reckless spending!!


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it was actually champers after Nando's on Sunday! KFC was yesterday. Back to the WW plan today though.

Darn it, I may as well fess up again - I've been out and bought some Yankee Candles too! x

Feel better now Valm, I'm always here to listen to your confessions. Let it all out and you will be free.
I agree - don't fess up KWC I was beaten up yesterday by LH and am still sore so had to go shopping today and I have bought even more :mysmilie_17: but will keep it :mysmilie_11: unless LH reads elsewhere :)
Yep, read it.
QUOTE=Beady Belle;353879]:mysmilie_1263: STOP SPENDING!!!!! I'm going to have to give you a good:mysmilie_381: AND I'm going to tell on you to Loveheart:mysmilie_168: :mysmilie_697:[/QUOTE]
Thanks BB, I need a sidekick. We shall be named Heartbead.
oh dear theres two of you ganging up on us all now!!
No escaping now Queenie.
KWC go on fess up - you know you want to :mysmilie_61:

Er, excuse me BB are you joking?
You are trying to get KWC into trouble to take the heat off off you and your reckless spending. If BakerGirl cant get her to crack I'm darn sure you wont be able to.
Er, excuse me BB are you joking?
You are trying to get KWC into trouble to take the heat off off you and your reckless spending. If BakerGirl cant get her to crack I'm darn sure you wont be able to.

Spenders always listen to fellow spenders and confess :mysmilie_11:
We shall be named Heartbead.

She's been at it again Loveheart, as well as QVC, she's also been buying jewellery from TJC today. If she tells you I've been buying too, yes I have, but mine are from my Mum & Dad, my Christmas presents, so I've actually spent none of my own money today.

She's going to get a serious bashing when I next see her, never mind being a FAFF, she's going to be a BBBB, a Bashed & Bruised Beading Belle!!!!! :mysmilie_17:
She's been at it again Loveheart, as well as QVC, she's also been buying jewellery from TJC today. If she tells you I've been buying too, yes I have, but mine are from my Mum & Dad, my Christmas presents, so I've actually spent none of my own money today.

She's going to get a serious bashing when I next see her, never mind being a FAFF, she's going to be a BBBB, a Bashed & Bruised Beading Belle!!!!! :mysmilie_17:

Thanks for that BB. She has confessed about some stuff at the outlet today but not about the jewellery from TJC.
I hope you bought some nice stuff today.
Do you live near your evil twin then? I don't condone violence in any way but I can make an exception in Beading Belles case.
Give her a kick from me.:mysmilie_17:
I feel all lonely now and why do you both insist on beating me up:mysmilie_1858:

At this rate I don't think Paula will be welcomed here :mysmilie_17:

I am buying my own presents what's wrong with that :mysmilie_12:
I'm with you LH, there's some serious falling off the farting wagon going on. It must stop right away !
I'm with you LH, there's some serious falling off the farting wagon going on. It must stop right away !

Addy, I think you could be our new leader if you carry on like this. I am very impressed with your attitude. Carry on the good work.
I feel all lonely now and why do you both insist on beating me up:mysmilie_1858:

er because you keep spending recklessly

At this rate I don't think Paula will be welcomed here :mysmilie_17:

who is Paula, have I missed something?

I am buying my own presents what's wrong with that :mysmilie_12:

please see my above comment, ie too much spending.
I have been really good recently - Paula is my twin who grasses :mysmilie_17:

This spending is nothing I have cut down 80% - You should be proud of me :mysmilie_697:

I am saying :mysmilie_908: now -I am out most of the day tomorrow so you will be pleased to hear I won't be watching any channels :mysmilie_11:
I have been really good recently - Paula is my twin who grasses :mysmilie_17:

I welcome Paula with open arms. She is a good Beady person.

This spending is nothing I have cut down 80% - You should be proud of me :mysmilie_697:

Cut it down another 20% and I will be proud of you

I am saying :mysmilie_908: now -I am out most of the day tomorrow so you will be pleased to hear I won't be watching any channels :mysmilie_11:
I hope you won't be out shopping.:mysmilie_701:
NO shopping today but am spending money :mysmilie_17: Meeting friends, movie and eating out!

Hope I wouldn't be beaten up for enjoying myself :mysmilie_61:

What do you think I am BB. I am not normally a violent person it's just your good twin encourages me.
I am going out for a meal with friends tomorrow as it happens.
Hope you had a good time today.:mysmilie_12:
Hope I wouldn't be beaten up for enjoying myself :mysmilie_61:

Everyone HAS to eat Antibead, but not everyone HAS to buy mountains of candles, bath products, and goodness knows what else :mysmilie_697:

I keep telling her to use up what she has before buying anymore, but she just won't listen LH, I'm fighting a losing battle. :mysmilie_73: Although, give Anti her due, I did stop her spending a vast amount every week on RocksTV last year, my tactics of a bet to see who could last the longest without buying worked, so I know she can do it.

We'll just have to be persistent and wear her down :mysmilie_696:
Everyone HAS to eat Antibead, but not everyone HAS to buy mountains of candles, bath products, and goodness knows what else :mysmilie_697:

I keep telling her to use up what she has before buying anymore, but she just won't listen LH, I'm fighting a losing battle. :mysmilie_73: Although, give Anti her due, I did stop her spending a vast amount every week on RocksTV last year, my tactics of a bet to see who could last the longest without buying worked, so I know she can do it.

We'll just have to be persistent and wear her down :mysmilie_696:

You are right, Heartbead will not give in. Perhaps we could enlist the help young addy..... She seems to be a true f.a.r.t.
You called ? I have to confess I haven't always been this good - it's just that I've started to see the light over the last few months and now watch QVC purely for the entertainment value (of which there's lots). Except for ....... Perve I mean Philip Kingsley 1 litre shampoo which I do order every few months as it's the only stuff I get on with (and trust me I've tried a million brands), please please don't tell me off LH I promise that's the full extent of my purchasing these days - I am a reformed character !
You called ? I have to confess I haven't always been this good - it's just that I've started to see the light over the last few months and now watch QVC purely for the entertainment value (of which there's lots). Except for ....... Perve I mean Philip Kingsley 1 litre shampoo which I do order every few months as it's the only stuff I get on with (and trust me I've tried a million brands), please please don't tell me off LH I promise that's the full extent of my purchasing these days - I am a reformed character !

I wouldn't dream of it addy, you are my new best friend.:mysmilie_12:

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