Random musings/no argument zone


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I think the mere fact that his partner is involved in a 'fanpage' kind of says a lot really. It maybe gives an insight into their mindset.

I totally understand she wants to defend her man, and their livelihood. But good grief, there's some serious bullshit being spewed, as there is on here too.

It all seems very, very serious to me, in fact they seem to take themselves very seriously full stop. I don't think that is something that can be said about this place, maybe 10% of what is said on here is serious and the rest is mostly nonsense and i'm as bad as anyone for that :mysmilie_59:

I'd hope if Peter ever saw my posts taking him off that he would see the funny side to them as the vast majority are laughing with him not at him, there have been so many catchphrases that you can form any sentence with any number of them and I do have a great fondness of him despite what happened and Peter if your reading this and want to go to the larger of the McDonalds or treat me with a visit to Our Bet id be delighted. A tour of Bid towers would have been nice too but alas that will never happen now :(
I'd hope if Peter ever saw my posts taking him off that he would see the funny side to them as the vast majority are laughing with him not at him, there have been so many catchphrases that you can form any sentence with any number of them and I do have a great fondness of him despite what happened and Peter if your reading this and want to go to the larger of the McDonalds or treat me with a visit to Our Bet id be delighted. A tour of Bid towers would have been nice too but alas that will never happen now :(

Peter would laugh, i'm sure of it.

Now, I think that one or two things that have been said recently about Mike have perhaps been a bit too close too the knuckle but that's just my opinion. I wouldn't tell anyone what they should say but I personally try to keep my sideswipes aimed at Mike and Goddess (most of which are complete and utter nonsense such as comments about ciggies, farting, verrucas, all of which I might add were mentioned by Mike).

I believe she is fair game because she makes it her business to get very, very involved, she comes across as his official mouthpiece. And, let's face it, given some of her vicious comments about us it's more than obvious she's no shrinking violet. As far as i'm aware not ONE of the other presenters have such a vocal partner and they certainly don't have a partner involved in a fanpage. She comes across as something of a hypocrite too (which in fairness we all can), she is in absolutely no position to take any moral highground. I'd go so far to say she's done her man no favours reputation wise, none whatsoever.

And I believe that it would be easy to think she deliberately perpetuates untruths on that facebook page, it is simply a flat out lie that we never praise presenters. You'll have to search very hard on here to find much scathing criticism of Andy Hodgson, Debbie Greenwood, Andrea McClean or Justin Hazell (plenty of BOD mickey taking but scathing criticism?, no way). there are plenty of compliments but, as ever, she prefers to peddle her nonsense because, quite rightly, Mason is regularly slated for his quite atrocious behaviour.

But she's right that not too much praise was served up to Bid as a whole this last few years but does she honestly think they deserved much? If she does then she really is deluded, it's absolutely part of the reason why they've gone bust.

But, as ever, it's always easier to attack others in the hope of keeping your own troops on side. If I was in their position right now i'd maybe have a look at myself and see if there's anything I could change because if those two think that Mason isn't at least partly responsible for what happened then I give up. It's pretty obvious that his style was years out of date not to mention inappropriate for the environment he worked in. I genuinely believe there are not many casual viewers (and potential new customers) that would hang around long when he's on. His style is surely unattractive to many, many people.

Even Neil Russell was probably far more likely to keep a newbies attention.
Obviously, all I know of MM is from what I saw on TV. Personally, he wasn't to my taste. I've already said on here, he's the type of person I'd cross the road to avoid. In my opinion, he came across as a know-all who knew nothing, but had no insight into how boring he could be. His mysoginistic remarks were beyond the pale and said a great deal about the real man underneath the cheeky cockney persona he put forward. Mother-in- law jokes went out with button boots, but, no, Mike still made them and laughed, often by himself! I felt that if you just scratched the surface you would see what he was really like. Laughingly, only a few weeks ago, whilst selling some no-name aftershave, he said he was an alpha male!!! Seems he's only an alpha male when the goddess gives him permission to be! Maybe that's why he was so scathing to the females he worked with! It's the only place he could get all his misplaced frustration out!
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Obviously, all I know of MM is from what I saw on TV. Personally, he wasn't to my taste. I've already said on here, he's the type of person I'd cross the road to avoid. In my opinion, he came across as a know-all who knew nothing, but had no insight into how boring he could be. His mysoginistic remarks were beyond the pale and said a great deal about the real man underneath the cheeky cockney persona he put forward. Mother-in- law jokes went out with button boots, but, no, Mike still made them and laughed, often by himself! I felt that if you just scratched the surface you would see the what he was really like. Laughingly, only a few weeks ago, whilst selling some no-name aftershave, he said he was an alpha male!!! Seems he's only an alpha male when the goddess gives him permission to be! Maybe that's why he was so scathing to the females he worked with! It's the only place he could get all his misplaced frustration out!

