Random musings/no argument zone


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It seems the good folks on Madeena's facebook page don't care for the daft twitter account. Someone posted "just to confirm that the following is a FAKE twitter account, it is NOT Mike. I've posted it so you are aware of it and know it's not him, not so you can follow as I believe it to be poking fun at Mike and his family rather than supporting his work. Thanks"

Supporting his work. What work?

Then someone added "As if Mike would have a twitter account!!!! Hilarious!!"

I concur, as if he'd be allowed to speak for himself :mysmilie_59:
Quite agree - Mike Mason is the past. I hope he is happy reflecting on his past performances and finds a suitable job that suits his dubious talents. Leckie maybee - :mysmilie_59:

...Or maybe not - Leckie with a grudge? - Not the best combination!
His only 'crime' (for want of a better word) was that he always wanted the best for his audience and perhaps, at times, he may have appeared a touch too ebullient.

But I have to say that, personally, I found that refreshing.

You are right, and I have a theory that he is a time traveller but not from the future but from the past so how can we blame him for his caveman like attitude when it comes to women
To those who are reading from Mike's fan page on Facebook I will say what I have said all along. I wanted Bid to change not to close but on a daily basis lies were said repeatedly so you reap what you sew.

What other business apart from Babestation do you know that makes you spend £1.53 just to order. At least babestation you actually get to talk to the right tit on screen ... *

* I am not saying the women on screen on BS are just breasts I was just saying it for comedic licence :)
Oh dear, the fake Twitter page has upset his fan club. What a shame...

Indeed, and they now seem concerned that all his droves of followers aren't really fans.

"To the pathetic person who reads this page and reports back to the sad individuals on a certain forum, if you are brave enough to post sarcastic childish comments every day reveal who you are on here?? Why on earth are you obsessed with someone you claim to dislike its about time you got help as your life is obviously in a sad sorry state"

"I'm not comfortable with posting on here if our comments may be used elsewhere. There's obviously a spy or two in our camp. Shouldn't even be on here if they can't say anything nice about Mike. Does admin not have any idea who they may be so they can be removed?"

At least they have something to talk about now, I can't imagine there's much else to do on a fanpage for an ex-shopping telly presenter off a channel that's gone bust. Maybe Maddee is telling them all what she dressed him in today, gotta be initialled cuffs!

That's the last i'll be posting on the matter but I just thought it might be interesting to give an insight into the mindset of these people, jeez they take themselves seriously. I might be sad but at least I don't idolise some bullshitter who sells Worry Angels and Dongles.

Sorry, he used to sell :mysmilie_59:
Indeed, and they now seem concerned that all his droves of followers aren't really fans.

"To the pathetic person who reads this page and reports back to the sad individuals on a certain forum, if you are brave enough to post sarcastic childish comments every day reveal who you are on here?? Why on earth are you obsessed with someone you claim to dislike its about time you got help as your life is obviously in a sad sorry state"

"I'm not comfortable with posting on here if our comments may be used elsewhere. There's obviously a spy or two in our camp. Shouldn't even be on here if they can't say anything nice about Mike. Does admin not have any idea who they may be so they can be removed?"

At least they have something to talk about now, I can't imagine there's much else to do on a fanpage for an ex-shopping telly presenter off a channel that's gone bust. Maybe Maddee is telling them all what she dressed him in today, gotta be initialled cuffs!

That's the last i'll be posting on the matter but I just thought it might be interesting to give an insight into the mindset of these people, jeez they take themselves seriously. I might be sad but at least I don't idolise some bullshitter who sells Worry Angels and Dongles.

Sorry, he used to sell :mysmilie_59:

I will give my response to the above post when I stop laughing. It may be some time!
Sally keeps going on about how we can sign up "FOR FREE!!!!!" for her newsletter on her website.

Did anyone ever pay to join a mailing list in the history of the internet?!

Sally keeps going on about how we can sign up "FOR FREE!!!!!" for her newsletter on her website.

Did anyone ever pay to join a mailing list in the history of the internet?!


Did you read her ever so humble comments to the completely blameless customer who has lost his money because he ordered a watch around the time they went bust?

She said 'My friends and colleagues have lost there jobs. I hope you get sorted, but a watch compared to a home is hardly comparable'

How dignified. And it's good to see she's taking her share of the blame for them going down the chute, pesky customers! :mysmilie_59:
Did you read her ever so humble comments to the completely blameless customer who has lost his money because he ordered a watch around the time they went bust?

She said 'My friends and colleagues have lost there jobs. I hope you get sorted, but a watch compared to a home is hardly comparable'

How dignified. And it's good to see she's taking her share of the blame for them going down the chute, pesky customers! :mysmilie_59:

So, from what I can gather, is that the staff (presumably all of them) had not been paid for a couple of months. Their employer was going through a procedure to walk away from their mountain of debt, but they had no idea their employer was in trouble. They had not spotted that the products were very limited because people wouldn't supply to them. She should not be making a comment like that to a customer - she chose to work there, a customer would not necessarily know they were in financial difficulty when he/she made a purchase. Andy and Debbie got out, Debbie after a very short time. (PS I know the staff are freelance, I was using the word employer in a general way).
So, from what I can gather, is that the staff (presumably all of them) had not been paid for a couple of months. Their employer was going through a procedure to walk away from their mountain of debt, but they had no idea their employer was in trouble. They had not spotted that the products were very limited because people wouldn't supply to them. She should not be making a comment like that to a customer - she chose to work there, a customer would not necessarily know they were in financial difficulty when he/she made a purchase. Andy and Debbie got out, Debbie after a very short time. (PS I know the staff are freelance, I was using the word employer in a general way).

