I might have been dreaming but I think I caught sight of Frumpy tilt head on TJC - I'm surprised that IW didn't snap her right up, she would have been "Ideal". Looks like a wholesome honest gal who goes to church every sunday, helps old ladies across the road, butter wouldn't melt! - but in fact is one of the biggest bullsh*tters that have ever graced our screens. Uses anecdotes about her disabled brother to sell everything from blankets to glow in the dark nail varnish, tells us that she spent the same money on a newspaper and a bag of crisps as what she'd have needed to spend on the blender that she's demonstrating - She'd float her own grandmother down the river! They missed a trick there lol!
Howard being honest wow.
Any exercise equipment hour with Filthy Peter and Tim has now turned into The Peter Simon Gets Fit Hour. I've caught two shows over the weekend with PS and it's all "I was at death's door 18 months ago", "Ooh, I live such a sedentary lifestyle", "When I'm sat at 'ome on me own with the custard creams...", etc. We all know he had a serious illness in the Bid days, but wasn't that several years ago now? I hope he's not dredging it out for the sympathy vote, being overly personal in order to gain people's trust...
Any exercise equipment hour with Filthy Peter and Tim has now turned into The Peter Simon Gets Fit Hour. I've caught two shows over the weekend with PS and it's all "I was at death's door 18 months ago", "Ooh, I live such a sedentary lifestyle", "When I'm sat at 'ome on me own with the custard creams...", etc. We all know he had a serious illness in the Bid days, but wasn't that several years ago now? I hope he's not dredging it out for the sympathy vote, being overly personal in order to gain people's trust...
Sympathy vote? No, I don't think so...........he wouldn't would he?
He doesn't like to go into it. It was around four years ago now, not two, like he says, trying to keep it fresh and it was nothing to do with excercise or being overweight, which he wasn't. That's probably why he doesn't go into it as it has absolutely nothing to do with what he's shilling. He had septacemia and pneumonia allegedly.
Sympathy vote?......I've changed my mind, yes it is!
Tim says it's alright if he wears his jim jams cos he's going home and strite to bed. When he stood up he had all sweat marks under his man ****suke: all for a piddling 150 ish calories he'd burnt!
When he introduced the next hour he looked positively bedraggled and shattered. All his orange make up had dripped off leaving him grey and those limited sprigs of hair on his bonce were all over the place. It's obviously clear that they're really making the goons earn their specks of corn now.
I love it :mysmilie_59:
It's not just the presenters buying themselves fashion now. Our Sheeeel couldn't decide between two awful top colours. She went with one, creepy perv said he'd buy her the other. So presenters are buying other presenters stuff now :mysmilie_19:
Did you see the various Palm Tree 'Bomber Jackets'?
Gorge :mysmilie_59: