is 5'10 and a size 12, and because she is curvy is classed as Plus Size - so she is carrying the banner now for all curvy girls !

I coughed into my cornflakes - what planet do these people live on ? Perhaps they consider my 5'7 size - which ranges from 18 on a good day to 22 on a roast dinner day, as gargantuan !

I give up.
Better still lets have sizes smaller than a 12 described as "minus" sizes. The majority of women are a size 12 or above so they are in the majority. Why have the majority labelled as "plus" when they are in fact the norm?
Maybe, with all us over-size-10 fatties around, QVC are paving the way for selling slimming pills and dietitians on the help line? There's obviously an even bigger market than any size 12s* out there suspected!!


edit: Another thought: if size 12s are plus and size 10s minus, would large sizes get multiples discounts like 2 for 1 so a dress that costs say £40 for a size 10 would cost £20 for a size 20 plus?
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I may be way of beam here, and stand to be corrected, BUT all my friends who are aged over 40 are certainly over a size 12, so this leads me to believe that the 6, 8 and 10's of this world are mainly teens and twenties ? - forgetting of course 'Lady' Beckham !
I'm going to say this while hiding behind the sofa.I'm 63 4'10'' tall and size 8/10 generally on the High Street, I eat well, don't diet and that's the size and shape I've been since I was a teenager. I feel just as annoyed that I'm referred to by family as skinny mini etc where I would never consider calling my niece or talking about her as plus size although she is a size 16/18. I think the media has a lot to answer for in this labelling women in one way or another. I agree that Saffy looks lovely and really don't mind what her measurements are, but it is yet again putting out there opinions about body image and IMO is wrong.
Ok let's label people*in groups of 3.
so sizes 6, 8, 10 = "Minus"
sizes 12,14 16 = "Plus"
sizes 18, 20, 22= "super plus"

Change the "minus" to "regular" and we will all be categorised like feminine hygeine products. Why can't we just buy clothes according to measurements? Some people were born to be thin. Some people would be labelled a plus size just because they are tall or "big boned". Sadly some people are just plain anorexic or morbidly obese and could look better if they were not so ill/ate healthier/exercised.

I have always hated the sizing system in this county because it is inconsistent from shop to shop. I have a Country Casuals wool and cashmere coat which is my posh best one and which I have owned for about 15 years. It is a size 12 and still fits me. If I tried to buy a size 12 today from top shop it would probably be too small but yet it would still be classed as "plus".

*I really don't like to label anyone. Tongue firmly planted in cheek.
Well I must have been a plus size all my life then. I`m certain my nappies must have been a size 10.
Even as a teen I was a size 12/14, then after having 3 kids I was a size 18 and now I`m a size 14/16. I`m nearly 6ft tall and even at my size 18 I never considered myself "fat" just normal, whatever normal is and it`s obviously what designers don`t see.
Many of the top designers are gay men and they don`t find curvaceous female bodies attractive so they design for the more boyish shaped models which appeal to them, we would all design for the shape we found aestetically pleasing so it`s to be expected I suppose. That`s when you get some designers calling the likes of Adele and other women "fat". They set the precedence on the catwalk with thin, boyish looking bodies and anybody without that shape is called plus sized, unfair IMO but that`s life.
I agree with what you posted Weathergirl. It's the constant body image articles in newspapers virtually every day, showing unflattering photos of A to Z list celebs and commenting on the post baby shapes, new weight loss or gain.I feel sorry for young girls these days trying to achieve the impossible dream with their looks. I honestly don't remember this being as bad when I was growing up.
Looking back at old family photos, in the 60s and 70s everyone was what we'd now call thin, but then it was average. Since body shapes have obviously changed since those days, it's about time the media (all the media) recognize this instead of labelling and making everyone feel guilty for being at either end of the sizing spectrum. And the fashion retailers ought to get their acts together and standardize their sizes. Clothes in my wardrobe range from a 12 to a 20 and they all still fit, which is ridiculous.
My mum was born in the 50's and to hear her talk everyone has loads of fresh air and exercise as a child (hers sounds like swallows and people walked everywhere and there were less cars on the road. People worked nearer home and meals were cooked from scratch using fresh nutricious ingredients. Her mum had a baking day and they had yummy cakes to eat. Nan would get about 6 meals out if one ham bone (there were 4 kids too). Roast chicken was used until every last scrap of meat was gone and then my nan made soup and stock with the bones. I am sorry to all the vegetarians reading this... but my point is there was less money. Better quality food. More exercise. Proper cooking and until the awful 70's came around no ready meals. I think it's salt, sugar and processed food and sitting on our arses that make us fat. My mum is still very slim today. I try to emulate my mum's and nan's approach to cooking and baking and never buy ready meals, though I do cheat with gravy! I am just loving the Ninja TSV I just got, and the ninja blender and my kitchen bookshelves of cookery books. We are healthy but not stick thin by any means but I blame the vino for that, lol. But I know I don't get anywhere near enough exercise. :)
It really is time they got the sizing sorted. I hardly dare order a jumper on line now, I have been a 12/14 most of my adult life,I have put some weight on since giving up smoking a few years ago, Now to get a jumper/top for a size 42"bust I appear to be a 2XL :mysmilie_503: Perhaps I should borrow Julia's tape measure LOL
Just think Debenhams have recently rolled out size 16 manikins to display clothing on as they say it's the average size these days. So it really makes you wonder why so many clothes are designed (not just the designer stuff but the store brands as well) to be worn by anorexic shapeless coat hangers.
We need consistency in sizing between the various shops and clothes that are meant for real women with curves not the false shape being promoted by the fashion industry and magazines.
Which one is Saffy again?