I think there's an awful lot of bull being spewed by certain ex-presenters but that is totally in character.

But now they aren't selling it is of course their prerogative.
I wish Peter Simon was on social media (I'm assuming he isn't as no-one has commented). I would love to hear his perspective on the situation.

He could type a 10,000 word explanation and you probably still wouldn't be any the wiser.

In fact I wouldn't be surprised if the people who worked with him for years never really knew that much about him.
Did you read her ever so humble comments to the completely blameless customer who has lost his money because he ordered a watch around the time they went bust?

She said 'My friends and colleagues have lost there jobs. I hope you get sorted, but a watch compared to a home is hardly comparable'

How dignified. And it's good to see she's taking her share of the blame for them going down the chute, pesky customers! :mysmilie_59:

Indeed, I think she was pretty restrained there, and would have probably "let him have it!" Fancy having a go at one of the presenters 'cause your stuff hasn't turned up, what does he expect her to do about it apart from make a few sympathetic noises - and she's let her feelings which are obviously running high at the minute spill out a tiny bit!

I'm hoping that this reply doesn't sound like I'm standing up for dodgy sales practices, aggressive selling and general shystering - It's not meant to - but really? Sally did say she'd messaged him and offered advice re credit card etc.
Indeed, I think she was pretty restrained there, and would have probably "let him have it!" Fancy having a go at one of the presenters 'cause your stuff hasn't turned up, what does he expect her to do about it apart from make a few sympathetic noises - and she's let her feelings which are obviously running high at the minute spill out a tiny bit!

I'm hoping that this reply doesn't sound like I'm standing up for dodgy sales practices, aggressive selling and general shystering - It's not meant to - but really? Sally did say she'd messaged him and offered advice re credit card etc.

Of course not Merry, you're entitled to your opinion. I totally disagree with you though, entirely.

It's only my opinion but it seems the ex-presenters seem to be as completely as utterly blinkered to their involvement in the collapse and all the people losing their jobs as they were seemingly blinkered when they spewed all the BS on air. But for her to say that to a customer who, totally innocently, has lost their money for me beggars belief. To my mind it comes across as 'sod you mate, you're not a customer of mine anymore'. And sadly it dosen't surprise me, not in the least. A far more 'dignified' reply might have been something like 'i'm so sorry but I can't get involved, you need to speak to the Administrators'. I accept she probably isn't the right person to be addressing such concerns to though.

I have not seen so much a single shred of humility from one of them who have decided to post publicly (or posts from their partners), it's as if they really don't think they had anything whatsoever to do with the inevitable outcome. Sometimes it's just better to take a period of time out and be quiet, like Andy did.
Of course not Merry, you're entitled to your opinion. I totally disagree with you though, entirely.

It's only my opinion but it seems the ex-presenters seem to be as completely as utterly blinkered to their involvement in the collapse and all the people losing their jobs as they were seemingly blinkered when they told all the lies on air. But for her to say that to a customer who, totally innocently, has lost their money for me beggars belief. To my mind it comes across as 'sod you mate, you're not a customer of mine anymore'. And sadly it dosen't surprise me, not in the least.

I have not seen so much a single shred of humility from a single one of them, only self pity. Sometimes it's just better to take a period of time out and be quiet, like Andy did.

In my opinion.

But are they really going to admit to deliberately misleading customers, aggressive selling techniques, telling lies on air, scaremongering? They're not, especially now they're all out there looking for work. I am glad it's all come back to bite them on the bum, but we've got to remember as much as these presenters seeming to be "revelling in it at the time" it was the show's producers who ultimately called the shots, and you could imagine them in the earpiece " that's right lay it on thick"...."Yeah, run with it LOL!" and we've got to remember that a lot of totally blameless people have been caught up in all this. I agree these channels HAD to end sooner or later, they were wrong on so many levels, but I really do miss the entertainment value they gave me. Seriously though apart from the revolting Gollum and Peter Simon, there's not one of them I wouldn't like to see presenting on tv again (Perhaps I've forgotten someone, I'm sure I have)..but I can see the reasons why we're not seeing much humility right now!
But are they really going to admit to deliberately misleading customers, aggressive selling techniques, telling lies on air, scaremongering? They're not, especially now they're all out there looking for work. I am glad it's all come back to bite them on the bum, but we've got to remember as much as these presenters seeming to be "revelling in it at the time" it was the show's producers who ultimately called the shots, and you could imagine them in the earpiece " that's right lay it on thick"...."Yeah, run with it LOL!" and we've got to remember that a lot of totally blameless people have been caught up in all this. I agree these channels HAD to end sooner or later, they were wrong on so many levels, but I really do miss the entertainment value they gave me. Seriously though apart from the revolting Gollum and Peter Simon, there's not one of them I wouldn't like to see presenting on tv again (Perhaps I've forgotten someone, I'm sure I have)..but I can see the reasons why we're not seeing much humility right now!

It's all academic now I guess, they've gone and good riddance.

But Merry, I think you'll probably get your wish re: DP and Golly. They kind of cultivated a very niche audience for themselves didn't they?
It's all academic now I guess, they've gone and good riddance.

But Merry, I think you'll probably get your wish re: DP and Golly. They kind of cultivated a very niche audience for themselves didn't they?

In the past they could have got away with forwarding a sanitised showreel highlights tape to a prospective employer, but their media employment bridges get truly burnt courtesy of YouTube when they had previously indulged in antics like this shocker:

Best stick to flogging something like double glazing I think :mysmilie_59:

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