RE: Jill Franks (Family)


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The Doo's

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May 20, 2009
RE: Jill Franks (Family)

I am not having a go at Jill Franks as I like her. I know she doesn't have any children her choice to or not to have had them, her decision. But I have never ever heard her talk about her Mum, Dad or if she has any siblings. Jill always talks about Larry and even done a piece on her blog about Larry's Parents. (I know I am am being nosey). I always remember Charlie Brook saying she's a godmother to one of his children. But I always feel sorry for her. Yes I know she has moved house, her love of shoes, it sounds like she has money. Having said that her and her hubby are working and earning it, so good on them xxx
Why do you feel sorry for her? She might have made the decision to never talk about her own family so they can never be up for ridicule by people who don't know them, possibly a very wise decision on her part. It always unnerves me when people talk about strangers decisions to have or not have children because you never know the story behind it. It could be a medical reason and there lies great sadness or, it could be just because people don't have the desire to procreate, don't think they will make good parent or, had such miserable childhood they wouldn't know how to parent well. I think she looks happy enough in her own skin, what little there is of it.
I am not on about Jill not having children, as my own Brother and his Wife never wanted Children. I also hav a friend who tried for children and ended up having an early menopause at 36 and had to have HRT. Then she got breast cancer the very next yr and was told she wouldn't be able to have HRT again. Then life is extremely cruel her Hubby who is 31 then got cancer.
Jill was on with a man selling his own range of bedding tonite. He was from the US and he said I got a text from my Mom who was back home in the States and Jill replied I wouldn't even get that (or words to that effect). The way Jill said that in my mind I thought her Mum had passed away. Yes I do feel sorry for Jill.
But you wouldn't say that if your mum had passed away. My mum has been dead for 19 years. I wouldn't say anything vaguely like that if someone else said they had had a text from their mum. "I wouldn't even get that" is the sort of thing you'd say if you were unlikely to hear from someone for whatever reason. That sounds more like she has a difficult relationship with her mum than having lost her mum. It's implying that the other person can't be bothered.

Now whilst I think on ... isn't saying "lost her mum" odd when you think about. Generally I mean. I've lost my mum sounds like she was here a minute a go and now she's not. Perhaps that's the sentiment it's supposed to convey but language fascinates me and that's one phrase that I've always thought was odd.
i'm not her biggest fan but i respect her for having a private life she don't have to tell everyone about her life on subj of children some people just are'nt that way inclined they just don't have the maternal instinct in them
But you wouldn't say that if your mum had passed away. My mum has been dead for 19 years. I wouldn't say anything vaguely like that if someone else said they had had a text from their mum. "I wouldn't even get that" is the sort of thing you'd say if you were unlikely to hear from someone for whatever reason. That sounds more like she has a difficult relationship with her mum than having lost her mum. It's implying that the other person can't be bothered.

Now whilst I think on ... isn't saying "lost her mum" odd when you think about. Generally I mean. I've lost my mum sounds like she was here a minute a go and now she's not. Perhaps that's the sentiment it's supposed to convey but language fascinates me and that's one phrase that I've always thought was odd.

This has bought back something that happened to me a few years ago. I got a phone call from my MIL's elderly Aunt saying that my MIL hadn't turned up and that she was very worried. Could I try to find out what had happened. I set about ringing everyone I could think of. I rang all local hospitals to see if she had crashed. I even rang her neighbour who went and looked under the garage door, to see if she could see the car. No, no sign of it. In desperation I range the Police. When the call was answered I was asked what the problem was and I said that I had lost my Mother in Law. The young lady the other end, just said Oh, I am so sorry for your loss. I didn't say anything for a bit - and then the penny dropped and I realised what she thought I meant. Oh blimey!! It took me about ten minutes to explain what was going on.

Cutting a rather long story short, it turned out the elderly Aunt had got her days mixed up and MIL was at the hair dressers. And yes, she did get stopped by a panda car on the look out for her reg. Oh boy, did I feel a fool. lol
When I used to watch QVC more Jill used to mention her mother in law a lot and always said "I bought this for my mother in law" or that she would love something and Jill was going to buy it for her. I thought then that she never mentioned her own family although she must have her reasons. I agree the comment "I wouldn't even get that" suggests a difficult at best relationship. Not everyone is lucky with their family sadly.
Thing is when JR goes on about her family she gets it in the neck, so perhaps Jill has decided not to talk about hers, other than her hubbie..AY talks about her hubbie and her horses..if I were on TV I would keep my family out of it. Jill seems quite happy generally.

I don't have kids, I'm getting to the age where I won't be able to anymore, but it's never ever appealed...I have a large collection of cuddlies which people presume are my 'children' - all such presumptions are just mad to me :)
trying to imply how someone is from seeing them on a TV screen seems to me fraught with difficulty. You do not see them in their normal setting, but a very staged setting, so why try and imply anything from that? Its after all her business and I would have thought by the way people go on when JR talks about her family she might have been put off from mentioning anything

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