Rob twiddle thumbs


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Oct 25, 2023
I ask you ?? Twiddling your thumbs on live TV ?? Height of boredom! And he calls himself s pro??
I think there's worse crimes on shopping telly, misrepresenting items, saying an unbranded handbag could be Gucci (for example) as "it doesn't say it isn't", doing the "ooh we've made a mistake on the price buy quickly before they notice" routine.

There's loads of examples like these and other shopping channel threads on here that I've read (mainly IW, QVC, Gems, Jewellery Channel) are full of examples so they don't appear to be unique to one channel.

And just to clarify, with the handbag comment above, I'm not sure what designer was mentioned (it was an expensive one), Gucci was the first name I thought of to give an example.

I do confess to having a pretty low tolerance level these days but twiddling thumbs isn't something that would bother me. Even with a presenter I didn't like. But each to their own.
I'm absolutely sure this doesn't apply to you, but your comments sound like they are coming from a bitter, unsuccessful selly telly presenter who doesn't currently have a job. Somebody who is very upset that Rob is currently on TV and blames him personally for this.

Rob may be an actor, but he's on the show as a presenter, so not sure how relevant his acting ability is in this instance. I'm not sure if I've seen him in anything so can't comment on that. And things like that are our own personal opinions unless we have extensive knowledge of the technicalities of acting.

As I say I'm sure this doesn't apply to you. Its just how the comments sound.
Of all the things a shopping telly presenter can do, this is absolutely definitely the WORST!

Declare their love of Hitler in the middle of an air fryer demonstration? Meh.

Sacrifice a goat on a Dormeo mattress? Yawn.

Rip off a dead comedian's act and turn it into an unfunny turn reliant on blatant smut rather than the original's tongue in cheek and clever descriptions, and knowing arch looks to camera? *rolls eyes*

But dare to move your digits about on camera? How depraved! There may be children, or people of a highly sensitive disposition watching! Hanging's too good for 'em, I say!
I do suspect a personal grievance behind the original comment. I'd love to know that story. Perhaps they were at primary school together and Rob borrowed a felt tip pen and failed to return it*

*Rob, if you're reading, I'm not suggesting that you would do such a heinous act of 'felt tip pen theft' as a boy. But if you did it explains why you've gone on to thumb twiddling, it's a slippery slope downhill.
I do suspect a personal grievance behind the original comment. I'd love to know that story. Perhaps they were at primary school together and Rob borrowed a felt tip pen and failed to return it*

*Rob, if you're reading, I'm not suggesting that you would do such a heinous act of 'felt tip pen theft' as a boy. But if you did it explains why you've gone on to thumb twiddling, it's a slippery slope downhill.
It does appear to be intensely personal, doesn't it? Nobody would get so wound up by a bloke on the telly either sitting down or twiddling their thumbs for nothing.

Well, I wouldn't. I asked her in the corner shop for her opinion, but she just told me to buy something or get out. I bet that she wouldn't get so excited either. Though you can never tell with people.

I am intrigued now! I wonder what other reasons Nigel will find to catch Mr Locke's attentions again? And there was I thinking that this part of the forum would be boring 😏
there was one of those evangelical channels many years ago selling holy water and blessed bread
Thick or medium sliced?

I can see Pope Peter of Simon going down a storm on a channel like that: epilepsy inducing flashing worry angels one minute, then a horrific and infernal gallery of Thomas Kinkade prints the next.
You'd better put my name down for an exorcism🤣. But the words just sound like things Peter would say. Not that I'm suggesting that Nigel is Peter Simon of course...
Nobody would ever accuse you of saying something so crass and disgusting. You are a paragon of something or other!

And Peter Simon isn't. I am pretty sure that it's just the intense and somewhat creepy Rob Locke-watching that makes Nigel sound so very familiar. It's not like clapped-out former famous(ish) people who end up selling sub-pound shop tat on tenth rate selly telly channels would make a habit of stalking and bitching about former colleagues on internet forums, is it?

Though if Debbie Greenwood or Kathy Tayler want to start dishing the dirt on QVC on this forum, I am all for it!
Thick or medium sliced?

I can see Pope Peter of Simon going down a storm on a channel like that: epilepsy inducing flashing worry angels one minute, then a horrific and infernal gallery of Thomas Kinkade prints the next.
It was a whole loaf or individually wrapped slices. Yes he would but would have to get ordained. I'm actually an OCP (ordained clergy person) I got a certificate online to prove how easy it is and expose the charlatans. Technically speaking I could do it lol
Thick or medium sliced?

I can see Pope Peter of Simon going down a storm on a channel like that: epilepsy inducing flashing worry angels one minute, then a horrific and infernal gallery of Thomas Kinkade prints the next.
I'd completely forgotten the Thomas Kinkade prints! The reasoning was that because millions of Americans had one of his pictures in their home, they must be art of the highest quality.

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