Returns - still taking two to three weeks


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Miss Kitty

AKA Broomstick Babe
Jun 24, 2008
Well folks, rang up to see where we are with refunds. It's still two to three weeks after receipt, plus the time it takes to move back onto your card.

TJC & QVC are just taking a couple of days at most.

So, any Coloured Rocks managers care to tell me when we can have BETTER CUSTOMER SERVICE in this area?

Surely this refund business should have been sorted out by now? After all, it's not taking two to three weeks to ship & charge the items.

Anyone else know what is going on behind the scenes?

No idea Miss Kitty but I've just been refunded for items returned 2 weeks ago and I agree, it's not acceptable. I can't imagine what will happen nearer to Christmas and I'd give up for the New Year!
I'm having similar problems with refunds. I returned items end October; told on 5 Nov that refund has been processed and would be credited to my account in 3 working days. As at today, 26 Nov, my card still hasn't been credited. I sent an email to CS yesterday about this and I'm still awaitng a response. I didn't even receive the automatic email acknowledgement! Very poor show Gems/Rocks!:angry:
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Another one here waiting for refunds which are taking at least three weeks to process, a completely unacceptable time, and one for which we have no explanation from those in charge of the system. Why on earth does it take so long when, as Miss Kitty says, it takes a matter of days to process sales and take the money from our accounts? If other companies can manage to deal with refunds efficiently there is no reason for the long delays we experience with Rocks/Gems.
Yet again, I note the absence of replies from the Bennetts.
Was daft enough to 'trust' ordered quite a bit - not happy with quality of several items - no where near the silver or gem weight of similar styled 'older' rocks items. Still awaiting £250 + John emailed and said hopefully by 30th Nov - now been told 'might' be this week - therefore checking out only 2 items and holding order - last time for me I think until it improves or item is incredible.
Oh dear, not a good situation, puts me off ordering tbh! Perhaps the deal is that if they can offer a 'No Quibble' policy on refunds then we (the customers) are expected to adopt a 'No Quibble' policy on how long the refunds actually take!

Er.......nope! :doh:
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I had a big order due to be sent out next week. As there is no guarantee of me seeing two considerable refunds during the next two weeks I emailed CS, asking them to reduce it to items I know I will definitely keep. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
CS emailed back refusing, saying it was being packed at that moment in the warehouse. As I had placed the order on Friday, I did not think that would be the case.<o:p></o:p>
I then rang up and told them to cancel the whole order, which CS did. As they had already written to me refusing, I also temporarily removed all my credit card and personal details just in case.<o:p></o:p>
The CS team leader had called me but I did not hear the call (in the shower) and she did not leave a message. I did call her back but she did not return my call. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
The CS team leader has since emailed me and told me they have closed my account because of my actions.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
I had no choice because of the refund situation. Previously with Rocks and Gems I have never had any such problems, and was not aware of them until this weekend.<o:p></o:p>
I wouldn't like to say how much I have spent with both Rocks and Gems over the years and my buying behaviour has always been the same, so am somewhat surprised to be treated this way. <o:p></o:p>
They've climbed their way up on the backs of folk like you Miss Kitty, and now they no longer have any particular interest in their old customers. There's always another right behind. Well, Mr and Mrs B, that applies to jewellery suppliers as well. This company has gone from best customer service to worst, and have made it perfectly clear that they only want customers who are loyal regardless of how they are treated, and who are happy to continue sucking up to the Bennetts. xxxxxxxxx
I had a big order due to be sent out next week. As there is no guarantee of me seeing two considerable refunds during the next two weeks I emailed CS, asking them to reduce it to items I know I will definitely keep. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
CS emailed back refusing, saying it was being packed at that moment in the warehouse. As I had placed the order on Friday, I did not think that would be the case.<o:p></o:p>
I then rang up and told them to cancel the whole order, which CS did. As they had already written to me refusing, I also temporarily removed all my credit card and personal details just in case.<o:p></o:p>
The CS team leader had called me but I did not hear the call (in the shower) and she did not leave a message. I did call her back but she did not return my call. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
The CS team leader has since emailed me and told me they have closed my account because of my actions.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
I had no choice because of the refund situation. Previously with Rocks and Gems I have never had any such problems, and was not aware of them until this weekend.<o:p></o:p>
I wouldn't like to say how much I have spent with both Rocks and Gems over the years and my buying behaviour has always been the same, so am somewhat surprised to be treated this way. <o:p></o:p>

Oh my goodness Miss Kitty, that is dreadful!!
That's disgraceful Miss Kitty, as I think many of us would have done the same thing in removing card details (temporarily) just in case their system tried to charge you for the cancelled order. How are we to know in what exact sequence these events happen......charging / packing or packing / charging?

