Random musings and general banter.


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Another watch show and the usual nonsense, different presenter and guest, same crap.;)

Sean – “For anybody that doesn’t know about this brand (CCCP), give us a few headlines”

Jim Crawley – “It’s a real rich history of Russian watch making, it originated in the early 1900s by Alexander Shorokhoff, and he wanted to celebrate the former Soviet Union’s, art, mathematics, design, architecture and he was affiliated with the second Moscow watchmaking factory, in Moscow. And it was synonymous with the Slava watch movement, which has now become a collector’s piece, blah blah.”

Let’s play along a bit with Jim Crawley’s story, and let’s just say Alexander Shorokhoff was about to start the CCCP brand in 1924 to celebrate the former Soviet Union’s achievements. Ok so far.

So in Jim Crawley’s world, in 1924 Alexander Shorokhoff (born in 1960) started the CCCP brand in Moscow (actually started in Germany in the 1990s), because he wanted to celebrate the former Soviet Union's achievements, even though in 1924 the Soviet Union wouldn’t become a former for another 67 years.
That really makes sense Jim, really glad you’re here to keep us straight with your expert knowledge of the CCCP watch brand. Have a feeling Jim's been reading too much HG Wells during the lockdown.:ROFLMAO:

Back in the real world

CCCP brand never originated in 1924, nor is it Russian or Russian made, some of their watches contain a Russian movement, but that’s it. It was a German based brand started by Alexander Shorokhoff in the 90s, which he sold a few years back to Chinese Company and is now based in Hong Kong.

1924 is the actual date, Jim Crawley is on about, it’s when The Slava Watch Factory opened (also known as Second Moscow Watch factory), but Alexander Shorokhoff wasn’t born till 1960 so had nothing to do with its origins, nor was he affiliated to it, in fact he went to Germany in the 80s to learn about free-market economy, started by selling Poljot watches (Brand of the First Moscow Watch Company). While there he then set up his own company “Alexander Shorokhoff watch manufacture" to make his own brands Poljot International, CCCP etc.;)

'CPPC, a brand of the utmost quality, reflecting the robustness of the Russian tank, the beauty of the Grand Gremlins Palace, the intricacy of a Russian doll. Made since the dawn of man, from stone age to iron age, each watch comprising one million parts, each taking three years to make by five thousand hairologists. Not only the love of passion, not only the ... but also the ... tick tock tick tock of time, man against ... sun ... sea ... land ... an achievement of the gods and ... this is what CPCP is. Insure them, love them, start an affair with them. Ah yes, to you my friend, with sincerity abound, all one can say is BUY IT NOW MATE, QUICK QUICK QUICK!!!'

Okay I'll shut up ;) Another informative post and just goes to show, as long as they're not saying anything that's outlandish to the layman, they can spout any old guff. They certainly play fast and loose with comments like 'a trusted brand since ...' forgetting to mention the original brand went belly up and the name was bought x years later by a new company trading from an industrial estate just down the road. Slight exaggeration but you get my point.
Just seen annoying bald Irish former Vax fella talking about some anti-viral, anti-bacterial cleaner.

He said the following "Idealworld asked the manufacturer for more stock, but they said they are working to capacity and have no more to spare. Idealworld managed to convince them to grab some of that stock and send it to us. I don't know if those other orders were extended or whatever..."

If that is actually true, then rather than it sounding positive, it makes the company and Idealworld sound like absolute shits! People/companies waiting on valuable cleaning products needed more than ever, and Idealworld muscle in and take away from their orders!!! :mad:
Geesh, what's with the overkill with the One Chem cleaner, all the 3M Clean Trace surface swabs etc. Christ they make it sound like it's something special, go to Asda, Tesco etc and you can buy bog standard anti bac & viral cleaners which do the same job cheaper.
And I just love how they have Coronavirus (Common cold & flu are corona-viruses) in red on the front, even though that's not related to Covid-19, as though it's something that can do extra to other anti bac & Virus cleaners on the market, when it's doesn't, just a tactic, in poor taste IMO, to take advantage of the present crisis to flog a new product (product brought to you by the same folk that do, Spear & Jackson spay and leave, Williams & Renault waterless wax, RHS weedkiller, etc).
And the guff the presenter spouted about, how if you go into shops and buy cleaners and they only say that they kill 99.99% bacteria, and with One Chem it's also anti viral so this is the one for you, sorry lass, but think you might have to actually do some research before making such statements as most of the anti bacterial cleaners are also anti viral (even though they might not have it emblazoned on the front label like One Chem).
They want £9.99 + 2.99 post and packaging for 2 x 750ml bottles, go to Asda just now and you can buy for £3 (Reduced at moment normally £5) 2 x 750mls of Dettol Anti Bacterial Surface Cleaner, does exactly same job.
Just seen annoying bald Irish former Vax fella talking about some anti-viral, anti-bacterial cleaner.

He said the following "Idealworld asked the manufacturer for more stock, but they said they are working to capacity and have no more to spare. Idealworld managed to convince them to grab some of that stock and send it to us. I don't know if those other orders were extended or whatever..."

If that is actually true, then rather than it sounding positive, it makes the company and Idealworld sound like absolute shits! People/companies waiting on valuable cleaning products needed more than ever, and Idealworld muscle in and take away from their orders!!! :mad:

On the one hand, I wouldn't believe a word that any of the IW presenters or guests says, they've proven themselves on a daily basis, to be a very untrustworthy bunch.
But in this case, wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if that claim was true, given that IW sell lots of products from Assured Products Ltd, I can easily believe they would use their buying power as a preferential customer so that some smaller retailer got screwed and had to wait longer for their delivery. IW's ethics/morals in regards to their customers are pretty low, so wouldn't think they would too be worried about pinching & delaying an other company's orders.
Mobile time, and Mason with his, where are we now with different features, £200, £300, £500 up to £800 then ends up at £99.99. :ROFLMAO:
Really does treat the viewers like they are idiots. :mad:

And Mason's phone doesn't do two things that the wiley does, well Mike why haven't you ditched your Iphone for the super duper Wileyfox? You're asking everybody else to take the plunge and buy the wiley (and every other cheap mobile IW sells) instead of buying a more expensive phone with features you don't use or need, why don't you put your money where your mouth is, and dump your more expensive phone for one of IW's super duper, what a piece of kit, cheap phone.
:ROFLMAO: Hammy you have written almost exactly what i had intended to write about baldy great minds etc and i know about fools seldom differing :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Hello everyone, I hope you’re all well.

Last night I stumbled across Dirty Peter shilling another Vibrathingy. He claimed it has helped him ‘Lose 3 Stones’ which I’m quite happy to call out as a bare faced lie as his Moobs look bigger and Wobblier than ever.

He was wearing his minging, light blue workout outfit again which looks like it needs disinfecting.

I betcha all the Goons are very happy to socially distance from Dirty Peter :)
Geesh, what's with the overkill with the One Chem cleaner, all the 3M Clean Trace surface swabs etc. Christ they make it sound like it's something special, go to Asda, Tesco etc and you can buy bog standard anti bac & viral cleaners which do the same job cheaper.
And I just love how they have Coronavirus (Common cold & flu are corona-viruses) in red on the front, even though that's not related to Covid-19, as though it's something that can do extra to other anti bac & Virus cleaners on the market, when it's doesn't, just a tactic, in poor taste IMO, to take advantage of the present crisis to flog a new product (product brought to you by the same folk that do, Spear & Jackson spay and leave, Williams & Renault waterless wax, RHS weedkiller, etc).
And the guff the presenter spouted about, how if you go into shops and buy cleaners and they only say that they kill 99.99% bacteria, and with One Chem it's also anti viral so this is the one for you, sorry lass, but think you might have to actually do some research before making such statements as most of the anti bacterial cleaners are also anti viral (even though they might not have it emblazoned on the front label like One Chem).
They want £9.99 + 2.99 post and packaging for 2 x 750ml bottles, go to Asda just now and you can buy for £3 (Reduced at moment normally £5) 2 x 750mls of Dettol Anti Bacterial Surface Cleaner, does exactly same job.

Yes it's galling (although hardly surprising) to see them jump on the 'this product is good for you because of covid19' bandwagon. Even when selling something like an air purifier, that will have little if any positive effect on covid19 risks within the household (could even make transmission risk worse if it's a rubbish one), they can't resist slipping in a statement like 'especially in these trying times' with a faux sincere face and voice tone.
First rule of shopping telly for a presenter just has to be that if you're telling a story then stick to it no matter what, but of course Peter Simon sometimes drives coach and horses through that assumption. Take for example yesterday's suspension pillows show at 7.30pm (it says Mike Mason but Peter Simon presents to begin with): https://www.idealworld.tv/gb/shows/gx-suspension-pillow-blockbuster-2806473?channel=IW

At 2:22 he said "So you won't have any of that turning your pillow over every four or five hours like I do", but then said he'd already bought one of those suspension pillows at the full price as well as saying something similar previously, so is he saying that the suspension pillow isn't that good? :)
Hello everyone, I hope you’re all well.

Last night I stumbled across Dirty Peter shilling another Vibrathingy. He claimed it has helped him ‘Lose 3 Stones’ which I’m quite happy to call out as a bare faced lie as his Moobs look bigger and Wobblier than ever.

He was wearing his minging, light blue workout outfit again which looks like it needs disinfecting.

I betcha all the Goons are very happy to socially distance from Dirty Peter :)
I heard him say that too, wish he'd pack it in. He probably lost 3 stone the time he was ill and doubt he was wobbling his bits on that plate thing then.
First rule of shopping telly for a presenter just has to be that if you're telling a story then stick to it no matter what, but of course Peter Simon sometimes drives coach and horses through that assumption. Take for example yesterday's suspension pillows show at 7.30pm (it says Mike Mason but Peter Simon presents to begin with): https://www.idealworld.tv/gb/shows/gx-suspension-pillow-blockbuster-2806473?channel=IW

At 2:22 he said "So you won't have any of that turning your pillow over every four or five hours like I do", but then said he'd already bought one of those suspension pillows at the full price as well as saying something similar previously, so is he saying that the suspension pillow isn't that good? :)
The bloke who makes the pillows is the most unconvincing salesperson on Ideal World - and that takes some doing !
His whole pitch is that he is a cabinet maker not a marketeer , but his every word seems to undermine that claim.
From the highly emotional back story he churns out as to how he came into the pillow business , to his extraordinary claim that he tried 'dozens of pillows' to find an effective one , every word seems to me, to be highly questionable..
He even tells us that he went to the ' famous department store in Knightsbridge' in search of a decent pillow and felt he ended up paying top dollar for the bag it came in..
Really ????
You wouldn't be feeding us shopping telly guff would you ?
First rule of shopping telly for a presenter just has to be that if you're telling a story then stick to it no matter what, but of course Peter Simon sometimes drives coach and horses through that assumption. Take for example yesterday's suspension pillows show at 7.30pm (it says Mike Mason but Peter Simon presents to begin with): https://www.idealworld.tv/gb/shows/gx-suspension-pillow-blockbuster-2806473?channel=IW

At 2:22 he said "So you won't have any of that turning your pillow over every four or five hours like I do", but then said he'd already bought one of those suspension pillows at the full price as well as saying something similar previously, so is he saying that the suspension pillow isn't that good? :)

He also said, you'll be one of the first in the UK to own it, as though it's just been released, QVC were selling it back in 2018.

They tell some many different stories, it's impossible for them to stick to one, and that's why it's so easy to catch them out, everyone of them is at it.

The last time GX suspension pillow was on, Denice was gushing over it as were all the presenters, and they were all getting as per usual, then we had My Pillow earlier this week and low and behold it's the My Pillow for Denice.
You have to wonder why IW have PS on the keep fit carp he looks disgusting with his blue shorts etc and what he must do to the viewers looking at his wobbling thighs then he pulled up his shorts oh sorry will have to stop i feel sick :eek:

This ties in with something I was intending to post on here today. I found the LinkedIn page for an ex selly telly presenter (not IW) and she stated she was the 'highest commission earning presenter on the channel for x years.' Whether this is true or not, the basis of it must hold at least some truth. I don't know if IW presenters get paid by show only, or if they also get a commission. Regardless, if sales from the shows you present are high, the managers will love you even if you're an insufferable twat. You have to wonder if the likes of Peter falls into this bracket. Many on this forum, including me, don't like his presenting style, his mannerisms etc. However, you have to hazard a guess the sales numbers from shows he presents are at least half decent, or they wouldn't retain him? And, although we don't rate his antics, maybe the average IW viewer does? I.e. maybe he gets his fair share of positive viewer feedback from the blue rinse brigade?

