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A very Happy New Year to all.
Sir guy can indeed show the way.:mysmilie_12: The way he is selling that salt - A pure master class - Also did you hear him slagging off the gardening people - Pure class - he is untouchable.
Keep your money, I don't think you'll need to shell out if this new company are serious about surviving and even thriving, which I'm sure they are.

If this new lot don't know there's no place for loudmouth barrow boys (and girls) on a serious Shopping Channel then I suspect they have wasted their money!

That's a bit harsh. After all, in the beginning of Bid most of us would tune
in just to watch Mike & Peter... They really established the channel as a fun
place & they had decent products. It's not really their fault they have
to sell tat & make it sound wonderful. That's just the job of a
sales person.
IMO they should return to their original format. They can never be a QVC,
not should they be. You'd lose any fun & humour the channel has
Is this a co-incidence or what? Get in your mouse and get out of here Mason! :grin:


:mysmilie_14: He'll no doubt be the best children's entertainer, ever.

Now we have Gollum's future sorted we must help the others. I feel that Iceland need a replacement for Katona Katona, those adverts have never been the same without her.

Maybe Lisa Brash? She'd have to slightly change the slogan though 'Me Mam goes to Iceland'.
That's a bit harsh. After all, in the beginning of Bid most of us would tune
in just to watch Mike & Peter... They really established the channel as a fun
place & they had decent products. It's not really their fault they have
to sell tat & make it sound wonderful. That's just the job of a
sales person.
IMO they should return to their original format. They can never be a QVC,
not should they be. You'd lose any fun & humour the channel has

I'd agree with you Moët if the format worked, sadly it dosen't. They make no money (on the contrary), maybe they finally have to decide what they are. Is it a shopping channel or a holiday park cabaret?

I'm afraid the days of loudmouths screaming like loons and bigging up unheard of perfumes then charging the earth for it are probably over, I'm guessing it's a huge turnoff for most people.

It's old fashioned and very stale. I hope they can make a go of it but surely they have to drastically change things to improve, at times it's like watching ITV in 1983!

Retail is ruthless, even the mighty Debenhams had a lousy Christmas. Maybe they should have followed up that rumour your mate was peddling last year and got JPD :mysmilie_14:
:mysmilie_14: He'll no doubt be the best children's entertainer, ever.

Now we have Gollum's future sorted we must help the others. I feel that Iceland need a replacement for Katona Katona, those adverts have never been the same without her.

Maybe Lisa Brash? She'd have to slightly change the slogan though 'Me Mam goes to Iceland'.

I bet Iceland's PR department could animate a Kinkade picture with Lisa going inside the house painted on canvas? Closely followed by Mike dressed as a wolf? Iceland shopping trip turns into a nightmare :grin:
I bet Iceland's PR department could animate a Kinkade picture with Lisa going inside the house painted on canvas? Closely followed by Mike dressed as a wolf? Iceland shopping trip turns into a nightmare :grin:

Ha Ha :mysmilie_14:

Can you imagine the Brash explaining that there's no horsemeat in their burgers? 'These are grand pet, I love these and me Mam loves these and me daughter loves these. Me Mam spent £60 on them last week and that's half her money like man'.:mysmilie_13:

Another change was just announced. Shocked Face is no longer doing Wednesday evenings, he just said his shifts are changing.
I heard bid are re-signing debbit flint and in a bid to cut costs and pretence... are simply going to operate out of a market stall
"well done everyone"

Go Go Go :mysmilie_14: Frump is dreadful but Debbie Flint unnerves me, I think it's her piercing stare. Scary woman!

I think there's only one woman who can save Bid. JENNY TOPP, top of the bill.

See ya Dirty Peter, it's mid mornings for you lad!
I see the BBC have announced the line up for the 2014 Celebrity Bake Off. Michael Ball, Jane Horrocks and Alistair McGowan are amongst the contestants.

You probably won't be surprised to learn that there's no sign of Dirty Peter.
I see the BBC have announced the line up for the 2014 Celebrity Bake Off. Michael Ball, Jane Horrocks and Alistair McGowan are amongst the contestants.

You probably won't be surprised to learn that there's no sign of Dirty Peter.

thats because you need to be a celebrity
Caught some of natalie cleverley's shift.

I was impressed that she sold a variety of handbags without contradicting herself once... if i was a customer, i wouldn't have been made to feel like an idiot 10mins after making a purchase.

Good stuff natalie

Only just noticed this post
I've seen a couple of Natalie's shifts lately too and I think she's done Bid proud. She doesn't go over the top about the products with too much exaggeration, embellishment or hype! neither does she constantly talk about herself (certain other presenters take note!) I enjoyed watching her
On a slightly different note, there was an assistant on Bid yesterday whose face didn't move (Tanya maybe?) too much botox perhaps? such a shame in such a young, pretty girl.

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