Random musings on TJC


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Mark back this morning - some new items (Perricone !) a lot of beauty products have short or alas expired dates I’ve experienced (though to be fair always refunded quickly )
He’s sold hundreds of a silver and a gold plated bracelet at £17.99 which is 12.6g which I think is a decent price though weight not stated or mentioned (I’ve ordered one I might gift )
How do you know the weight if it's not stated or mentioned?
Spotted a new presenter Andy O - he looks familiar can’t think where from - currently doing graveyard shift - has Rob left ?
Is it me but noticing more jewellery items with 7/10 days despatch dates - the cynic in me is there a company cash flow issue - they take payment at your order not despatch like QVC ? Ok they advertise the ‘estimated’ despatch date and if it’s delayed you get contacted and refunded but means they’ve had your (and many hundreds of other customers for days earning them interest !)
Is it me but noticing more jewellery items with 7/10 days despatch dates - the cynic in me is there a company cash flow issue - they take payment at your order not despatch like QVC ? Ok they advertise the ‘estimated’ despatch date and if it’s delayed you get contacted and refunded but means they’ve had your (and many hundreds of other customers for days earning them interest !)
I agree with you it's been like this for a while. Shocking!!
This subject has come up on numerous occasions. TJC or QVC do not take your money until the goods are dispatched. Your money never leaves your account, clearly seen in your ‘pending transactions’ and is ‘ring fenced’ until the item is dispatched, when to bank will release the funds to the company. This stops people spending the money twice. Advanced orders have been around for a long time, which is probably more to do with saving storage costs than cash flow.
I was channel hopping yesterday and saw on QVC a rechargeable fan: a favourite of mine, for some odd reason. Anyway, they were selling a £39.99 fan for almost £10 less. It looked very similar to the one I buy off TJC (I've said it before, they aren't 'that' long lasting, but cheap enough to not waste too much money if a replacement is needed). So, that made me wander over to TJC site to see if they were available. They were. £39.99 down to £19.99 with free postage. Needless to say, I got one, (again). Told my mother who also has a TJC account, but can't remember the log in details, and she asked me to get her one too: hers was plus postage. Why am I rambling? Coz if I wasn't channel hopping I wouldn't have bought two half-priced fans. Excited to know this aren't you? ;)
It does always pay to shop around. A while ago I ordered the Joe and Jo Loafers from TJC at £24.99. I then discovered that they were £22.00 on Amazon, cheaper but too much hassle to return. On Friday I ordered the Urban Jacks trainers from TJC at £29.99. Spotted them yesterday in a little independent shoe in shop in my town for the same price. And to add insult to injury, they also had two pairs of Joe and Jo loafers for £40.00. Hmmmm, so much for their amazing buying power! Lesson learned 🤣🤣
It does always pay to shop around. A while ago I ordered the Joe and Jo Loafers from TJC at £24.99. I then discovered that they were £22.00 on Amazon, cheaper but too much hassle to return. On Friday I ordered the Urban Jacks trainers from TJC at £29.99. Spotted them yesterday in a little independent shoe in shop in my town for the same price. And to add insult to injury, they also had two pairs of Joe and Jo loafers for £40.00. Hmmmm, so much for their amazing buying power! Lesson learned 🤣🤣
That's happened to me too. But I'm of the mind that, you've bought the item, coz you want it, and if it's cheaper elsewhere, why worry? Unless you want a duplicate of something that is a limited edition for example. But yes, all these companies profess buying power, but do they have it? A side note example, If I want to buy something that's not shopping telly-able, I first look on ebay, then whilst it's open, I check amazon, compare and buy accordingly.
This subject has come up on numerous occasions. TJC or QVC do not take your money until the goods are dispatched. Your money never leaves your account, clearly seen in your ‘pending transactions’ and is ‘ring fenced’ until the item is dispatched, when to bank will release the funds to the company. This stops people spending the money twice. Advanced orders have been around for a long time, which is probably more to do with saving storage costs than cash flow.
I stand corrected ! The charge was for part of order that’s been dispatched - d’oh ! Channel hoping and notice more on air jewellery items with lead times of over a week - I’m also participating in an online focus group so if I can I’ll raise some issues …
Interesting one hour focus group primarily looking for feedback on TJC plus - participants been with TJC for years, regularly buy products mainly jewellery (includes me!) Lots of shared similar experiences - online auction £1 + lots of reports of problems (item magically out of stock after ‘winning’ ) customer discount codes not working, used items being sent out as new and tv presentation comments were interesting - don’t like numerous price drops,buyers aren’t good tv presenters and most vocally the ‘direct comparison prices’ - moderator and another staff member were very responsive and hinting TJC Plus dedicated phone line coming … now to check my TJC credit for payment for participating and hopefully more focus group and follow up from Customer Service Manager regarding a couple of orders …
How interesting. I’ve had invites before but never bothered. I alway wondered where the Next Day Delivery went. It was the reason I signed up, back in the day. I’ve noticed recently that they are offering a voucher code for reviewing a purchase. I remember there used to be loads of codes, but so many T& C’s to use them. Enjoy your Credit 😀
The problem redeeming codes came up for discussion several times - credit was applied quickly and issue with an outstanding order resolved within 30 mins of the end of the focus group - £30 for an hours participation is good and someone called Craig from TJC - not the moderator - has promised to follow up any individual issues raised by the group
Interesting one hour focus group primarily looking for feedback on TJC plus - participants been with TJC for years, regularly buy products mainly jewellery (includes me!) Lots of shared similar experiences - online auction £1 + lots of reports of problems (item magically out of stock after ‘winning’ ) customer discount codes not working, used items being sent out as new and tv presentation comments were interesting - don’t like numerous price drops,buyers aren’t good tv presenters and most vocally the ‘direct comparison prices’ - moderator and another staff member were very responsive and hinting TJC Plus dedicated phone line coming … now to check my TJC credit for payment for participating and hopefully more focus group and follow up from Customer Service Manager regarding a couple of orders …
With regard to the rising auctions I think a snowball in hell would have more chance than there is of their reforming their running of them . Many bidders including me have been complaining about their tactics for years. They have gone from being fun with a chance of bagging a bargain to being a total scam. When I started bidding on them there was a reserve price clearly shown and bidders had the choice of whether to bid higher or not. Now although they still have a reserve price they don’t show it and use what to my mind are illegal tactics to either get it or not sell. From fake bids from initials well known to bidders which brings the price up to or above price online to putting up various false messages covering entire screen a few seconds before end thus making it impossible to bid to the old “not in stock” scam. They really are a disgrace. I have complained about this for years but nothing changes.
The problem redeeming codes came up for discussion several times - credit was applied quickly and issue with an outstanding order resolved within 30 mins of the end of the focus group - £30 for an hours participation is good and someone called Craig from TJC - not the moderator - has promised to follow up any individual issues raised by the group
Yeah, participated in same a few months ago for same reward and had Craig, a TJC jewellery presenter (the one who did the automated warehouse IG tour video) as moderator and a young lady asking the questions. Not a TJC+ member, so not miffed about not getting an invite this time. We discussed the £1 auctions mainly.