I cannot deny that this has crossed my mind DW.

She does seem to do an awful lot of his talking for him, dosen't she? But she won't need to now :mysmilie_59:

Believe me, I really really tried to like Mike, but as hard as I tried, I just couldn't. On the good side, I saw a man, someone who would do anything for his family and his friends, a man who was chuffed to bits to have a such a gorgeous wife and young son (and would think he often had to pinch himself into realising it was true)....BUT he was SO SO agressive in his manner, he reminded me of one of those dodgy traders selling knock off electricals from the back of a van, jumping down the throats of anyone who dared make the mildest suggestion that all was not above board - " That's deformation of character that is" - You must have heard these people in full pelt. Maybe this is what one would expect to hear from someone selling fakes and counterfeits from the back of a van, but not, I'm afraid what I want to hear when I tune into a t.v shopping channel. By all means mention the family, some anecdotes or what have you, but don't shout at your potential customers as if they're hell bent on killing your nearest and dearest because they haven't bought a cheapo plastic rearview mirror for their car, or haven't sellotaped a lump of plastic to the back of their door that makes as a sound only dogs can hear to stop the aforementioned being murdered in their beds!
Cheerio Mike, sorry but I won't miss you, but I do hope you find a job very soon, but not on telly eh chuck?!
Believe me, I really really tried to like Mike, but as hard as I tried, I just couldn't. On the good side, I saw a man, someone who would do anything for his family and his friends, a man who was chuffed to bits to have a such a gorgeous wife and young son (and would think he often had to pinch himself into realising it was true)....BUT he was SO SO agressive in his manner, he reminded me of one of those dodgy traders selling knock off electricals from the back of a van, jumping down the throats of anyone who dared make the mildest suggestion that all was not above board - " That's deformation of character that is" - You must have heard these people in full pelt. Maybe this is what one would expect to hear from someone selling fakes and counterfeits from the back of a van, but not, I'm afraid what I want to hear when I tune into a t.v shopping channel. By all means mention the family, some anecdotes or what have you, but don't shout at your potential customers as if they're hell bent on killing your nearest and dearest because they haven't bought a cheapo plastic rearview mirror for their car, or haven't sellotaped a lump of plastic to the back of their door that makes as a sound only dogs can hear to stop the aforementioned being murdered in their beds!
Cheerio Mike, sorry but I won't miss you, but I do hope you find a job very soon, but not on telly eh chuck?!

My sentiments entirely, I hope he and the Goddess are happy and prosper.

But I genuinely do not believe he has anything whatsoever to offer on television in 2014. I'm afraid he was a dinosaur, just like Bid was.

And all dinosaurs ultimately meet the same fate. Unfortunately that's just the way it is.
He always struck me as someone who might be quick to anger. Cocky little know-all who wouldn't like to be challenged on his opinion, and OTT with the Mr Nice Guy act in front of other people. Of course, I may be wrong......
He always struck me as someone who might be quick to anger. Cocky little know-all who wouldn't like to be challenged on his opinion, and OTT with the Mr Nice Guy act in front of other people. Of course, I may be wrong......

I hope he does okay, but not on TV.

But I don't think there's much call for his type of 'thing' on TV anyway these days. In fact there hasn't been for years, except on the now defunct Bid TV.

