Guest Shopper
Interesting post Gemlover. I am really shocked that your Rhapsody diamonds are apparently not the grade that is stated to be in this rangeThanks again Meesho. When I opened the box pink saphire ring looked stunning esp the diamonds so sparkly and Saphire is beautiful pink. I was called from TJC at 5 pm regarding treatment. Was told by a gentleman that saphire was heated and all gems unless stated natural undergo treatment. So it's treated. More to add I took it the local jeweller fairly experienced diamond jeweller he said diamonds are about G in color and SI in clarity. He is the same one who graded some iliana as VS in the past. I bought 3 diamondnecklaces from him and he is very reliable.
Ambit of a perfectionist in my own territory I don't like highly treated stones everytime I look at it I think it's all unnatural.
U helped me to come to a final decision, it's going tomoro,
Paraiba Tourmaline might arrive tomoro it's been shipped.
Will let u all know
thanks everyone
also local jeweller said saphire was very slightly chipped may be true or may be not.