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It might, but then you cannot do that round the eye area.
I did it twice a day and it was less than a week. This was the one on my eyelid.
The things caused by cholesterol are not milia. A friend had this removed with surgery, these are large white lumps in the hollow under the eye area. Sorry cannot remember the name of them?
Doctor told my husband it was due to high cholesterol. She happened to see them under his eyes when he went to the surgery.
I had only one spot but I got rid of it fairly quickly using liquid gold.
The only person I have ever heard mention milia on Q is Andrew Bagley so maybe Gatineau have something?? If you are on social media you could perhaps ask him via FB or Twitter? I can't remember what he said about milia now though it was years ago. Sorry!
Oh yes, Deciem do loads of different stuff don't they so perhaps one of their ranges would help.
I have a little crop of milia on my cheek and a couple more elsewhere on my face that really bother me. I am considering a trip to the dermatologist but have seen online that use of retin A can help so thought I might try this first. I have a massive stash of QVC skincare and am guessing I already have some products containing it. Do any of you know which QVC products and brands contain this to help me to identify what to use next in my stash?
Do any of you have any personal experience of getting rid of milia to give me hope?
Thanks in advance!
I use liquid gold under the eyes without any problem. Also fell out of the routine and restarted a couple of weeks ago.I've fallen out of liquid gold routine , only restarted last night ( going to a wedding trying to take 20 years off my face haha)
I'll stick by routine see how it works , ( obviously not on eyelid or under eye)
Thank you x
I've had one. I took a sharp pin to it and it popped out like a small white marble! Most satisfying. But thinking about it afterwards, it was a bit risky considering proximity to my eye!
Tom is talking about milia briefly from 7:30 appx