I think that says everything really. On top of everything else they were desperately out of touch, and people noticed.
I am not so sure anyone who worked at Bid can be blame free. I understand what people are saying about the presenters had it coming but not so much the background staff. I am not comparing the two as in gravity but take Hitler, anyone who worked for him should take some of the blame. The villagers who turned a blind to the camps may not have killed anyone but they were complicite, so whilst I am not happy to hear bout job losses, anyone who worked for the company should take a long hard look at themselves and the lies which thir mouthpeice were saying.

to be fair PJ, that is like saying I am wrong because I work for a bookies....

sure there are aspects of it that are morally ambiguious, but I am merely an underpaid, overworked lacky myself that doesn't personally benefit from all the publicised elements of people losing their money.
I am not so sure anyone who worked at Bid can be blame free. I understand what people are saying about the presenters had it coming but not so much the background staff. I am not comparing the two as in gravity but take Hitler, anyone who worked for him should take some of the blame. The villagers who turned a blind to the camps may not have killed anyone but they were complicite, so whilst I am not happy to hear bout job losses, anyone who worked for the company should take a long hard look at themselves and the lies which thir mouthpeice were saying.


I personally don't think too much if any blame can be levelled at the order fulfilment staff but apart from (obviously) the Management much of the Production and Presentation Team were surely 'in it', right up to their cat badges.

I was reading Sally Jacks valedictory posts earlier. She certainly paints a picture of friendship, joy and harmony at Sit-Up Towers. But this ties in with my notion that they had a siege mentality. It's easier that way when, deep down, you know you're all at it. Just block it out and stick together.

But she surely fools few of the more observant viewers that have watched them for the last few years.
I laughed at Sally's post when she said everyone was a true professional! Some of their sales talk was shameless in its scaremongering and downright lies. I'm sure Sally's alarm system doesn't consist of some sticky pads to stick on your windows, even although you will get money off your insurance :mysmilie_13: James Russell slyly laughing with the crew, he knew he was flogging tat, he said it on his fb page! All the rainy days in Paris rubbish! He clearly didn't think his audience was intelligent! Peter Simon. Where to start!!? Mike....well, he's a whole new thread!!
No, Sally, not professional, trying to pull the wool over people's eyes, definitely. Professional? No. It might have been fun working with your friends, but a lot of people watched for the OMG! I can't believe what I'm seeing/hearing side of it! They weren't watching because they wanted to buy anything, it was because they found it so-bad-it's-good. We could see through you.
I laughed at Sally's post when she said everyone was a true professional! Some of their sales talk was shameless in its scaremongering and downright lies. I'm sure Sally's alarm system doesn't consist of some sticky pads to stick on your windows, even although you will get money off your insurance :mysmilie_13: James Russell slyly laughing with the crew, he knew he was flogging tat, he said it on his fb page! All the rainy days in Paris rubbish! He clearly didn't think his audience was intelligent! Peter Simon. Where to start!!? Mike....well, he's a whole new thread!!
No, Sally, not professional, trying to pull the wool over people's eyes, definitely. Professional? No. It might have been fun working with your friends, but a lot of people watched for the OMG! I can't believe what I'm seeing/hearing side of it! They weren't watching because they wanted to buy anything, it was because they found it so-bad-it's-good. We could see through you.

I'm convinced they were close because they were 'all in it together', that they had the mentality that it was 'us against the world'. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they justified their behaviour by way of some perverse notions like 'it's our duty to protect the jobs of Alf and Wilf in the Warehouse'.

And in the absence of them being hypnotised I cannot think of any other way a half decent person could behave the way many of them have.

Or maybe i'm being too kind and many of them are simply ruthless shysters. Who knows?
two things.

1) Wirral... I keep thinking you are some kind of admin with that picture haha

2) shall we just join the qvc forum and get stuck into picking on jill franks, like usually happens.
to put it rather succinctly..

there was a reason that mike, sally, peter simon was on at 7pm and guy kean was on at 7am.... and it wasn't just because it would be guy's bedtime.
two things.

1) Wirral... I keep thinking you are some kind of admin with that picture haha

2) shall we just join the qvc forum and get stuck into picking on jill franks, like usually happens.

Do you know what, it did cross my mind it might be confusing and that I maybe shouldn't use it.

In fact I think i'll change it.
I wish forums had been around when the old quiz channels existed... I used to love Quiz tv and Russ and co but we all knew it was a con but was hilarious to watch them try to fill for hours.
I agree with steve, I used to be one of the sad (but there were many) sods that would stay up with quizmania etc... as it was just so random where it was clearly live tv participated in by the drunk.
Do you know what, it did cross my mind it might be confusing and that I maybe shouldn't use it.

In fact I think i'll change it.

When you made a post about the goddess etc, it was such a long post etc and out of the corner of my eye that I saw the icon so I thought admin had wrote it haha.

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