It's really not my fault that QVC's pictures on the website bear little relation to the product, nor that they also send the wrong product out, nor that they fail to describe the product fully.
Recently, been looking for a handbag and not having much joy. One Valentino bag had no zipper along the top - it fastened simply by a magnetic closure so that's great for pickpockets. :taphead: Either way, the closure was not described and I guess I'm the fool for assuming that it would be by a secure method.
Next up - a Makowsky bag. They sent the wrong colour. They placed the correct colour on hold (and bizarrely charged me which i got returned) and then said that it was out of stock. Gave up on that one.
Tried a NY Maxx bag - described as 'Teal' it would have been better to describe it as GREEN because it is GREEN...a vivid GREEN...there is no hint of blue whatsoever.
So now Im thinking all of this is racking up my Returns; of course none of us knows what the magic ratio or number of returns is at which QVC decides to push you out, but am starting to get worried. :sweat:
Thing is, these things are too expensive to put down to experience...:mysmilie_516:
Any ideas about what to do? Im panicking at returning the GREEN (not teal!) bag!
Recently, been looking for a handbag and not having much joy. One Valentino bag had no zipper along the top - it fastened simply by a magnetic closure so that's great for pickpockets. :taphead: Either way, the closure was not described and I guess I'm the fool for assuming that it would be by a secure method.
Next up - a Makowsky bag. They sent the wrong colour. They placed the correct colour on hold (and bizarrely charged me which i got returned) and then said that it was out of stock. Gave up on that one.
Tried a NY Maxx bag - described as 'Teal' it would have been better to describe it as GREEN because it is GREEN...a vivid GREEN...there is no hint of blue whatsoever.
So now Im thinking all of this is racking up my Returns; of course none of us knows what the magic ratio or number of returns is at which QVC decides to push you out, but am starting to get worried. :sweat:
Thing is, these things are too expensive to put down to experience...:mysmilie_516:
Any ideas about what to do? Im panicking at returning the GREEN (not teal!) bag!