The TSV arrived today.
Wrong bloody colour. I ordered a black & what have I got RED :mysmilie_505:
So I rang. Of course its all my fault isn't it. You must have ordered the red I was told. Really smart arse . Then how come it says BLACK on the receipt ?
So I asked for a prepaid label & an exchangge & a full refund on the P&P. That went down like a lead balloon but was reluctantly agreed to. Jeez do they make the staff fork out on some of these returns ?
But I have tried on the dress. In fairness it is very nice but it was wise to go up a size. I would never have got it over my top half had it been my real size. Not short on me, just below the knee but taller ladies are going to have a problem with this :blush:
So if anyone gets one of those RN dress that smells of Opium its me.
Wrong bloody colour. I ordered a black & what have I got RED :mysmilie_505:
So I rang. Of course its all my fault isn't it. You must have ordered the red I was told. Really smart arse . Then how come it says BLACK on the receipt ?
So I asked for a prepaid label & an exchangge & a full refund on the P&P. That went down like a lead balloon but was reluctantly agreed to. Jeez do they make the staff fork out on some of these returns ?
But I have tried on the dress. In fairness it is very nice but it was wise to go up a size. I would never have got it over my top half had it been my real size. Not short on me, just below the knee but taller ladies are going to have a problem with this :blush:
So if anyone gets one of those RN dress that smells of Opium its me.