Remember Anita Harris flogging slendertone?


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Jun 26, 2008
I was reminded after reading an article about poor Anita being financially ruined and facing the prospect of living in her car. Seems she has been living well beyond her means for many years, sponging off friends and running up a string of debts. A lesson to us all. She still looked good, although I have to say that I was never really a fan :talking:
I remember that too - they also used to have a really dishy bloke doing the mens version - but that was about 12+years ago. Do you remember how long ago it was. The slendertone was my first ever purchase from qvc lol.
Remember Anita Harris flogging slendertone?

I sure do, that's going back a few years though! lol

As for her current predicament......oh dear, what a comedown! :sad:
I read that article too. She does look very good. Much younger than her years. I hope all the stress she's under doesn't take its toll. I've never understood the mentality of ignoring debts and carrying on as if the bank's still full. As you say a lesson to be learned there.
I remember that too - they also used to have a really dishy bloke doing the mens version - but that was about 12+years ago. Do you remember how long ago it was. The slendertone was my first ever purchase from qvc lol.

:wait2:Oh yessssss Meridan or something like that he was called not bothered with his nameeeeeee ....... :muscle::angel::up2:

I have a feeling that in the very early days they used to have her in to give her testimonials about Supernail - or am I imagining it?

I am so sorry to hear that she is struggling. She was very much a part of my early childhood in the 1970s - especially on Saturday night telly and those summertime specials they used to do from circuses and so on!
I vaguely remember her guesting as one of the celebrity clientele of Supernails with that bossy Carolyn woman that ran the company.

I did buy a slendertone machine, although not from QVC. I still use one today. Was always puzzled as to why they used Anita as she was (and still is, I think) as thin as a rake and so probably not the ideal person to benefit. :wave2:
I guess Slendertone thought the public were daft enough to think that Anita Harris was so slim from using their product, nothing to do with being a dancer/singer and performing.
No but if you go to Daily or Sunday Mail online you will find it MOMAD. Sorry can't do links but I read it there first and it is in the Express today. Hope this helps, She is very vague about exactly how things have come to this pass and also about the level of debt she and her husband have.
I don't really have a lot of sympathy. They have made a fortune over the years and seem to make a habit of losing it, several times.

I feel sorry for the people they owe money to.
Obviously, I'm not privy to all the circumstances but on the face of it, I'm not very sympathetic - bed and lie on, come to mind. We all have to pay bills to exist and cut our cloth accordingly.

I admit to being off colour this evening as I have a stinking summer cold and that may affect my normal sensitivities.
I cant find the article, I've looked on the daily mail site. I never did like Anita Harris, it was that mole she had, it disturbed me somewhat when I was a child.
Many moons ago I used to go and get my nails done in Supernail's salon in Crawford Street London - she was a friend of the owner Carolyn Sears and was always in there getting her nails done - very snooty and unfriendly she was as well, it was all very luvvie darling. Barbara Windsor however was sat next to me once and was very friendly and chatty even though she's a bit of a luvvie.
Didn't she used to be a professional skater too?
I remember her when she was in the Granadiers, it was a big singing group that came on TV [name came from Granada Studios I think] I can remember Gerry Dorsey AKA Englebert Humperdink being in the line-up too. She was also on Ready Steady Go as the girl with the longest hair in show business. Goodness, my memory goes back but I do remember these things...can't remember what I did yesterday but there you go! 60 years old on Thursday.

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