Just a point that I recently noticed on the returns form in the Scoop mag, that customers can request a credit back to their account instead of a refund and this will be quicker than waiting for their funds to reach a bank account. But only
of benefit for those making further orders of course.........:tongue:

I hope you get a much deserved apology Miss Kitty and that they don't 'quibble' about it!
Just so everyone knows, removing your card details from "my account" will not stop a payment going through as the payment details you use when you actually checkout remain even if they are not showing in your account as you see it.
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That's disgraceful Miss Kitty, as I think many of us would have done the same thing in removing card details (temporarily) just in case their system tried to charge you for the cancelled order. How are we to know in what exact sequence these events happen......charging / packing or packing / charging?

Just a point that I recently noticed on the returns form in the Scoop mag, that customers can request a credit back to their account instead of a refund and this will be quicker than waiting for their funds to reach a bank account. But only of benefit for those making further orders of course.........:tongue:

I hope you get a much deserved apology Miss Kitty and that they don't 'quibble' about it!

Confession time. I'm afraid I suggested this to Steve when he introduced the price guarantee, as I realised they then had the capability of carrying credits. It seemed like a good idea at the time as I was a frequent customer. It seemed logical with small refunds since they were more than likely going to end up back with Coloured Rock and, presumably, would make office life a little easier for them. I had not expected them to use this in an attempt to lessen monies owing to customers (I make this assumption due to the timing of its introduction). Credits probably make much better accountancy reading than do long outstanding repayments due. xxxxxxx
I had a big order due to be sent out next week. As there is no guarantee of me seeing two considerable refunds during the next two weeks I emailed CS, asking them to reduce it to items I know I will definitely keep. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
CS emailed back refusing, saying it was being packed at that moment in the warehouse. As I had placed the order on Friday, I did not think that would be the case.<o:p></o:p>
I then rang up and told them to cancel the whole order, which CS did. As they had already written to me refusing, I also temporarily removed all my credit card and personal details just in case.<o:p></o:p>
The CS team leader had called me but I did not hear the call (in the shower) and she did not leave a message. I did call her back but she did not return my call. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
The CS team leader has since emailed me and told me they have closed my account because of my actions.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
I had no choice because of the refund situation. Previously with Rocks and Gems I have never had any such problems, and was not aware of them until this weekend.<o:p></o:p>
I wouldn't like to say how much I have spent with both Rocks and Gems over the years and my buying behaviour has always been the same, so am somewhat surprised to be treated this way. <o:p></o:p>

I am lost for words on this! Hope you get an apology soon. It is their loss in the end.
Disgusting treatment of a very loyal customer Miss Kitty and a million miles removed from the excellent CS when the 'old' GEMS were operating. I haven't ordered for a very long time and reading this enforces that decision. I wouldn't normally wish a family run business ill will but I hope they go under when they disrespect their customers in this appalling way.
I am truly shocked that you have been treated in this way. It must be great to be so sure of your company's stability in this economic climate that you can afford to jettison loyal customers in this cavalier way.
I ordered a lot, sent a lot back but also kept a lot. I assumed that I must be a profitable and therefore valued customer since no one had told me otherwise.

Even the monolith organisation that is QVC manages to speak to most of its 'naughty' customers before closing their accounts.

Perhaps this is the new face of Coloured Rocks....
How can you possibly be a "naughty" customer when you've stayed loyal over all these years? Even if you have sent back, say, 50%, you've still kept 50% AND they've had your money during the period you've bought and then returned.

This is absolutely NO WAY to treat a customer of many years standing (or indeed any customer), however, you would have thought that before taking this action someone would have stopped and considered their actions.

Let's face it, if they sorted out the refunds situation, there wouldn't be half the amount of unrest that there is at the moment. If you placed the order in good faith believing you would have the funds then that should be good enough.

