Really Julia ?


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Apr 27, 2009
Go to specsavers because you picked a right old fashion faux pax for the (yet another) RL Edit just now. A much too skin tight turquoise top showing the outline of your bellybutton is not an outfit to be seen in by anyone, let alone someone over 60. Just saying.
No one would ever dare tell Queen Julia, Mrs QVC herself, how awful she looks in an outfit, not if they value their job that's for sure.
I thought the same. The top was far too small and tight. She has lovely legs and if she just wore more flattering tops in the right size she would look gorgeous.
Felt embarrassed for her in that thing. Not sure why she feels the need to squeeze herself into tops that are far too tight and stretch tight across the chesticles. She wore something looser on the Skechers show and looked much nicer for it.
Julia always looks great when she wears the right size and plain fat when she wears things that are too small - as we all would in fact. If I squeeze myself into an extra small then I'm going to look like an elephant wearing a sausage skin but if I wear a medium then I usually look absolutely fine. My gripe is where QVC keep changing the sizes and you buy one thing from one range in a medium and it fits then you buy another item from the same range in the same size and it's huge and has to be returned. Annoying.

After a couple of days away, staying with our younger daughter & five week old granddaughter while husband/daddy was on a stag weekend, I've just caught up with all the comments & as soon as I saw JR's name I knew this would be good. It was an awful top, it didn't do Jane any favours & I also thought that Ruth L would have looked better in the Antthony top if she had chosen a larger size. In Julia's defence there have been numerous occasions recently when I thought she looked better than she had done in ages. Mind you I can't talk, I came home to find a parcel that contained two dresses I thought would be 'me', they were, but it was the me from twenty years ago!
Q need to get their sizing for the plus size models in order. Natasha and the other smaller (in height) model have both looked b/awful in some of the 2 day fashion offerings. In particular the Ronni Nicole stuff. I can range in size from an 18 - 22 and if I thought for one moment that I looked liked those models, then I wouldn't go out the front door.

I know young girls and middle aged women who are severely overweight fail to look in the mirror before they venture out, and what's more worrying is they don't seem to care what they look like ! Its worse now that the sun is out, and all manner of flabby rolls in tight cami's are on display - something that wouldn't have been seen back in the 60's and 70's when I was in my teens and 20's. Did we have more pride back then ? I believe we did.
I think so many of Q`s fashion ranges have that massive jump in sizes between XL and 2XL, usually around 7 or 8 inches and I think they squash some of their bigger models into an XL because the 2XL would drown them. People have complained about this huge difference between the 2 sizes and their on screen demos just seems to prove the need for them to re assess this.
Yes Vienna, I've mentioned that problem on here before. There is such a huge differential between XL and 2XL. I know the XL would be 'snug' so have sent for the 2XL and then returned it because its miles too big.
Yes Vienna, I've mentioned that problem on here before. There is such a huge differential between XL and 2XL. I know the XL would be 'snug' so have sent for the 2XL and then returned it because its miles too big.

In years gone by, I care say we'd have had to find dress patterns and make our own, but it is generally easier to find off the peg items to wear these days.

One of the problems with dress sizes is the lack of standard measurements. There used to be regulations, but they tend to be based on surveys every decade of so, but now it's more of a free-for-all which basically means you have to know your measurements rather than a dress size, and he prepared to be horrified or delighted by what will fit you in different stores. Plus, hear in mind "tolerances". So if that size 14 is a bit snug,and there is another on the rail, try that one on too. There can be a couple of cm difference. Also, remember anything in black will be less forgiving due to the way the eye affects the fabric.

All that said, it still beggars belief when you have 2" increments for the smaller sizes before the measurements to off the rails.

Manufacturers seem to think having big ****s means you have fat arms. I'm short so some armholes are open almost to my waist on sleeveless garments. Maybe they're so I can flash side-cleavage on the red carpet or whip 'em out sideways for breast-feeding or to attract "all the boys to the yard!" :mysmilie_378:
I have had internet problems and have only just seen this post. I took a look at the video, really awful! How could Julia not see what an awful look it was???
I'm getting fed up of seeing Julia giving herself admiring glances in the monitor every time she is on. Whether its fashion or beauty she is always admiring herself.
We have been on holiday and there was a wedding. Well there were a few young ladies in the wedding party wearing dresses that were wear at least 2 sizes,if not more more, too small. They looked awful flesh bulging everywhere.
I'm getting fed up of seeing Julia giving herself admiring glances in the monitor every time she is on. Whether its fashion or beauty she is always admiring herself.

It's the retail branch of reality tv celebs - people who have to keep looking at themselves. There isn't a photo of me in our home, in fact my Mr T was delighted when my last employer introduced photo lanyards, he said that at least if I went missing he could show the police what I looked like..?!! Julia wasn't like this when the Q started but it's part of every show she now presents. One comment in her defence, on Friday she looked lovely in a dress from Mr Max, the style suited her & I assume she was in an appropriate size. I loved it but would have needed extra strength shapewear so kept my money.
We have been on holiday and there was a wedding. Well there were a few young ladies in the wedding party wearing dresses that were wear at least 2 sizes,if not more more, too small. They looked awful flesh bulging everywhere.

I totally agree, why aren't they wearing the right size because they'd look so much better, even if they are a 14/16/18. I can wear a size 8 but I'm too fat for it. Just because I can fit in it doesn't mean it looks good. But if you mention it on anyone else you're "fat shaming" and are called out for it big time. It's not shaming people, it's just suggesting they might look better in something that fits better. You are the size you are and of course that's fine but you need to dress to suit your shape and lots of young women seem to think they are Kate Moss when they really aren't (most of us aren't).

They're all narcissistic on QVC, they love to be looked at, Chuntley could eat herself, Julia loves everything about her arrogant intimidating self and as for Princess Jackie and Baby Claire, well they just simply love themselves, so much so they probably tape their shows and watch them over, and over, and over and........
Didn't see the hour but it sounds like it might not have been one of her better outfits. I'll have to see if I can watch it on catch-up.

I wonder what QVC will do when Julia retires? She seems very much the doyenne of QVC and something of a figurehead for them. Somehow Ms "I am bored" Kabler & Co don't quite cut it. I guess Jilly Halliday might be one for the doyenne role.

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