I briefly worked in car sales years back. The top salesman was a genuine 100% twat. Came in late, left early, loved bending the rules. The managers loved him. Why? Consistently high monthly sales. He once said to me 'don't worry if you can tell they probably can't afford the car, just get them to sign. Then it's their problem. Worst case scenario it'll be a repo (repossession) but you'll have the sale and your commission!'
He also said, you'll be one of the first in the UK to own it, as though it's just been released, QVC were selling it back in 2018.

They tell some many different stories, it's impossible for them to stick to one, and that's why it's so easy to catch them out, everyone of them is at it.

The last time GX suspension pillow was on, Denice was gushing over it as were all the presenters, and they were all getting as per usual, then we had My Pillow earlier this week and low and behold it's the My Pillow for Denice.

My Pillow is a well known Selly Telly product in the USA.

It’s ran by a geezer called Mike Lindell who is one of Donald Trump’s Flunkies. He used to be a Crack Head but he’s now reformed and always wears a Crucifix over his shirt because, just like Donald Trump, he’s a very religious man :ROFLMAO:

However, if you google ‘My Pillow Lawsuits’ you’ll see that My Pillow could well have found the perfect home on Ideal World;)
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This ties in with something I was intending to post on here today. I found the LinkedIn page for an ex selly telly presenter (not IW) and she stated she was the 'highest commission earning presenter on the channel for x years.' Whether this is true or not, the basis of it must hold at least some truth. I don't know if IW presenters get paid by show only, or if they also get a commission. Regardless, if sales from the shows you present are high, the managers will love you even if you're an insufferable twat. You have to wonder if the likes of Peter falls into this bracket. Many on this forum, including me, don't like his presenting style, his mannerisms etc. However, you have to hazard a guess the sales numbers from shows he presents are at least half decent, or they wouldn't retain him? And, although we don't rate his antics, maybe the average IW viewer does? I.e. maybe he gets his fair share of positive viewer feedback from the blue rinse brigade?

I briefly worked in car sales years back. The top salesman was a genuine 100% twat. Came in late, left early, loved bending the rules. The managers loved him. Why? Consistently high monthly sales. He once said to me 'don't worry if you can tell they probably can't afford the car, just get them to sign. Then it's their problem. Worst case scenario it'll be a repo (repossession) but you'll have the sale and your commission!'

Not sure about them all, but noticed recently, Sally Jacks is self isolating for 12 weeks, she isn't getting paid during this time as she's freelance, which i would assume will be the same for the rest. So probably just paid by shows, the more shows the more money. Not sure how commission would work as their must be orders for products outwith the hour presenters are on and a few presenters can be doing the same product during any day, unless they work it on the how a product sells and the presenters involved with selling that particular product will share the commission.
How many times in the last few weeks has Peter Simon said on Vostok Europe shows, this is your last chance to get this watch, well would you believe it, Vostok Europe back again tonight. :rolleyes:
Another World exclusive, probable been diverted from baselworld or was destined for another distributor but as a thank you to the magnificent IW collectors Igor has done the business and made sure IW are first with all the stock available. :ROFLMAO:

I've tried that RHS weed killer that's on just now, got it from Amazon, never again, had to use it concentrated as it was so poor at killing some weeds when diluted as recommended.
Basel world was going to stop long before this virus, all the "big" names has already pulled, so no-one really showing. Bottle ready for tonights offering though:cool:;)
Correct me if I'm wrong but I haven't seen any of the presenters wearing any of the 'masterpieces of horology' they prize so highly. It could be of course that they own them but don't wish to wear such magnificent timepieces to work (understandable) or that their watch insurance only covers for third party, fire and theft.

Anyway, it seems there is one IW regular who wears one of the watches sold by IW. The bald Irish demonstrator bloke sports a VE wristwatch. I noticed when he was on demoing the waterless wash & wax. Look out for it the next time he's on.

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