I am spitting blood on your behalf Miss K. It's nothing short of disgraceful and the Bennetts have a lot of ground to make up recently and this makes their jog now a marathon in my view.
Miss Kitty, I am both appalled and furious at the way you have been treated by this company which seems to have forgotten its beginnings. How they have the audacity to do this to you when it is their bloody ridiculously tardy and shambolic refunds 'system' to blame for your cancelled order simply beggars belief. This is a classic case of a company tasting success and then rapidly dropping its stated ethics and promise of first-class customer service. All this from a man who wanted us to believe in his so-called integrity and his assurances that the customer was key to his business.
As Argey said, the Bennetts are now happy to drop the very customers they initially relied upon to get the company off the ground and to spread the word to friends and family and ensure new buyers came onboard. What a shoddy way to treat the people who were willing to put their trust and money into a business and help it find its feet in a competitive market.
It seems to me that Steve Bennett now has a very short-term view about the running of the company, and that, I feel, could well be his undoing. It's a naive policy to disregard long-standing customers and concentrate solely on attracting new ones, since it's only a matter of time before the 'newbies', as it were, cotton on to the workings of Gems/Rocks and spread the word to their friends and families. Word of mouth works both ways; it can enhance success, or it can set in motion changes leading ultimately to the failure of a business venture. Frankly, at a time of world-wide recession, it isn't a good idea to arrogantly believe that tomorrow will be as good as today, and the money will keep rolling in. I should imagine that a lot of customers walk away when they realise the reality of the oft-spouted "No quibble 30 day mbg", especially when the presenters omit to mention just how long people will be waiting for their money to be returned.
It strikes me that the end of Chat heralded a new era over at Rocks, and made it much easier for changes to be made that benefited the company, but more or less stuck two fingers up at loyal customers. It meant that presenters could get away with more or less anything, that there could be a never-ending 'clearance' where prices often seemed to go surprisingly higher than they had in non-clearance times, and new customers would be none the wiser. A way of keeping people ignorant and ensuring that discontent would henceforth wave its irritating and inconvenient hands behind the scenes. Oh, and on this forum, and thankfully on here we have the freedom to question the integrity of a company that is happy to disregard and discard customers in such an atrocious manner.
Has Steve Bennett never heard the maxim about being careful how you treat people on the way up, since they are the very people you will meet on the way down? Perhaps he could look it up in some book or other just after he peruses a dictionary for the meaning of the words integrity, loyalty, clearance, sale, rare, recession, ethics, and my personal favourites, genuine, reverse, auction...
Unless things change radically I'm unlikely to ever order from CR again, but I'm still watching; there has been a slow but sure move towards a very definite demographic on Gems and I can see how this has alienated those of us who look for quality, sophistication and style in both our jewellery and the way it is presented.

Judging by the role-call of somewhat "age-specific" names that seem to proliferate throughout the day, that's the target group; once they've wriggled into their slimming pants, wrestled themselves into a nice polyester trouser suit and sparkily shuffled in metallic sandals across the bedroom carpet to their jewellery box, they daintily poke about with a pink-painted fingernail for a explosively-coloured piece of bling amongst a violently clashing collection to set the whole look off - then it's off down the local community centre for a spot of bingo and gin...:tongue:

I've heard Steve say that he watches other shopping channels so he knows what is being bought, and the type of person to whom it sells; if the presenters are to be believed (!), numbers of new callers are growing, so the Bennetts are obviously giving the majority of viewers what they like.

What I'm trying to say is this - to me, the posters on this forum generally reflect my views on Coloured Rocks, its products and its ethics; however, we seem to be in a minority. I expect the Bennetts probably still read what's written here but it barely warrants a second thought because they are getting what they want - however, we are not. Only we can change that. It's your money - get it back if they have it and spend it on what you truly want.

Jinny x
Hi Miss Kitty,
I'm so sorry to hear the appalling way you have been treated and can't believe how rude the customer service person has behaved towards a long standing and loyal customer. Do you think this was a particularly jobsworth idiot who dealt with you? Maybe you would consider making a complaint if you would still like to shop there in future, but I can understand it if you never spend another penny there again.
What seems most unfair is that it isn't your fault that their returns/refunds system is failing and unacceptably long, where is the apology for that?
I hope the Bennetts read about this and contact you to apologise on behalf of the hapless cs person and invite you back as a customer. Like you and many others on here, i've spent a small fortune with this company and it makes me feel sad that they can treat loyal customers so badly.
Good luck and fingers crossed for you that there is a better outcome,
Chris x

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