I think when the say Plus size" they mean it as in the modelling world. Obviously size 12 isn't plus size in the real world. If you think about it most top fashion models are size 8 or less. I am not saying it's right just a thought. I do dislike this whole "real women with curves" thing the media put out though. Every woman is real if she was born female.
Did anyone else notice on Nina Leonard shows today, Joy was said to be in a 2XL. Isn't that new? I thought I remembered them always saying she was a 1XL. Maybe I'm wrong though.
As an aside...Trinny and Susannah drove me crazy the other day constantly harping on about how they cater and design specifically for larger ladies. They went on and on and on... But their dress size stopped at 22! Idiots.
Yes I heard that Joy was in a 2XL as well. A bit worrying, cos if she is, then his sizing must be getting smaller 0R Joy has put weight on !!!!!
They've been squeezing and shoe-horning Joy into stuff way too small for her for the last few months so maybe they have just decided to get real?

It's a bit like with Julia sometimes... just because you can get into something does not mean that it fits... some things just aren't meant to be skin tight.

No wonder women have complexes the way they carry on.Size 12 a plus size is rubbish :mysmilie_5:
Bringing up teenagers in this world today is horrible.My two teen boys are normal boys.normal in height,weight,health and eldest son in particular has low self esteem.trying to bring them up in a world that is obsessed with "celebrity" is hard.They think that TOWIE etc is the "norm" - whether they realise that the teeth,tans,tits and hair are fake or not -they all think thats how you're meant to look.the fact that the girls are allowed the hair dyes,the scouse brows,the nails etc...all make it harder to say well actually this isnt "life" or "normal".

how different to when I think of my childhood of the 70's.When I think the of the popstars who all had all their own teeth and hair.Even when you look at George Micheal or Duran or Spandeau - find their ealy stuff of the 80's and thats how teeth looked.I remember being a teenager and loving early bananarama - yes we followed their "look" but looking back they were ordinary normal girls.As someone has said I never thought once as a child/teen I'm overweight (although I probably was) I look back at photos and how noone even thought much about was just do normal.

I do have to say I do believe in a certain shape.I'm a classic apple and between the ages of 16 and now 40 I've been everywhere between a 12 and a 16.I'm probably nearer a 16 now - and unfortunately no matter how much I try to loose and get down to a smaller size - a 14/16 is probably more my natural size and shape.Then you have my SIL and shes about an 8/10 and thats after 4 children - but thats just her shape.What a shame that the media these days make so much of peoples size and shape and so much emphasis is put on looks.
My teens were the 60's, and as far as I can remember we all looked pretty much the same figure wise. Some were slightly thinner, and others slightly meatier, but - perhaps due to our home cooked diet - there were no teenagers of size 20 or upwards about. In fact I think there was a company called Deans who advertised larger ''fashions for the older woman' in the newspapers, and Evans Outsize, and that was it !!! I was a size 16 and that was the top size in Chelsea Girl (so in 50 years I've only increased two dress sizes).

We had Twiggy, but it was never an obsession to look like her. We had upcurls and panda eyes like Dusty Springfield, or long bobs like Cathy McGowan.

We had romance magazines called Valentine and Mirabelle, that concentrated on romance, our Mum's magazines concentrated on knitting and long stories. Today, every magazine every week has a Dieting section, followed by cooking and exercising pages ! this in itself speaks volumes !!!!

Say what you like, but life may not have been better, but it was definitely nicer back then - we all had work and a roof over our head, our hospitals were cleaner, kids could play out all day without fear, and we were all much nicer to each other.
You are exactly the same age as me Rainbowdottie. My 2 are very young though but I an dreading the teenage years. What will it be then (TOWIE will be so yesterday). Facebook will have been replaced with something even worse. Oh no.

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