Random musings/no argument zone


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Bet his 'ouse in the country has a one of those signs with a name on i'm imagining casa del mason cos he loves himself innit'
I see PD are still charging £7.99 to post a ring. What a con. Still, I suppose it's a disguise for the free call but dump the price on the P&P.
That's nothing to the £9.99 p&p they charge for a MOP

I know I posted this before, but I ordered a part for my video camera from ebay (sorry) it came from Hong Kong. The price was £5.79 inc - and get this "free postage". Ordered Thursday - arrived following Tuesday. That's 4 days - or 2 working days. Now that's good! What PD are charging it's pretty poor service with the ridiculous delivery charge.
Mark Rhys - Have you got scaly old feet? We have the Ped pro next. Mike Mason here's sumfink for the wife/goddess. You can thank me later Mike.
It's not a subtle disguise if it is who I think it is m&m? Who possibly has those initials? Hmmm
Mason selling Boom tonight..."It's only £7 per pot including delivery...now how much do you pay for your kitchen cleaner, how much do you pay for your bathroom cleaner, how much do you pay for your oven cleaner? Boom can replace all these"

I'll tell you Mike. I go to Home Bargains or B & M's when they are on half-price offer and get them for a quid each. Saves me having to fork out £21 at Bid and having to wait up to 3 weeks for them to arrive.
Discussing oven cleaner "do you use it on your worktop? Do you use it on your floor? Do you use itin your bathroom? It's OVEN cleaner! Thanks for that mike!
Late at night for this thought to come to me often the way i don't know if gollum does spy on us i'm not bothered if he does but it just perpetuates how narcissistic he is that even though we have a right go (justified) he still has to know we're talking about him albeit in not so pleasant terms it's not a nice quality loving yourself it really isn't.

There's my thought for the day night all
We know they read the forum. Petet Sherlock used to be on the forun until people asked awkward questions about cheapo perfume. Lisa Brash ranted that there are people on a forum who reckon she knows nothing about art (as if we would say that!) and Mike namedropped PJ I would imagine with the intention of intimidating him! Unfortunately he didn't see it, others told him about it!
We know they read the forum. Petet Sherlock used to be on the forun until people asked awkward questions about cheapo perfume. Lisa Brash ranted that there are people on a forum who reckon she knows nothing about art (as if we would say that!) and Mike namedropped PJ I would imagine with the intention of intimidating him! Unfortunately he didn't see it, others told him about it!

I think it's indicative of the negative and often cynical nature of this forum that anyone would have the sheer audacity to claim Lisa Brash know's little about art.

I have learned much from her, not only that she charged more for a frame than she charged for a Kinkade, not only that you should get your pictures insured and not only that you should only buy art that you love and not merely as an investment vehicle. Not to mention that I learned she has those pebble prints from Ikea.

I'll be perfectly honest, I didn't learn very much about the actual prints she was selling as she didn't say much about them but I value her artistic vision immensely.
I've been watching Paul Evers on PD all morning and have heard him say twice "name me another shopping channel with a freephone number". Erm, QVC, Paul? The shopping channel that strips Sit-up alive in every aspect?
I have generally liked Paul in the past, he's a cheerful guy and I like some of his songs although he overdoes all that. However this is deliberately misleading and I don't like that. Stop it Paul!


And what a lovely group we have here.

I think it's indicative of the negative and often cynical nature of this forum that anyone would have the sheer audacity to claim Lisa Brash know's little about art.

I have learned much from her, not only that she charged more for a frame than she charged for a Kinkade, not only that you should get your pictures insured and not only that you should only buy art that you love and not merely as an investment vehicle. Not to mention that I learned she has those pebble prints from Ikea.

I'll be perfectly honest, I didn't learn very much about the actual prints she was selling as she didn't say much about them but I value her artistic vision immensely.

I've learnt a lot from her too (although not that much about art). I like her.

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