I get sent lots of codes discount at various 20/15/10% rates.

Which makes me think the mark-up on the items is at least 30% to account for all of us using discount codes!
With regard to the rising auctions I think a snowball in hell would have more chance than there is of their reforming their running of them . Many bidders including me have been complaining about their tactics for years. They have gone from being fun with a chance of bagging a bargain to being a total scam. When I started bidding on them there was a reserve price clearly shown and bidders had the choice of whether to bid higher or not. Now although they still have a reserve price they don’t show it and use what to my mind are illegal tactics to either get it or not sell. From fake bids from initials well known to bidders which brings the price up to or above price online to putting up various false messages covering entire screen a few seconds before end thus making it impossible to bid to the old “not in stock” scam. They really are a disgrace. I have complained about this for years but nothing changes.
Any 'scheme' brought in by TJC is for THEIR benefit, not yours!
With regard to the rising auctions I think a snowball in hell would have more chance than there is of their reforming their running of them . Many bidders including me have been complaining about their tactics for years. They have gone from being fun with a chance of bagging a bargain to being a total scam. When I started bidding on them there was a reserve price clearly shown and bidders had the choice of whether to bid higher or not. Now although they still have a reserve price they don’t show it and use what to my mind are illegal tactics to either get it or not sell. From fake bids from initials well known to bidders which brings the price up to or above price online to putting up various false messages covering entire screen a few seconds before end thus making it impossible to bid to the old “not in stock” scam. They really are a disgrace. I have complained about this for years but nothing changes.
People raised this on my Survey session too. Mainly with higher priced jewellery items. We reckon the regular initials are resellers buying for their stall/shop/eBay store to resell as the TJC staff swore blind they have nobody artificially bidding to raise the price.

Personally, I've not had any problems getting bargains on non-jewellery homeware type stuff at <£20, beyond encountering the odd minimum reserve price occasionally on bidding, but not very often. Never had an out of stock issue, always received my winning bid items, at less than the regular online TJC web site price.
The problem redeeming codes came up for discussion several times - credit was applied quickly and issue with an outstanding order resolved within 30 mins of the end of the focus group - £30 for an hours participation is good and someone called Craig from TJC - not the moderator - has promised to follow up any individual issues raised by the group
But they still haven't corrected the 'comig' graphic star to 'coming' in the email they send where you have to select yes to receive a %20 discount code in email later! Been like that for months. Copy/re-use, never check. No graphics editing skills? Lol.

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