Red Carpet Manicure - farce continues


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I'd e-mail Q CEO's office, & say that you are considering reporting the matter as a complaint to the ASA. The reason for your complaint is that you don't think that you have been treated fairly given that other customers in the same position were treated differently. Worth a shot if you really want to keep it & get the matter resolved.

Oh yes, you may want to also point out that the thread that alerted us all to this has now had over 31,000 views! I know we all contributed so many would have looked at it on a number of occasions but collectively we don't account for anything like 31,000+ hits! Hmmm certainly not showing them in a good light is it!
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RCM have issued two statements on Facebook.....
Red Carpet Manicure UK 1 hour ago ·

QVC TSV Update - To those of you who are yet to receive the replacement colours, we have received the names of those eligible for more shades in batches so not all of them will arrive at the same time. Please rest assured we can fulfil the orders of those still waiting for their shades and all replacements will be dispatched this week. Apologies again for any inconvenience caused, if you are unsure as to the status of your replacements then please do get in touch with us directly and we'll be happy to help. The RCM Team
Red Carpet Manicure UK Hi all - We sent out 1,300 replacement sets via recorded delivery before 8th March. We can check the names of those who are unsure as to the status of their delivery tomorrow and confirm when you can expect your colours. We do have sufficient stock to fulfil anyone whose replacements have not yet been dispatched. 33 minutes ago
Yes, I contacted RCM via e-mail the day after the TSV as I wasn't at all confident with Q CS rep's response the day b4. Very pleasant but did the "I know nothing" routine when it was already all over this forum. I agree, contact RCM directly. I got my correct colours about a week ago. Praps thinking about it, just bypass Q as they seem to contradict what RCM are stating anyway. That poor company, really feel for RCM, looks like they've done nothing to deserve this and seem to be left picking up the pieces.
QVC score another own goal trying to fob customers off who have been very patient, RCM are sorting this mess out and i bet they are sorry they ever went to QVC.
Reading facebook and it looks like Qvc are offering £10,£15 or £20 credits depending on how they feel and also offered one lady only the £6.95 p&P refunded :cheeky:
Has it not occurred to qvc that people are communicating about this via places like here and Facebook? If we can read RCMs statements on F B then why the hell can't QVC do it? Surely it's not too much to ask of them to actually speak to red carpet manicure to get some facts before they go telling people all sorts? They're mking themselves look like fools.
I would urge anyone with outstanding polishes to use the RCM contact form on the RCM website. I have just had confirmation from RCM that my details are still NOT on the lists that they've been sent by QVC. They (RCM) are going to contact QVC to find out why (which I have no problem with as they need to make sure I am bona fide or they'd soon find themselves being scammed by dishonest people) but have assured me that they will send me my polishes.
To be honest, I've had enough of this farce & I'm just going to send it back.
This is ridiculous! Every time I phone QVC they say someone will phone me back, but glad I'm not holding my breath waiting on that call! I've emailed RCM this morning to see what they say! What a farce, guess that's the last time we see an RCM TSV!!! Someone should get the press involved, see how quickly it's sorted then!:taphead:
UPDATE: RCM emailed back within literally 5 minutes. They apologised on behalf of QVC and said they would send my BOLD colours out today. I would advise everyone to contact RCM and not QVC.
I've just had confirmation from RCM that my 3 bold colours have been dispatched to me today. Needless to say, I'm still waiting to here anything back from QVC.

Also, the following was posted on RCM Facebook page mid-morning today:

"QVC TSV Update - Hi All, we are trying to contact everyone who has not yet received their replacements today.

If you have not heard directly from RCM this morning, please email [email protected] and we will come back to you as soon as possible with an update.

Many thanks for your patience."
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RCM are behaving impeccably in all of this. QVC on the other hand ought to be ashamed of themselves.
Hey Bluebell, try this guy, he's been really helpful: [email protected]

Hi BB I didn't receive a reply from qvc CS or RCM from last night so e mailed again using the FB link and yes Darren replied back nearly straight away.

E mail him and you should get a reply. I wasn't on the list, that qvc sent them surprise surprise. RCM are sending me the bold and beautiful set toda so a big well done to RCM :clapping: and a big :down: to qvc.

Will e mail qvc once I get back from work!!

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