Really had to bite my tongue....


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Jun 24, 2008
It's my birthday on Sunday, last year I invited some workmates round for dinner and drinks and two couldn't come. One just didn't turn up, and when we finally did get hold of her, it turned out there was a big family drama going on, however it would have been nice for her to contact me and not vice versa. Another lady made an excuse about a workman still being in her house and not being able to get away. ...that turned out to be a slight untruth as it emerged that she was having an affair and couldn't tear herself away, I was a bit disappointed and felt she could have put the shenanigans on hold for just one night..but hey.

Although I had a great night last year with the people who did turn up, I decided not to bother this year.....but silly me (again) changed my mind, and invited a few workmates. Affair woman is away at the mo, so she can't come anyway but I invited the one who didn't turn up last year to be told yesterday that she can't make it due to her mum not being well and that she'll probably have to go up north at the weekend and see fair enough, said hope she's ok and that.

Then today, I text another colleague I'd invited to just remind her of times and address and she texted back...thanks...see you Sun. Then no more than 10 mins later I get another text telling me that her husband reminded her that it being the last Sunday in the month that they have a "family day" and they all spend the day together and have a meal together so she can't come!!!!! I was really taken aback by that 'cause not only is my invite for the evening, so she can still see family in the day - Could she not have forsaken it for once in her life? They do it every month for pity's sake, and as far as I know they're a pretty tight knit family anyway, so never go more than a week not seeing one another any way. I rather think it's a last ditch excuse made up on the top of her head 'cause I'm sure most people (myself included) would not turn down an invite for something like that....Grrrr!

Don't know why I bother!
Happy Birthday Merryone. People are by nature selfish, they will say oh yes I will come but just forget or can't be bothered.

Just do your own thing on your next birthday enjoy and bugger the rest of them.
Do what pleases you, with the people who you know care about you! Have fun and stuff those who let you down! Have a lovely enjoyable time and know that the ones who didn't make it seriously missed out! That's been my philosophy for the past one hundred years (a slight exaggeration there!) and I've had some wonderful birthdays, trips to a lovely Cotswold village with lunch, art exhibitions, meals out with the best people I know, concerts, lunch on the orient express and a trip to Vinopolis among the birthday celebrations I have experienced. So, go for it, have fun your way and leave the wimp outs by the wayside! Hope you have/had a lovely birthday!
I had a great birthday meal and to be honest it was a lot less stressful having a smaller party. I've decided that if I do it all again next year, I'm going to be a lot more selective as to who I invite. I realise that sometimes cancellations cannot be avoided fair enough - things happen, however I just felt that the feeble excuse one of the ladies gave was almost as insulting as telling me she couldn't be bothered! Onwards and upwards x
Happy belated wishes for your birthdays Suz and I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday without a few who made their excuses. I used to find this when mine and my friends had little ones; there were always last minute vomiting viruses or pen lids up noses to deal with which couldn't be helped. The ones who had "family stuff" excuses tended to be the ones who always backed out of activities, but they'd still phone if they needed a baby-sitter! As time went on I'd suggest they call in a favour from their important "family".

Since we have no family down here our friends mean a lot to us; even the ones we only see a couple of times a year.

Many happy returns x

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